August 2024
August 2024
A Message from the Principal
Greetings families of Central DeWitt Middle School! As we gear up for an exciting new school year, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as your new Middle School Principal. My name is Pamela Hayes. I am coming to DeWitt from Des Moines. My husband and I are more than excited to join a smaller community that has so much to offer. I want to extend my gratitude to those who have already welcomed us!
I’m bringing with me 25 years of experience in the field of education. My time has been focused in multiple areas including, special education, MTSS, Instructional Coaching and Administration.
Relationships are what I believe to be what truly matters most. I believe in open communication and an open door policy. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask questions or visit the middle school.
Let’s make this year the best yet!
In Collaboration....
New Staff at the Middle School
Please Take Notes
- Schedules will be printed and handed out at Open House. Students only get 1 copy. If they lose their copy, they will have to look on Infinite Campus and write it down. Thank you for understanding our effort to be fiscally responsible!
- Cell Phone Policy - Students are not allowed cell phones during the school day for any reason. If a student brings a cell phone with them to school, they must keep it in their locker or their pocket. When students leave a room to use the restroom or get a drink, they will be expected to leave their phone with the teacher. The same applies to the cafeteria. Social media is a major disturbance to a school day and the are opportunities for students to use their phone when they shouldn't. Please speak to your student and help them understand we are trying to create a 'bully free' environment that is rich in learning and relationships. Please refer to the student handbook on the school website page for more details. The following is an outstanding resource about how social media and technology impacts our children.