Mighty Mustangs
September 2024
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Happy September
Principal's Message
Dear Parkview Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for an amazing few weeks of school!
I would like to share some procedures, reminders, and upcoming events with all of you.
We will also send reminders of these events via Parent Square.
Thank you for all of your support and for entrusting us with your children as we continue our journey this school year.
Sarahi Jimenez
Acting Principal, Parkview Elementary School
Drop Off and Pick-Up Reminders
Morning/Drop Off Procedures and Tardiness
- For safety, we are requesting that parent drop off their student(s) at the first entrance gate.
- The front gate will close promptly at 8:00am. Students will be marked late if they arrive after this time.
Afternoon/Dismissal Procedures - Late Pick-Up
- After School SHINE - Parents, please check-in with the SHINE Coordinators at the door located next to the library in the staff parking lot. You will sign-out your students from the coordinator, not the front office. Thank you.
- Students in TK/Kinder through 3rd grade must be picked up every day by an adult or walked home by an older 4th/5th sibling.
- Only children in 4th or 5th grade may walk home alone or with younger siblings. Please be sure to fill out a "4th/5th Sibling Permission Slip" from the office if you are allowing your 4th/5th grade student to pick-up a younger sibling.
- Late Pick-up - Students who are picked up late in Grades TK-3rd must to be signed out of the office by someone on the Emergency Card and over the age of 18.
Friendly Reminders
- Breakfast and lunch are provided free for all students every day. If you bring a lunch to the school office after the start of the school day, you must let your child know before school that they need to come to the office to look for their lunch. We will not call children to the office to pick up lunch that has been dropped off because it interrupts instructional minutes.
- Click here for the Parkview dress code https://parkview.hueneme.org/o/parkview-elementary/page/dress-code
- No Pets - We do not allow pets on campus, this includes the front of the school. This is for the safety of students.
Food Menus
Back to School Night - 9/12/2024
Parkview's Back to School Night will take place ion Thursday, September 12th. There will be a principal's meeting from 5:15pm to 5:45pm in the cafeteria and classroom presentations will take place from 5:45pm to 6:45pm. We hope you can join us!
Student Technology
Device Reminders
No School - 9/16/2024
There will be no school for students on Monday, September 19th due to a District Wide Staff Development Day. School will resume on Tuesday, September 17th.
Picture Day - 9/19/2024
Community Communication - Parent Square
Hueneme ESD uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.
ParentSquare provides a safe way for administrators, teachers, staff and parents to:
Receive emergency notifications
Send and receive district, school and class information in your preferred language
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
And much more… all in one place!
We encourage parents to download the mobile app and register their account to update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Consistent attendance is important for the academic success of students. If your child will be absent, please be sure to contact the school office at (805) 986-8730 or pkv_office@hueneme.org
Contact Us
7:30am to 4:00pm Monday- Friday (excluding holidays)
Email: pkv_office@hueneme.org
Website: http://parkview.hueneme.org/
Location: 1416 North 6th Place, Port Hueneme, CA, USA
Phone: 805-986-8730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Parkviewhueneme/
Twitter: @ParkviewMustang