Patriot Press
Week of October 7, 2024

Greetings Poynter Families,
September flew by and we are half way through 1st quarter. It's a good time to check in with your students about how school is going and check in on your student's grades using ParentVue. If you need help accessing this resource, you can look here or reach out to our main office.
In our electives classes, students have many opportunities to participate in hands-on activities. For example, in Mr. Rockenbaugh's shop class, students design vinyl stickers using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. They then take their designs and print the vinyl stickers giving them a real-life application for using what they learn. CAD software is used in many engineering, aerospace, and medical industries.
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
- 10/7 - 6:00pm Principal Chat (Spanish Translation Available)
- 10/8 - 6:00pm Latino Parent Advisory Committee (English Translation Available)
- 10/11 - No School
- 10/24 - PoynterGreen Advanced Band Concert
- 10/24 - Fall Dance
- 10/28 - Spirit Day: Future Falcons
- 10/28 - Spirit Day: Jammies & Stuffies
- 10/30 - Spirit Day: Old vs. Young
- 10/31 - Spirit Day: Halloween Costumes
Spirit Week
- Monday (10/28): Future Falcons (come dressed in Liberty gear or colors)
- Tuesday (10/29): Jammies & Stuffies
- Wednesday 10/30: Old vs. Young (come dressed either as a young child or an older person)
- Thursday 10/31: Halloween Costumes
Dance Volunteers Needed
Poynter Leadership students would like to officially invite you to help chaperone our first dance of the 2024-2025 school year! The dance will be on Thursday, October 24th from 3:30-5. The theme this year is 'Costume Party'.
We need volunteers to help get this thing going- it takes a lot of adults to make this successful. Volunteers will need to be able to be at school from about 3:00-5:15ish. Leadership kids and the rest of the students love this type of event. These events are part of what they'll remember about their middle school experience, so we want to make them fun and memorable. We are so grateful for those willing and able to help out! Below you will find a sign-up sheet- please fill your name in a spot that you could help out with but please make sure you aren't deleting any names that are already filled in.
Reach out to Kelsi Burkhardt (burkhark@hsd.k12.or.us) via email if you have any questions. And make sure your Volunteer status is current with the district. Thanks so much for being willing to experience this fun event with your kids!
Seize the Awkward
In Oregon, the second leading cause of death of you people 5-24 is suicide. Our counseling department will be delivering lessons aligned to Oregon Health Standards and Senate Bill 52 (Adi's Act) that will help students:
- Recognize possible signs of depression or suicide risk.
- Know where to get help at school and what to expect
- Know where to get help outside of school.
Runners2Runners Program
Previous (And Still Relevant) Announcements
Dropping Off and Picking Up Students
We want to help ensure the safety of our students. In the mornings, please use the side parking lot (marked in green on the map below) to drop off students.
For the end of the day, review the map below. Areas in green are places parents can wait to pick up students. These are the Poynter side of Grant and the side parking lot. Please do not use the the areas marked in red. These are the bus-side parking lot or the other side of Grant St. to pick up students. Students crossing the street without a crosswalk are at risk of being hit by a car. Students can use the crosswalk marked in yellow to cross Grant St. Thank you for helping keep our kids safe!
October 7 - Principal Chat
Please join us for our first Principal Chat on Monday, October 7 from 6:00-7:00PM. Information will be shared about what's going on around school and talk about the experiences students and families have. I'm excited to see you there. These meetings will typically be the first Monday of every month and Spanish interpreters will be available.
October 8 - Poynter's Latino Parent Advisory Committee
We invite families to our parent advisory committee on October 7 from 6:00-7:30PM to learn about Poynter and our new administrative team. The objective of the group is to ensure quality educational experiences for all students. These meetings typically occur on the first Tuesday of the month and English interpreters will be available.