The Cub Corner
Expect Excellence In Everything
April 14, 2023
A Message from Dr. Brown
Dear Parents and Guardians!
I hope you had a fun, restful, and safe Spring Break. I missed everyone. It was great to see all the smiling faces on Monday.
We have our Georgia Milestones testing later this month. Please pay close attention to the dates when making appointments. We would like to have our Cubs here on the initial testing dates.
We will begin the Kid's Heart Challenge next week. I apologize for the fundraisers being so close together. We will narrow down the fundraising efforts for next year. Thank you for your support!
Remember to bring your Baby Cubs to Play 2 Learn on Wednesdays. Please contact Ms. Cann at
Attention 5th Grade Parents! We have scheduled our end of the year events for May 23rd and May 24th. May 23rd will be the 5th Grade Walk at 1:45. May 24th will be the 5th Grade Ceremony. More details to come! Parents are invited to attend both events.
Dr. Brown
Important Dates
4/17-28 Kids Heart Challenge
4/18 Cubs Care Club 7:30am
4/19 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
4/20 Chorus 7:15am
4/20 International Night 5:30pm-7:30pm
4/24-26 ELA Milestones- 3rd, 4th, & 5th
4/26 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
4/27 Garden Club 7:00am
5/1-2 Math Milestones- 3rd, 4th, & 5th
5/3 Play2Learn Wednesday 9:00am-10:30am
5/4 Science Milestones- 5th ONLY
WMES Presents International Night
What: A night to celebrate our school’s diverse culture!
When: April 20th from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: WMES
If you would like to make a dish to be sampled, set up a table with artifacts from your country (countries), or would like to help with organizing and setting up the event, please contact Crystal Johnson at
Kids Heart Challenge: April 17-28
Our American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge event will begin Monday, April 17th 2023!
You can help our class win the classroom challenge! Our goal is to have 100% of our students register online and complete Finn’s Mission. The top class in each grade level will earn a Recess Bag full of playground equipment for their classroom!
Here’s how you can help:
Complete Finn’s Mission: Watch a 2-minute video to know Hands-Only CPR, spot the signs of a stroke and more!
Share with friends and family through social media, text and/or email.
Any student who raises $150 by the end of the event will earn an exclusive Frankie Collector's Keychain!
We need your help to accomplish our goal of having 100% of our families to know Hands-Only CPR, and you can help us by registering your child and spreading the word.
Team Coach Watson vs. Team Coach Jones - the winning coach will get to pie the losing coach in the face on the morning announcements!! Plus, the top student will get the gym named after them!
Also, check out this awesome video:
Specials Teacher Appreciation Week: April 17-21
Georgia Milestones Assessment
Milestones Practice Site Information
This practice site lets students see what testing online is like. Parents and educators are welcome to try it too. The items on the demonstration tests are general and are organized into three grade bands: Grades 3 – 5, Grades 6 – 8, and High School in the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The items do not necessarily represent the specific grade-level content that students learn daily in their classrooms. The primary purpose is to let students experience, firsthand, the functionality of the online testing platform. The sample tests are not graded, so have fun!
WMES Gifted Student of the Year!
Gwinnett Community Services April Events
Bear Beginnings Camp 2023
April 17-21, 2023
Monday: Chicken drumstick, pasta alfredo, or turkey basket
Tuesday: Boneless chicken, chili beans, or empanada
Wednesday: Burger or yogurt basket
Thursday: Pizza, spinach dip, or corn dogs
Friday: Rice bowl, pinwheel, or PBJ
*Menu is subject to change due to supply shortages.
Spotlight: April is Poetry Month
All the World by Liz Garton Seanton
The poet follows a group of family members and friends through the course of a day as they learn the importance of all things great and small.
Book Mobile 5K
When: Saturday, May 6, 2023 @ 8 am
Where: J. Alvin Wilbanks Instructional Support Center in Suwanee
Register at
Runners 18 and under get a FREE BOOK!
Music, door prizes, awards and snacks! See the Book Mobiles in person!
April 1-30, 2023
During the month of April, encourage your child to read and log at least 300 minutes! Students will login to Beanstack using their GCPS student number and their birthday month and date (MMDD) as their password. Students are able to log reading minutes either on their laptop or on a mobile device.
Refer to the media center link of the school website for helpful resources to get your child started with Beanstack. Contact if you have any questions about this digital reading program.
As we approach the end of the year, it is important for students to come to school, on time, every day! We are learning up until the last day! Keep in mind that seasonal allergies are not a reason to stay home from school. Please contact Ms. Bacon in the clinic if you have questions about managing your child’s allergies at school.
Character Word of the Month: Fairness
The character word of the month for April is Fairness. Being fair does not always mean that everyone gets the same things, but it does mean that everyone is treated with the same amount of respect. Teachers will be looking for students exhibiting fairness to be recognized as the student of the month with a free ice cream!
Join us on Facebook for more updates & upcoming PTA meeting information!
Do you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten next year in the fall? Have you completed the Kindergarten registration process online? Click the link below to learn more about how to register your new Kindergartener online!
Publix Partners
Support your school every time you shop!
Publix Partners has contributed $38.7 million to more than 4,950 schools across the Southeast since the program's inception.
Participating is easy! Simply sign up for Club Publix or log in to your existing account, click Publix Partners, and select a school. Then, every time you shop at Publix, pay with the Publix app or enter your phone number at checkout. We’ll give back to the school of your choice—one of the many perks of being a Club Publix member!
Business Partners
Woodward Mill would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous business partners that support the students and teachers at our school. Our business partners support our school in various ways such as sponsoring after-school clubs, providing teacher appreciation gifts, donating supplies, and mentoring students. Please check out our wonderful business partners below:
Woodward Mill proudly thanks our business partners! Please support these businesses that support our school!
Smiles Forever Orthodontics
Whiz Learning Kids
Heo's Tae Kwon Do
About Us
Location: 2020 Buford Drive Northeast, Lawrenceville, GA, United States
Phone: 678-407-7590