In this issue, we cover:
(一) 重要日期
Important Dates 5/4 - 5/19
(二) 畢業典禮預演
Graduation Commencement Rehearsal - 4/27
(三) 學業成就獎
Academic Achievement Award - 4/27
(四) 熱食服務
Hot Food Service - 4/27
(五) 寫作觀摩
Chinese Composition Exhibition 4/27
(六) 書法藝術之美
The Beauty of Calligraphy Art - 4/27
(七) 誠徵優良中文教師
Chinese Teacher Hiring
(一) 重要日期
Important Dates
- 5/4 學年最後一天(Last Day of School Year)
茶會(Receptions) -
5/18, 19 亞洲節 Cleveland Asian Festival
(二) 畢業典禮預演
Graduation Commencement - 5/4 @9:50am
This Saturday is our graduation commencement and the last day of our school year! This ceremony is to showcase students' Chinese proficiency or what they have learned in the class to all CAoC families. After that, there will be a reception provided by parent volunteers, so that we can show our appreciation to the teachers and have a nice talk before our next reunion.
Thanks again to the volunteers who helped with the graduation commencement. See you on Saturday!
1) 節目於9:50 am準點開始,請大家提醒大家,提早於禮堂就位。
The show starts at 9:50 am. Please remind each other and be seated before then.
2) 請使用禮堂外,呈弧形排列的大門,進入禮堂。
Please enter the building through the entrances outside the auditorium.
3) 節目單/座位表,將會擺至入口方便領取。
Program list/seating chart will be available when entering the auditorium.
4) 茶會預計11:30 am左右,於餐廳開放。
Reception will be opened at 11:30am in the cafeteria.
5) 切記食物不能離開餐廳使用。謝謝體諒!
No food is allowed outside the cafeteria. Thank you for understanding!
6) 請義工們於 9:00 - 9:20 am 到場進行前置作業,萬分感謝!
Volunteers, please come between 9:00 - 9:20am. Deeply appreciated!
小小插播 Little breaking news...
During graduation commencement rehearsal, all the kids are doing their best with the assistance of parent volunteers.
Thank you, kiddos, for all the dedicated preparation towards the commencement. We are looking forward to your performance!
(三) 學業成就獎
Academic Achievement Award - 4/27
Each student at Kindergarten level or above receives one trophy based on performance and engagement in the class and academic contest result. For pre-K students, they will receive a certificate after their performance on May 4th. We would like to celebrate everyone's success and encourage all of us keep up on our hard work and make greater progress next school year! Thank you to teachers, students and parents for your concerted efforts!
The director of academy affair wants to apologize to the three students that didn't receive their trophies due to errors last week! The former director has fixed the problem and the trophies are now ready for you on the day of commencement! We are sincerely sorry for this!
(四) 熱食服務
Hot Food Service - 4/27
感謝雅芬帶來的雞絲麵(Jī sī miàn =Shredded Chicken Noodles)。剛推出就銷售一空,很多人聞風而至,卻連影子也沒看到。如今,雅芬雞絲麵只存在於傳說裡。謝謝妳,雅芬,希望下次還有機會嚐到!
Thank you, Ya-Fen, for your 雞絲麵!It was sold out in no time! So, it only exists in legends now. Thank you, Ya-Fen, we hope we have a second chance!
(五) 寫作觀摩
Chinese Composition Exhibition 4/27
今年的寫作觀摩,有十一位小朋友參加。其中包括:八位傳統班二、四、五的學生,以及三位 CSL2的小朋友。
We have collected eleven pieces of work this year for the Chinese Composition Exhibition. These are done by: eight traditional class students in level 2, 4, and 5, and three students in CSL2.
The topic of those essays include: Chinese Academy of Cleveland, my best friend, my skiing experience, rice ball, Brahms and the Traveller's Chant, and my Lunar New Year.
Writing is definitely a big challenge for most students, so the director of academic affair is deeply impressed by your courage and pleased that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and test your limits.
Let’s take a look at all your work!
(六) 書法藝術之美
The Beauty of Calligraphy Art - 4/27
Both events, Chinese Composition Exhibition and The Beauty of Calligraphy Art, are cultural activities organized by CAoC sponsored by the The Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC ) to benefit the children of overseas Taiwanese in the USA and promote Chinese culture.
This calligraphy activity was held in a different format for each class due to their different ages and interests. And we divide the work into classes and conduct it at different times to save manpower and material resources.
For small classes and lower grade students, we use multiple writing pads and water pens to prevent students’ clothes from being stained with ink during class, or from cleaning the venue after class. The kids starts from basic calligraphy strokes. Then, practice number one, two, three. The kids in higher level are able to try more complicated characters such as number one to ten.
As for senior students, who already have experience in writing with a brush, the lecturer will lead them to appreciate the taste of traditional Chinese painting and use the four traditional treasures of the study to reproduce the elegance and Chinese aesthetics of elegant scholars. The student can even take home her own calligraphy treasure after class.
(七) 誠徵優良中文教師
Chinese Teacher Hiring
CAoC Principal: 鄭有為 (Tim)
Academic Affairs: 韓宜潔 (EJ)
TCML: 王雅真 (Erica)
CAoC Webpage: Chinese Academy of Cleveland
TCML Webpage: Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning
CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAOCOH/
Friends of CAoC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1408977282704803/
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