Eagleville Express
Mid November 2024 Edition
A Note from Mr. Plant:
Honoring generations and learning together.
The past week certainly has been full of connections with the Veterans Day Wall of Honor, Grandparent / VIP lunches, and the Book Fair all coinciding within the past five days of school. Thank you to all who volunteered to make these events happen. To those of you who assisted with Grandparent / VIP lunches, your work helped make the most of the time that the children could spend with their special guests. To those of you who assisted with the Book Fair, your efforts heightened our students' passion for reading and learning beyond the walls of the school. I truly enjoyed seeing the students and families take a close look and reflect on the 75 Veterans who were a part of the Wall of Honor.
With much gratitude,
Mr. Plant
262-363-6258 ext.23500
Halloween Candy Collection
The PTO will be collecting candy to be handed out at the Midnight Magic Parade through December 1st. This is a great way to get rid of excess Halloween candy or to grab a bag on clearance after Halloween! There is a "Candy Monster" collecting candy in the school lobby. Thank you Stacey Prusheik for this awesome contribution!
Clubs at Eagleville
Spanish Club with Mrs. Schano!
November Spanish Club will be Friday, November 22nd since we are off for Thanksgiving break on the 29th.
EVES Ski / Snowboard Club
Skiing/snowboarding trips to Alpine Valley Resort are starting in December!
**Family/Friend Club Dates are TBD at this time**
Click on this link for more details!
Green Guardians
The Green Guardians club will meet on Tues. 11/18 during lunch to work on filling the recently completed mobile garden boxes.
Important Dates This Month
11/17 - 11/23 - Sauced Pizzeria Gift Card Fundraiser
11/21 - Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Fundraiser Night
11/22 - Spanish Club - during lunch/recess
11/26 - End of Grading Period
11/27 - 11/29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
12/7 - Midnight Magic Parade & Festivities in Mukwonago
12/9 - Eagleville Student Council Presentation to School Board, Mr. Plant to Present School Goals
12/11 - Christmas Concert @ MHS PAC
12/13 - 4th, 5th, 6th Grades to Biz Town Personal Finance Experience (Milwaukee, WI)
12/14 - Cocoa and Crafts with Santa in Eagleville Gym