Principal McDaniel's Notes
August and September Happenings

Principal McDaniel's Notes
Dear CRE Families,
We have had two fantastic weeks of school. Students have already started enriching our lives as professionals. The staff has spent the past three weeks working together to pay that forward by enriching our students this school year. We have a lot of exciting events planned for our students and families this year! We are going to be working with students to increase vocabulary usage as well as teach important skills like setting realistic academic goals and how to keep track of their goals. Teachers are preparing for those important conversations with each student to help them reach their full potential. Our school improvement plan will be posted to our website by the end of the month! Be sure to look at our intentional steps to increase academic achievement at Cedar Ridge!
We will have Parent Orientation at the end of the month. This is a class that begins at 6:00 pm and will end promptly at 7:00pm. It is not a drop-in event like Open House. The teacher begins her presentation at 6:00 pm. Students are welcomed to attend but are not required. Teachers will be providing parents with in-depth information about curriculum, procedures, protocols, field trip information, etc. You won't want to miss it! The dates are
August 26th for K,1,2nd grade students and August 27 for 3rd, 4th, 5th grade students.
Our Back to School Night will be September 5th and will include an opportunity to visit the Book Fair and invite Grandparents to a Bingo game in the gym in honor of Grandparents Day! We will also have food trucks available. There will be a time to meet the principals as well: Mrs. McDaniel, Mr. Azar, and Mrs. Quattlebaum.
The new playground is on the way and should be installed very soon. This year, we will begin our Boosterthon Kick off in mid-September. You will be getting information about this soon. For our new families, this is our big fundraiser which results in an end of the week Fun Run for students and families! We will be raising funds to improve our playgrounds and purchase a new digital sign so that we can communicate more effectively with parents and also show case student birthdays and important information. Who doesn't like to see their child's name in lights? Fun Run will be September 27th this year. Everyone is invited!
We look forward to a great year partnering with families at home and our business partners in the community!
See you all very soon!
Thanks and Reminders
- Car line is running smoothly. Thank you to our parents for following our car line procedures. Please help us by not parking in the parking lot in front of the school if you are dropping off your children. Safety first!
- If you are bringing your students lunch from an outside restaurant, please sit with your student at the round tables to enjoy. If you are not staying to eat with your student, please wrap the outside food in another container. We have limited supplies to help you do this in the office.
- If you are picking up your student early from school, please be on campus in the office lobby by 3:10 pm. This is to ensure a smooth and safe dismissal for all of our students. We will not release them after 3:10 pm beginning this week unless it is a documented emergency.
- Please help your students remember that electronic devices are not allowed (phones, iwatches, tablets, ear buds, etc). Take some time to read through the student handbook and the code of conduct together. Devices must be powered off and in bookbags all day to include the bus.