AFC Elementary Monthly Memo
Principal's Message
This month, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students. From academic accomplishments to artistic milestones, each success is a testament to their hard work and determination. I encourage you to join us in acknowledging and applauding their achievements, both big and small.
May also provides the perfect opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible educators who make a difference in the lives of our students every day. Teacher Appreciation Week, celebrated May 6th through May 10th, is a time to honor the dedication and passion of our staff. I invite you to join me in expressing gratitude for their unwavering commitment to student success.
As we approach the final stretch of the school year, I encourage you to stay engaged and involved in your child's education. Whether it's attending school events, communicating with teachers, or participating in end-of-year celebrations, your support plays a vital role in our shared mission.
I want to extend my sincerest appreciation to each and every one of you for your ongoing support and partnership. Together, we will continue to nurture a school community where every student can learn, grow, and, thrive.
Warmest Regards,
Jenah Burkitt, Principal
AFC Elementary School
May Important Dates
1 - Book Blast Begins, 1:30 Early Dismissal
2 - AFC Elementary's Special's Showcase 5:30 PM
3 - 6th Grade Field Trip (Medieval Times), School Lunch Hero Day
6 - Teacher Appreciation Week, K/1 Field Trip (Hidden Timbers), Wishbone Day (Wear Yellow for Henry)
7 - K/1/2 Field Trip (Timberlake Playhouse)
8 - 1:30 Early Dismissal
9 - AFC Elementary's Band Information Night 6:00 PM
10 - 5th Grade Field Trip (Reagan Home), Community Coffee at AFC Jr/Sr High School 8:30 AM, Family "FunK" Night 5:30 PM
12 - Happy Mother's Day!
13 - Mental Health Awareness Week, 7th & 9th Grade Orientation (for current 6th Graders)
14 - Jr/Sr High School Band & Choir Spring Concert 7:00 PM
15 - 4th Grade Field Trip (John Deere Historic Site), 1:30 Early Dismissal)
16 - 5th & 6th Grade Band & Choir Spring Concert
17 - 3rd Grade Field Trip (Chana School Museum)
20 - BoE Meeting 7:00 PM
21 - PTC Meeting 6:00 PM
22 - 1:30 Early Dismissal
27 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
29 - 1:30 Early Dismissal
30 - 2:30 Early Dismissal, 6th Grade Clap Out 2:00 PM, 4th Quarter Report Cards Home, Last Day of Student Attendance
31 - Teacher's Institute
Digital Lunch Menu
May Events
2024-2025 Registration is Open!
We are excited to announce that registration for next year is now open, and we are offering an Early Registration Discount to those who register on or before June 30th. Please review the flyer below for all the details. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wolf in our main office by calling (815) 456-2325 or by emailing
💛 Reading Raiders Vending Machine 🖤
If your child has a book recommendation for our vending machine, we encourage you to have/help them complete the survey below. We want the books in the vending machine to reflect the interests of our students!
A Note From Mrs. Chapman
5th/6th Band & Choir
Weeks of April 15 – May 17
Full Early Bird Band – All band students must attend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Early Bird Rehearsals to prepare for our Spring Concert.
May 2 - Specials Showcase
A small group of band and choir students were chosen to perform for 4th grade students and families at this event. This will help to promote our concert and the band information night on May 9th.
Attire is to be determined.
May 16 - Spring Concert
Performance starts at 7:00pm at the AFC High School Gym
Attire is Sunday Best
Physical Education
April seemed to fly by with a flurry of activities in the gym! This month all grades practiced their bowling skills in PE class! The kids learned some basic terminology of the game, the rules, and the upper grades gained an understanding of how the game of bowling is scored. We played all kinds of entertaining games like cosmic bowling, add it up bowling, take it away bowling and of course wacky bowling! We snuck outside on a few of those nice days that the month offered us for some old fashioned games of kick ball and four square! Recently we are preparing for this week’s first ever specials showcase! Each grade has a special game/skill they will be giving you a peek at - we hope to see you there!
In health class, we have been covering basic first aid skills to prepare kids for the unexpected accident that could happen anywhere, at any time, to anybody! Whether it's a sprain, burn, bleeding incident, or broken bone to name a few, those first few moments are critical when it comes to how we respond. Hopefully, the students will be able to recall the knowledge they have learned and put it to good use if they are ever in an emergency situation.
Library books are due by May 10th. Please check for overdue library books at home. Mrs. Arjes will be sending overdue statements home with students.
Paris Trip
Reminder that enrollment for Paris 2027 is open until May 3rd. This is also the deadline for the $200 scholarship. If you have questions or need more information please contact Laura Coffman at The trip is open to all students class of 2026-2032 (current 4th, 5th, & 6th graders are eligible to enroll).
Arrival & Dismissal Times
8:00 - Student Arrival8:15 - Students Enter Building/Classrooms (First Bell)
8:30 - Classes Begin (Second/Tardy Bell)
Please note, there will not be adult supervision on the playground prior to 8:00 AM.
3:15 - Bus Students Dismissed (First Bell)
3:17 - Pick-Up/Walkers Dismissed (Second Bell)
Please note, there will not be adult supervision on the playground after 3:25 PM. Students who have not been picked up by 3:25 will be brought to the main office.
AFC Attendance Policy
As a friendly reminder, per our AFC Student Handbook:
Excessive tardies or absences may be referred to the Lee/Ogle/Whiteside Regional Office of Education’s Attendance Support Program for assistance. A student may be referred to the Attendance Support Program after four (4) unexcused and nine (9) excused absences during the previous 180 days of school attendance. If a student misses three (3) consecutive days, they must bring in a physician’s note for the absences to be considered excused. Also, after nine (9) absences per school year, to excuse each absence thereafter, a physician’s note will be required within 24 hours of the student’s return to school. While seeking a medical excuse, the student’s parent or guardian must still comply with absence notification procedures. Students are permitted to return to school while a physician’s note is being obtained, assuming the student has been fever, vomit, and diarrhea free for 24 hours (fever must be below 100.4 without fever-reducing medications).
Exclusions Due to Illness
We encourage attendance everyday as there is a strong link between attendance and academic achievement. Students must be present to learn. We trust parents and guardians will use their best judgement in deciding if their child(ren) are well enough to be present in school.
As a friendly reminder, per our AFC Student Handbook:
Ashton-Franklin Center CUSD #275 will exclude students based on typically qualifying symptoms such as: fever of 100.4 or higher (fever must be below 100.4 without fever-reducing medications), vomiting, and diarrhea. Students may return when the student is fever-free/symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.
Please refer to our Student Handbook (linked at the bottom of this memo) for additional information regarding school attendance.
Important Links
Ashton-Franklin Center Elementary School
Jenah Burkitt, Principal
Address: 217 South Elm Street, Franklin Grove, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 456-2325