Eagle Valley Middle School
Welcome to 6th grade
Eagle Valley Middle School Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower students to navigate the future by fostering a culture of engagement, learning, and problem solving. We work together to create a nurturing and inclusive community where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Welcome to EVMS!
Dear Families of incoming 6th Grade Students,
We are excited to welcome you to Eagle Valley Middle School for the 2025-2026 school year. It is hard to believe that we are welcoming the graduating class of 2031! Middle school is a special chapter of your child's education. We look forward to supporting them as they learn to navigate a new school.
By attending EVMS your student has access to a high quality curriculum, highly qualified teachers, special classes that include physical education, AVID, instrumental and vocal music, art, Exploratory, and STEAM. Our special classes are a semester long and our philosophy is to give our students the opportunity to try most of the classes. We are excited to offer 6th grade band. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR 6TH GRADE BAND. Students will receive their class schedules in August.
We understand that the transition to middle school can be overwhelming. We know that this is an important time for us to develop a partnership to make sure the transition to middle school is as smooth as possible. Please save the dates in August: 6th Grade Check-In and 6th grade Welcome Meeting & Open House. These will be important opportunities for you and your child to become acquainted with our school.
We hope your families have a safe, relaxing, and fun filled summer! Go Pirates!
Eric Mandeville, Principal
Erin Street, Assistant Principal & Athletic Director
Fall Athletics
Cross Country & Football will have camps the week before school starts. Stay tuned for more information!
Brush Creek & Eagle Valley Elementary Schools Spring Tour of EVMS
Away for the Day at EVMS
We believe that having cell phones turned off and in the locker is best practice. When students do not have the freedom of accessing their phones during school hours, they are more engaged socially and academically.
As a Pirate, I will follow the EVMS Away for the Day phone policy.
My phone & earbuds will be turned off & stored in my locker for the day.
I will not text or record during the school day.
I understand that cameras are not allowed in locker rooms.
I understand that if social media is used to harass or bully others, I will forfeit the right to a device at school.
The school is not responsible for the lost or stolen phones, earbuds, smart watches, money, or other valuables.
Phones will be confiscated if policies are not followed.
Make sure to "like" us on Facebook and bookmark our school website!
Question & Answers at EVMS
Question: What time can I drop students off at EVMS?
Answer: Outside supervision & breakfast begins at 8:15am. Doors to the school open at 8:35am. Classes start at 8:40am.
Answer: All students have their own locker
Question: Can 6th grade students play sports?
Answer: Yes! All sports at EVMS are open to 6th grade students
Question: What classes will I have?
Answer: All students will have math, language arts, science, social studies, ELA Lab, and 2 special classes
Question: Can I choose my special classes?
Answer: Students may select into band. For the other special classes, we want our 6th grade students to have the opportunity to try out the other classes.
Question: Will I have classes with 7th or 8th grade students?
Answer: No, 6th grade students are only in class with other 6th grade students. You will see 7th & 8th grade students in the hallway.
Question: Do we have recess?
Answer: Yes! All students have 35 minutes for lunch and recess.
Question: Do all middle school students have cell phones?
Answer: No. Cell phones in middle school are a family preference.
Question: When will I get my Chromebook for school?
Answer: Chromebooks will be distributed in classes during the first week of school.
EVMS Pirate Code
Be Safe
Treat others with kindness, dignity & respect
Be an upstander
Think before you act
Find your trusted adults
Be Engaged
Own your learning
Set goals & be reflective
Come prepared & participate
Build relationships
Be Aware
Be a steward of community
Show gratitude & give back
Take ownership
Be on time & be prepared
Be Adventurous
Bring enthusiasm
Growth Mindset
Explore passions & embrace creativi
EVMS Summer Hours
EVMS will be on their Summer Office hours for June & July: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00. I will be in and out of the office during this time with various tasks being completed both in and out of the building. Please allow a few hours for responses. You may also give us a call at 970.328.8910 and leave a detailed message.
Mr. Eric Mandeville, Principal
Mrs. Erin Street, Assistant Principal & Athletic Director
Eagle Valley Middle School
Website: https://evms.eagleschools.net/
Location: 747 East 3rd Street, Eagle, CO, USA
Phone: 970-328-8910
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EVMS.Pirates