Chelsea Center
Experiential Education Opportunities for ALL students
Teaching & Learning Cohort Class
Parents: Is your child a born-teacher, or considering a career in education but looking for experiences now to help hone in on their college plan? Please tell them to consider the Teaching & Learning Cohort class through the Chelsea Center! Course registration is open now. Students who enroll in the 2-hours seminar class open to grades 11 and 12 will study the art of teaching and be part of our Grow-Your-Own educator program. The Webster Groves School District will invest in them now to develop their teaching skills with the hope they will come home to join our faculty after college. They will explore teaching through observations, small group instruction, and supported teaching opportunities in K-8 classrooms throughout WGSD. Students will also participate in seminar-style classes to study best practices in teaching and to reflect on their learning along the way. Through our partnership with Webster University, students gain access to their AI classroom simulator and workshop sessions with the Dean of Education. Additionally, students who meet the eligibility requirements can earn up to 4 hours of dual credit through Webster University [currently funded through a grant]. Please send them to the Chelsea Center to learn more or email Dr. Kerry Arens at
Reminder: We can help students who are pursuing their A+ hours find connections to service learning that include the mentorship or job shadowing components the A+ program requires. Have your students stop by to talk with us, or independently explore their GivePulse account opportunity listings by using their school google email credentials at
Get in touch!
For more information please contact Dr. Kerry Arens, Coordinator of the Chelsea Center
Location: Webster Groves High School, Room 200
Phone: (314) 918-4181
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