Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Wednesday August 28th is the last day for schedule changes for Semester 1. If you need to make any changes, please reach out to your school counselor ASAP!
Sign ups for the PSAT are happening now. If you are a 10th or 11th grader interested in taking the PSAT, please stop by the school counseling office and check in with Ms. Wise. The cost is $20 - cash or check only.
Attention Seniors! Miami University is proud to present the Bridges Program, an overnight visit experience for high-achieving high school seniors from historically underrepresented populations or who commit to promoting a deeper understanding of and appreciation for diversity. Students representing different ethnic/racial, sexual orientation and gender identity, and socioeconomic backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Students who complete the Bridges Program, apply, are accepted, and enroll on the Oxford campus for next fall will be eligible to receive the Bridges Program scholarship. Please visit www.miamioh.edu/bridges for more information and to apply. Applications are due by September 23.
Talawanda 23-24 yearbooks have been distributed during lunch. If your student did not pick theirs up, they need to go to room 301 before school to sign for it. EXTRA yearbooks from 23-24 are now on sale in room 301 as well, and can be purchased for $65. Checks can be made out to 'Talawanda High School'.
If you want to get EARLY BIRD PRICING for the 24-25 yearbook, visit yearbookforever.com to order yours today! Prices increase September 29th!
Friday, August 23rd
5:00-8:00 pm Drama Club Yard Sale- North Parking Lot
Saturday, August 24th
9:00am-6:00pm Drama Club Yard Sale - North Parking Lot
Tuesday, August 27th
3:00pm Art Club, ROOM 603- Meets every Wednesday until 3:45pm - All are welcome!
Wednesday, August 28th
3:00pm Robotics Club, Room 412- All are welcome! See Ms. Schran for more information
3:00pm Diversity Club, Room 400- All are welcome!
3:00pm Chess Club, Room 603- Meets every Wednesday until 3:45pm- All are welcome!
Sporting Events
Community Flyer Page
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.