Important Updates and News 6/2/2024
Congratulations STEM Academy of Hollywood
for 93.1% completion rate among its CTE career pathways ranking first in LAUSD
Spring Semester
Dear Families, Students, Staff and Teachers,
I would like to congratulate our Class of 2024 for their accomplishments. Our graduation ceremony ran smoothly. I appreciate those who helped in planning for this event. Seniors are required to attend school. STEM Academy will be hosting fun activities for our seniors and diplomas will be distributed on Friday, June 7th in a farewell celebration.
Please remember that the grading window opened last Thursday and will close June 11th. Encourage your students to ask for help, stay for tutoring and get ready for their final exams/projects.
June is also Pride Month, the time of year where we celebrate not only tolerance but understanding and compassion for the LGBTQ+ community.
See below for exciting news, announcements and opportunities.
Marly Escobar Suarez
Important Announcements for Families & Students
- Seniors will have a special activity each day this week. See flyer for more details.
- We will have a short-day Monday, June 10th and Tuesday, June 11th.
- Students - we are family - keep each other safe, See Something? Say Something! by talking to an adult right away or filling out this anonymous form on our website!
- Families - want to leave us feedback? Have a non-urgent question? Use the Parent Feedback Form on our Website!
See More Memorable Times
Alumni Fair
De-Stress Day
Kaiser Mentorship Event
Last Coffee with the Principals
Celebrating 175 School Days
Graduation 2024!
- The grading window will be closed next week. Please continue encouraging our students to attend tutoring to receive additional support.
- The last day of the semester is June 11th. We will have a short day Monday and Tuesday.
- Students who did not take the EOY iReady will take it this week. See Ms. D'Amico for additional information.
- If you are available, please sign up to help us supervise during our Senior activities this week. Seniors will need to participate in those activities.
- The Staff Retreat is approaching. See Ms. Hall if you have any questions.
- Please enforce hall pass rules - especially the last week of school! One student per pass.