Welcome Incoming KDG Families!
Kindergarten Orientation Newsletter- May 2024
Hello Incoming Kindergarten Families,
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with information to prepare you and your child to start kindergarten with us at Hammerschmidt in the fall.
Below you will find an orientation video, information from our school nurse, school supply ordering information, and an invitation to our KDG student and family visitation in August!
Kindergarten Student and Family Visitation:
KDG Supply Drop off and Classroom Visitation will take place on August 8th, at 9:00 a.m.
Kindergarten Family Visitation and Supply Drop Off
Thursday, Aug 8, 2024, 09:00 AM
Hammerschmidt Elementary School, Hammerschmidt Avenue, Lombard, IL, USA
Please Note: First 3 Days are HALF DAYS for KDG
Kindergarten students will attend from 8:35- 11:40 a.m. on the following days:
- Wednesday, August 14th
- Thursday, August 15th
- Friday, August 16th
Individual appointments will be scheduled for your child to meet with a kindergarten teacher for assessment purposes in the afternoons on these three days. We'll schedule these appointments at our Kindergarten student and family visitation day on August 8th.
WHS Kindergarten Orientation Video
2024-2025 School Calendar
Student Breaks and Holiday Flyer
Click on the link below to download a printable version of the pictured flyer below. This is a handy one-pager that you might like on the fridge!
Important Health Information:
Hello Hammerschmidt Incoming Kindergarten Families,
I am Jenn Kurtz, the School Nurse, and I am looking forward to meeting all of you next year! I wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I am the Certified School Nurse at both Hammerschmidt and Pleasant Lane Elementary Schools in Lombard School District 44.
I am including information that we would typically go through together at Kindergarten Orientation, as well as a Health Office Notes handout to refer back to throughout the school year. If you have any questions after reviewing the information or would like to talk to me directly about a health related concern for your child, please send me a message at jkurtz@sd44.org.
Prior to the first day of Kindergarten, an Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form (physical exam) should be submitted to the Health Office. Most of the physical form will be completed by your child’s physician, but please remember to fill out the section labeled “Health History,” sign, and date, so it is fully completed. An Illinois Vision Exam form must be completed by an eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist, not your child’s pediatrician) and be submitted by October 15, 2024. Lastly, an Illinois Dental Exam form must be completed by your child’s dentist and submitted by May 15, 2025.
If your child has any significant health concerns, such as a food allergy, asthma, diabetes, migraines, seizures, insect sting allergy, or any other major concern, please have your child’s health care provider complete a Health Care Plan and return it to school on or before the first day of school.
If your child is required to take any medication while at school, whether it be prescription, over-the-counter, or cough drops, a Medication Permission Form must be completed by you and your child’s physician. The Health Office will only be allowed to administer medication to your child at school if this form has been received.
All forms are located and available for you to print on the sd44.org website. Click on the School tab, go to Hammerschmidt Elementary School, then click on Parent and scroll to the Health Office. The Health Care Plans and the Medication Permission Form are located at the bottom of the page.
Our goal is to have your child in school feeling healthy, happy, and able to attend in order to learn as much as possible. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you!
Jenn C. Kurtz, MAT, BSN, RN, PEL-CSN, NCSN
Certified School Nurse
Hammerschmidt School
Phone: 630-827-4681
Email: jkurtz@sd44.org
Fax: 630-627-3733
Notes from our School Nurse: Jenn Kurtz
All medication (prescription, over-the-counter, cough drops, etc.) requires the following in the health office:
Parent portion of medication permission form completed
Doctor’s portion of medication permission form completed (may be faxed to school)
Medication in the prescription bottle or OTC medication with the child’s name on it
Medication permission forms are available in the health office.
Fever – 100 degrees or higher
Vomiting or diarrhea
White patches in the throat or on the tonsils
Difficulty swallowing or talking
Persistent cough/extreme congestion (nose or chest)
Undiagnosed rash
Red or irritated eyes which may be Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Temperature is normal without medication for 24 hours
No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours
Breathing comfortably without medication
On antibiotics for 24 hours for Pink Eye or Impetigo
On antibiotics for 24 hours and temperature has returned to normal for Strep Throat
If your child has any contagious illness/condition such as Covid-19, Chicken Pox, Impetigo, Lice, Mono, Pink Eye, Ringworm, Scabies, Scarlet Fever, Strep Throat, Fifth Disease, etc., please contact the school health office to report the illness as soon as possible.
Your child can be excused from PE class for 2 days with a parent note. To be excused any longer requires a note from the doctor. Please note: NO PE = NO RECESS.
Our goal is to have your child in school feeling healthy and happy, able to pay attention, and learn as much as possible.
Save the date for WHS PTA’s Back to School Pool Party on August 10. We know summer calendars fill up fast.
This is a free event for all WHS students and families. It's the perfect opportunity to soak up the sun, make a splash, and mingle with friends old and new.
Hammerschmidt School Supply Lists:
Get ready for the new school year by ordering your school kits today! Each kit is available for only $75, and orders will be taken until June 2, 2024. Don't miss out! Please click the link below to place your order. Click Here to Order (or scan the QR code in the flyer).
This year, we're offering delivery for an additional $5. Simply choose the delivery option in the online store, and your school kit will arrive conveniently at your door by the last week of July.
All funds raised will once again go directly to our teachers to use for classroom supplies!
5 Reasons to Order
- Support our teachers! After costs, all proceeds will go to a teachers’ fund to help pay for any necessary classroom supplies.
- High quality products!
- Teacher approved!
- A home delivery option!
- Save time! We’ll take care of the school supply shopping for you!
PTA Facebook Page
Join the WHS PTA Facebook Page so you will always have the most up-to-date information for all the PTA events happening throughout the school year.