Downingtown Cyber Academy Update
April 26, 2024
Dear DCA Families,
This week, our students and teachers have been diligently engaged in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) testing. We are proud of the dedication and focus they have demonstrated throughout this process. Their hard work is a testament to their commitment to academic excellence.
As we move forward, we want to remind you that math and science testing will continue next week. Your continued support and encouragement at home play a vital role in our students' success. Thank you for partnering with us in their educational journey!
Dr. Kecia Nesmith, Principal & Supervisor of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Kristie Burk, Coordinator of Digital Learning
Week 33 will open on Monday, April 29th.
Calendar items for Grades 6-12
- 4/29 - PSSA Math Test for 6th-8th grades
4/30 - PSSA MathTest for 6th-8th grades
5/1 - PSSA Science Test for 8th grade
5/2 - PSSA Science Test for 8th grade
5/6 - AP Gov Test
5/9 - AP Environmental Science and AP Psychology Tests
5/10 - AP US History Test
5/13 - East, West, STEM: English Language Arts Keystone Test for 10th graders and Algebra I Keystone Test
5/14 - STEM: English Language Arts Keystone Test for 10th graders and Algebra I Keystone Test/ East, West: Biology Keystone
5/15 - STEM: Biology Keystone
5/16 - East, West: AP Spanish Test, English Language Arts test for 10th graders, and Algebra I Keystone Test/ STEM: Biology Keystone
5/17 - East, West: Biology Keystone
5/24 - Last day for 12th grade DCA students (Week 36 work due by 3 pm)
5/27 - No school for Memorial Day
5/28 - DCA 12th graders return devices to STEM and DEHS
5/29 - DCA 12th graders return devices to DWHS
6/4 - STEM graduation/Last day of school for DCA Kindergarten-5th graders
6/5 - DHSE graduation
6/6 - DHSW graduation/Last day of school for 6th-11th graders/DCA 4th and 8th graders return devices to home buildings
Important Information
PSSA Testing
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) testing for grades 3-8 will continue next week.
Marsh Creek
Students should arrive at MC by 9:00 am each testing day.
- Math PSSA (4/29 - 4/30)
Downingtown and Lionville Middle Schools
Students should plan to arrive by 7:40 am each testing day.
- Math PSSA (4/29-4/30)
- Science PSSA (5/1-5/2) - 8th Graders Only
If you have any questions, please reach out to the main office of your child's home middle school.
AP Exam Testing Dates
Students taking the following DCA AP classes will be taking the AP exams at their home buildings on the following dates:
- May 6 - AP Gov Test
- May 9 - AP Environmental & AP Psychology Tests
- May 10 - APUSH Test
- May 16 - AP Spanish Test
Questions? Please reach out to the AP teacher!
Keystone Testing
Keystone testing for students in Algebra I, 10th Grade English, and Biology will be held the week of May 13th-May 24th. All Downingtown Cyber Academy students are required to come to their home school for in-person state testing. Please see below for specific Keystone information by school:
ELA (All current 10th graders)
Downingtown East - Monday 5/13 and Thursday, 5/16: 7:40-10:40
Downingtown West - Monday 5/13 and Thursday, 5/16: 7:40-10:40
Downingtown STEM - Monday 5/13 and Tuesday 5/14: 7:40-10:40
Algebra (All current Algebra I students)
Downingtown East - Monday, 5/13 and Thursday, 5/16: 9:50-11:30
Downingtown West -Monday, 5/13 and Thursday, 5/16: 9:50-11:30
Downingtown STEM - Monday 5/13 and Tuesday 5/14: 7:40-10:40
Biology (All current Biology students)
Downingtown East - Tuesday, 5/14 and Thursday, 6/17: 7:40-9:20
Downingtown West -Tuesday, 5/14 and Thursday, 6/17: 7:40-9:20
Downingtown STEM - Wednesday, 5/15 and Thursday May 16: 7:40-10:40
Questions? Please call the main office of the student's home building or ask the DCA 10th Grade English, Biology, or Algebra teacher.
Updates for Seniors
Summer School Registration
Summer school registration will be open until May 2nd for original credit courses and June 14th for recovery credit courses. Please visit the website for more specific details!
Seeking Headshots of DCA 6-12th grade Students for YEARBOOK
DCA Student Council is working on the 2023-2024 Yearbook
Students must send their own headshots - Parents may NOT do so on behalf of their students.
Any background is fine as long as it is school appropriate.
High School students send to: edeitcher01@student.dasd.org
Middle School students send to: rhudler01@student.dasd.org
April Diversity Calendar
Anxiety & Unmet Needs
Join us for an insightful virtual presentation on addressing student anxiety and unmet needs with Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., M.S.!
- Date: Tuesday, April 30th
- Time: 3:45 PM
- Location: Online via Zoom
2023-2024 DCA End of Year Gathering
Calling all DCA and BVA Students and Families!
May 22, 2024
4:30-7:00 PM
Shadyside Park, Pavilion F
RSVP by clicking on the photo
Secondary Schools' Newsletters
All DCA students are considered students in their home buildings even if they are full-time DCA. Please check your child's school below for upcoming events and activities in which they can participate!
BVA 3rd Marking Period Grades Available
To access grades, login to Infinite Campus and they are located in the "Backpack"
Procedures for Returning to Home School Building
If your child is in K-5, receives instruction from the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA) and wishes to return to their home school building, please follow the procedures outlined below:
1) Send and email to cyberacademy@dasd.org and complete the K-5 DCA/BVA Withdrawal Form 2023-2024.
2) An admin from the DCA will reach out to your child's home school building principal and the BVA admin to make a determination.
3) Once it has been determined that your child can return to the home school building, the building admin will reach out to you regarding information for the start date, the bus, classroom teacher, etc.
*All admin from the DCA, BVA, and Home School building should be included on correspondence.
Please visit our DCA website at dc.dasd.org for more information.
Email: cyberacademy@dasd.org
Website: dc.dasd.org
Location: 540 Trestle Place, Downingtown, PA, USA
Phone: 610-269-8460
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dca
Twitter: @dasd_dca