Hillside News Brief
Next Week: School for Group A (last name A-K) is on Tuesday/Wednesday
Extended Campus Learner Opportunity at Do Space
Hillside Extended Campus Families (those who will keep their student(s) home for the second quarter of school):
We know that taking on learning from home five days a week is a challenge. We want to support you in your decision to utilize Extended Campus (at-home) learning, and we want to help students to be successful while learning online. Do Space (at 7205 Dodge Street) has offered to set up a remote learning space, complete with tech support, high-speed wifi, tutors, extension activities, and a health and safety officer for Westside students from Hillside and Westbrook. The location would be the second floor of Do Space on 72nd and Dodge. They would only take 20-30 students at a time, and each student work station is fully equipped with plexiglass on the sides for safety.Students who will be 100% learning from home for second semester can access this service two days per week. The best part is that use of this space is totally FREE. It would be a way for families who are learning from home to receive some structured support in a safe environment two days a week. I want to be clear that teachers are not provided, just tech support and Do Space tutors to help kids as they are completing their work for school.
We are currently looking to see how many families might utilize this option. Parents can drop their kids off for two days a week (hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). You would still be responsible for your students on the other three days of the week. If you are interested in getting more information, please fill out this form as soon as possible. We would like to decide by next Wednesday, September 9, whether or not we will have enough families participating to make this option work.
At this point, nothing is finalized. If we have enough families interested, we hope to get this space up and running by September 14. I will send out more information if there is enough interest to make it happen.
Cynthia Bailey, Principal
Birthday Announcements and PBiS Drawing Winners
Supports for Students
Westside Community Schools continues the implementation of MTSS, which stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. This year more than ever, due to the effects of COVID on education and instruction over these past 5 months, MTSS in Westside assures that we regularly monitor student skills and progress and follow-up with providing students what they need to be successful in learning. Right away in August and September this means that we first assess all students to determine their current skill levels, group students, and plan our instruction to meet their needs.
What is MTSS? MTSS is a framework for providing instruction and support to promote the academic and behavioral success of all children. Individual children’s progress & skills are measured, and these results are used to make decisions about further instruction and intervention. The MTSS process is flexible and allows for a continuum of supports designed to meet the needs of individual students. This support may be provided in a large or small group by the classroom teacher or other support staff, either within or outside the classroom.
What does this mean for my child? A key component of the MTSS process is that all children receive high quality instruction in their classroom. Universal screenings are brief tests used to measure the progress of all students and are given three times per year. As a result of the screenings, students may be identified as needing some degree of supplemental intervention in addition to the instruction they are receiving in their classroom. If your child is identified as needing intervention you will be notified. Please contact your child’s building principal with questions.
Nebraska Reading Improvement Act: The Nebraska Reading Improvement Act went into effect at the start of the 2019-2020 school year. The goal is that all Nebraska students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of third grade. This is accomplished by ensuring all students have access to high-quality instruction and for struggling readers to receive targeted support (intervention). Our current MTSS framework in Westside Community Schools already allows for us to meet these state requirements.
*We understand the disruption COVID has caused in the educational system. We continue to use research-based high quality instructional practices to meet the needs of all students to as great of an extent as the current pandemic situation allows. We are adapting as we progress throughout the year. The more students continue to read, review math facts, and write/journal each day at home, in addition to their instruction from school, the more secure their skills may become.
A Message from Orchestra & Band Teachers for 5th Grade Students
Calling all Westside 5th Graders - now is the time to join Westside's award winning Instrumental Music program! Sign up is going on now through Sept. 7. Information about band and string instruments, as well as the sign up form, can be found in your google classroom! Questions? Contact us through email or at your school! We can't wait to make music with all of you this school year! Mrs. Matheson (matheson.viktoria@westside66.net) & Mr. Freeman (freeman.michael@westside66.net)