Sage Department: Elementary Level
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What is Sage?
Sage is a program for students who are identified to have a substantial need for further abstract, creative and global thinking experiences. In Sage, we encourage children to take academic risks that they might not be comfortable sharing with their classmates in the regular classroom. We challenge students to think of unique and original ideas, and to take pride in their creative work rather than simply look for a correct and safe answer. We learn about who we are as learners through the lens of Multiple Intelligences by Dr. Howard Gardner, and how to approach problems using the 16 Habits of Mind by Dr. Art Costa. We also teach children ways that they can successfully advocate for their needs in the regular classroom.
P.E.T.S Curriculum (Primary Education Thinking Skills)
P.E.T.S. is a systematized enrichment and diagnostic thinking skills program that stands for Primary Education Thinking Skills. Lessons are presented in convergent analysis, divergent synthesis, visual/spatial thinking, and evaluation, suitable for grades K-3. The program aligns to the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Habits of Mind are dispositions people use when confronted with problems and situations to which answers are not immediately apparent. When we draw upon these intellectual resources, the results that are produced are more powerful, of higher quality and of greater significance than if we fail to employ those intellectual behaviors.
Project Spotlight: Abstract Selfie Sculptures
Students recognized social and emotional characteristics and needs within themselves and represented them in a “Selfie Sculpture.” These scultpures represent each student as an individual while encouraging creativity and a sense of community in our classroom.
The Depth and Complexity Framework empowers learners to become independent thinkers and creative problem-solvers. The Depth and Complexity approach helps students go beyond basic understanding of content and elicit critical thinking regardless of topic and content.
Eleven areas or lenses of Depth and Complexity thinking have been identified:
- Discipline
- Details
- Patterns
- Rules
- Trends
- Unanswered Questions
- Ethics
- Big Idea
- Over Time
- Multiple Perspectives, and
- Across Disciplines
Each area has each assigned a symbol that forms a Depth and Complexity Icons. In short, the Depth and Complexity Framework helps students develop the ability to analyze and evaluate more deeply. In turn, students are able to develop a more complex understanding and discover creative solutions that improve the world.
Independent Investigation 4th & 5th Grade
Independent Investigation is a research-based project in which 4th and 5th grade students in Sage choose a topic and solves a problem associated with the topic. Students start with a Problem Statement: a big question they want to answer through research, and then create a multi-genre project that helps to answer the problem statement.
SAVE THE DATE!! iNight is March 6th at WALSH Middle School for all Framingham 4th and 5th Grade Sage students. iNight is a celebration and showcase of students' independent investigation projects.
Family Resource Center
Family Resource Links
National Association for Gifted Children: Support, guides, research, and even a recommend toy list for parents of the gifted
Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted: Articles and parental support resources
Massachusetts Association of Gifted Education: Get involved and find ideas locally
Davidson Institute for Talent Development: Articles related to giftedness
Hoagies' Gifted Education: A one-stop shop for what parents and students need to know about being gifted
The Association for the Gifted (TAG), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), provides support for gifted children.
Helpful Reads:
Executive Functioning 101 (some great tips and strategies for all kids!)
Perfectionism in Gifted Kids (just the tip of the iceberg in terms of information, I'll dive further into it in the future, but it's a good place to start)
Hear from other parents of gifted children, learn what's new in gifted education practices, as well as tips and tricks to help your student.
All children possess gifts and talents. The Framingham Public Schools defines giftedness as students with gifts and talents perform—or have the capability to perform—at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains who may also require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential (National Association of Gifted Children).
According to the National Association of Gifted Children, gifted and talented children come from all cultural, racial, economic, and linguistic backgrounds. Gifted children also require support in accessing their gifts and talents through multiple learning opportunities through accommodations and modifications. Within the context of Framingham Public Schools, the goal of the Sage program is to utilize intervention services when appropriate to support students in optimizing opportunities to access their school experience academically, behaviorally, and socio-emotional.