BCS Newsletter
September 3, 2024
A Word from the Head of School
BCS Family,
I hope the long weekend proved well for everyone, and that there is a renewed spirit to tackle the week ahead. I was reflecting on the importance of the practice of stopping coming out of Labor Day yesterday, and was reminded of the story from 1 Kings 18 and 19. In this account, the prophet Elijah undergoes a monstrous and exhausting confrontation with his community and leadership, who have been following false gods and ideas further leading Israel astray. God shows up in a mighty way in this account (please go read it), and shows His legitimacy as the one true God. After this massive encounter and further confrontation from Elijah, we find Elijah heading out into the wilderness swirling with all sorts of emotion. What happens next is fascinating!
Elijah sleeps... And then he awakes, eats and drinks, falls right back to sleep, and then eats and drinks some more.
Here is what I think is so telling of this passage of scripture, and what hit home coming out of yesterday for me: sometimes the most important spiritual act we can participate in is to rest and recharge. We live in a world of busyness, hurry, expediency, and productivity constantly. What I'm learning more and more in my walk with Christ, is that some of the deepest work of healing and restoring done can only come in the positioning of rest and stopping. This work of rest and stopping, might just be one of the biggest rebuilding tasks available for us to engage in because it sets the stage for clarity, stamina, and vision to be held fully moving forward.
May we find the grace to stop long enough to rest,
Skyler Sikes
Head of School
Lunch Reminders
• All orders MUST be placed no later than 8:00 AM on the day they are being served. The online ordering portal will be closed at 8:00 AM. If you missed the deadline and need lunch for your student, please contact Jennifer Cowan in the Front Office to see what options are available. • It is the parent’s responsibility to cancel a student’s lunch order before 8:00 AM if they are absent on a day for which they have an order placed. No refunds will be issued for lunches canceled after 8:00 AM, unless the meal can be sold as an extra to another student. • Students in PK3 – 3rd may only have Friday Treat funds as they are not allowed to use the vending machines. Students in 4th - 12th may use vending. Please note - your child's teacher may have separate class rules restricting vending use outside of lunchroom rules. • 3rd – 12th graders may use the microwaves • Lunch charges are created daily. • Lunch Policy set by Mr. Sikes states, your student will be restricted from receiving vending dollars, restaurant orders and other a la carte items, should the balance owed become negative $20 or more. Your student will be provided a PBJ or ramen along with white milk or water as an alternative meal if their account is -$20 or more. Please make sure your student's account has adequate funds to cover all items purchased.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns
Shannon Sanders, ssanders@1bcsorg
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who gave of their time in concessions and/or gate and also donated items to the hospitality room for the varsity and JH tournament volleyball tournaments! Both tournaments were a huge success because of YOU! These tournaments are a lot of work, and without the help of our parents we could not do it. These tournaments are not only big fundraisers for our athletic department but also provide more games for our athletes. We appreciate you!
Download the FACTS Family App today!
Father / Son Study - Coming this Fall
Study led by Pastor Chad Poe
Begins on 9/10 - Meeting every Tuesday morning at 6:30am on campus.
This study is for male students grades 9-12 and their dads.
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP is September 5.
SIGN UP for the study HERE.
Get the study bundle HERE.
Facebook memories will mess with you. To make it even worse, apps like "Photo" and "Google Photo" now make collages of our kids from when they were tiny. Our time-like our lives-are vapors.
"How to be a Man" by Rick Burgess and Andy Blanks will help us facilitate an intentional time to invest in our relationship both with our sons and with the Lord, ensuring these moments are both influential and memorable. We have the unique opportunity to grow with our sons as we help them prepare for these years of high school and beyond.
The Lord has given you one life. This is the opportunity He has provided to guide our kids through high school. Before we know it, they're moving on to what the Lord has next. Let's make the most of our time now.
High School Retreat
It's time for our annual High School Retreat!
All 9th-12th grade students will be going on retreat Sept. 11-13. We will be going to T Bar M in New Braunfels. TX. All students need a completed release form by THIS THURSDAY, September 5. You will find that HERE.
Please see the packing list that is attached.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Boyett at 979-297-0563 or by email at lboyett@1bcs.org.
Mark your calendars for the two events below! More details to come!
Mini Cheer Camp - Sept 30-Oct. 4
Mini Cheer Camp is coming up soon!
Sign up HERE.
When? Sept. 30- Oct. 4 - 3:15pm-4:15pm
Who? Students PreK-5th Grade
Cost? $45
If you have any questions, please contact Kaia Rogers at krogers@1bcs.org.
Future Pathways Career Showcase - October 10, 2024
This event will allow students to interact with local businesses and industry leaders. We highly encourage you to participate, and we would appreciate it if you could extend this invitation to your personal contacts and local businesses. Your recommendations are invaluable. Please share!
Registration is open for booths and outside students and homeschool groups to register. Speaker time slots will open up on Wednesday, September 4th.
Foundations of Legacy Gala - November 16, 2024
Join us for the Foundations of Legacy Gala, a celebration of Brazosport Christian School's enduring heritage and a look forward to our bright future. Secure your tickets now to be part of an unforgettable evening honoring our legacy teachers, alumni, and families. Tickets are on sale! Purchase your tickets at the blue button below!
Join us at the FIRST PTF Meeting, September 5 at 3:30pm in the secondary conference room.
There are so many ways to be involved with our PTF! Check out the options below, and sign up to be a part!
Support the Junior Class
Take a look at a couple of the exciting ways you can support our Junior Class.
BCS Highlights
Recently, Bradie Hopkins, Kaylie Hopkins, Bo Coburn, and Carli Martinez were recognized by Sweeny ISD for their volunteer efforts during Hurricane Beryl relief. Great job, girls! We are proud of you!
Helpful Links
Check out our website for important information, dates, and resources. View our website HERE.
- Student Vehicle Form: ALL Student drivers need to fill this out and return it the secondary office.
- Student Absence Request Form
- Parent Resource Page
Like and Follow BCS on Facebook
Upcoming Important Dates
September 11-13 - High School Retreat
September 19 - School Pictures
September 19 - Senior Cap and Gown Pictures
September 30 - Open House
September 30 - Cinderfella
October 10 - Future Pathways Career Showcase
October 15 - PSAT
November 16 - Foundations of Legacy Gala
Fast Links