Maple Marquee
October 11, 2024
Living our Strategic Plan
Dear Maple Families,
Since the Board of Education approved our Strategic Plan last May, we have been working hard to make sure it is more than just a piece of paper. Our students, staff and community put so much effort into establishing the values, goals and priorities for our district, and we want to ensure we are living them in our schools every day.
You have previously heard about important changes and new programs: the social workers we have added to each school for additional mental health support; our RULER school-home partnership (scroll below to see what your children are learning this month!); our school themes and events focused on belonging and inclusion, like Maple's Illuminate – and so much more!
Even in our communications, you see art and icons from our Strategic Plan, providing a visual cue to connect what you are reading to our goals. Today, I am so pleased to show you how we are living our plan. I am especially proud of the students and parents in this video, who spoke off the cuff and from the heart when asked what they love and value about our schools. Thank you to them and to ALL District 30 families who partner with us to make sure we live and follow our Strategic Plan every day!
Dr. Emily K. Tammaru
Superintendent of Schools
Upcoming dates
Monday, October 14
- No school, District holiday
Tuesday, October 15
Wednesday, October 16
- PTO Special Lunch
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 17
- Parent/Teacher Conferences, No student attendance
Friday, October 18
Wednesday, October 23
- Picture re-take day
What an amazing Grandparents Night!
We were thrilled by the incredible turnout at last night’s Grandparents' Night!
The evening was a true celebration, with a keynote speech from longtime community member and educator, Karen Roloff, a witty student panel discussion from our Student Council members, and engaging tours led by our Peer Partners.
A huge thank you to everyone who made the night a success, and a special thanks to all the grandparents of District 30 who play such an important role in supporting our students and our school.
Attention all student artists...
The Illinois Flag Commission is seeking input in re-designing the state's 55-year-old flag. Submissions for a new state flag design will be accepted through Friday, October 18. Click on the button below for all the details, and good luck!
How Mood Meter helps at school
To help our students develop self and social awareness, the RULER program recognizes emotions and uses the Mood Meter to plot how we feel. The Mood Meter is used as needed to check in on how students are feeling. Developing self and social awareness is important because it helps us understand our feelings, get along better with others, and make good choices.
How to recognize our feelings through the changes in our bodies.
How our feelings affect our actions and our thoughts.
How to use the Mood Meter as a tool to develop self and social awareness.
Learn what you can do with your child(ren) at home utilizing the Mood Meter to help navigate their emotions.
Fitness Assessment for all PE students
- The PE/Wellness Department will conduct state mandated FitnessGram fitness assessment for all PE students during the week of October 21-25. All PE students will need to attend PE classes on those dates (Health students do not test).
If possible, please do not schedule any appointments during this class time. First period students should be on time and ready for class. Thank you.
8th-grade World Language field trip
Permission slips due TODAY
On Friday, October 25, the World Language Department will take the 8th-grade class on full-day educational trips.
- Spanish classes will visit the National Museum of Mexican Art Day of the Dead art exhibits, eat at an authentic Mexican restaurant, and tour the Pilsen neighborhood, exploring muralism and local shops.
- French classes will take a French-immersion cooking class and attend a French cinema at the Alliance Française.
- Mandarin classes will explore the Chinatown neighborhood, go to a Chinese-American Museum, Buddhist Temple, see murals and eat at a local restaurant.
- Study Strategies, Guided Studies, students who don’t take a World Language, as well as ELL students, will also go to Chinatown.
BUS INFO: Students attending the Mandarin and French trips will report directly to the West Gym at 8:10 a.m. and the buses will depart at 8:30 a.m. Students attending the Spanish trip will report directly to the Cafetorium at 8:10 a.m. and depart at 8:30 a.m. The buses will NOT wait for late students so please be at school on time so we can take attendance and board the buses. Students should only bring their items for the World Language field trip. They should leave their trappers and iPads at home, as they will not need them that day.
DEADLINE: Signed field trip permission slips and money/check are due TODAY. Please get those turned in as soon as possible if your child has not submitted it yet. Feel free to contact a member of the World Language department with any questions.
Maple book drive
Starting Monday, October 21
Maple is partnering with Bernie's Book Bank to help provide gently used children's books to school districts and early childhood programs in the Chicagoland area.
We will accept books books appropriate for children birth through sixth grade. We cannot accept Young Adult books, religious or foreign language books other than Spanish. We need books in great condition. Please, no torn covers, dog-eared pages, over loved or damaged books.
Students can drop off items in the front vestibule starting Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25. We appreciate your help and look forward to a successful book drive.
Glenview community food drive
Also starting Monday, October 21
From Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25, the students of District 30 and District 34 will come together to collect food items for the Northfield Township Food Pantry. Collection boxes will be located at Wescott, Willowbrook and Maple Schools. This food drive benefits the Northfield Township Food Pantry. Thank you for your help.
Parent volunteers needed for Career Day
Parent volunteers are needed for Career Day on February 21. We are looking for volunteers who are available to either conduct student interviews in the morning or present career opportunities to groups in the afternoon.
The aim is to improve our 8th-graders’ interview skills and broaden their career perspectives.
Morning interviewers will be expected to kindly and professionally lead students through a series of 20-minute mock interviews. For many of our students, this will be their first experience interviewing. We are looking for people who are eager to offer thoughtful feedback and encouragement. If you are able to participate between 8:00 a.m. and noon on February 21, we would love to have you.
We are also looking for enthusiastic and dynamic presenters for our afternoon sessions. Volunteers should plan to present two or three 20-minute presentations to rotating groups of students between 1:00-3:30 p.m.. If you are interested in talking about your career, what it entails, and the steps it took to get to where you are today, please consider volunteering for the afternoon session.
As you know, our students are excited to engage and learn. If you're able to participate, please complete this form.
In District 30, we strive to create meaningful and rich experiences for our students. We appreciate you considering this opportunity to contribute.
D.C./Chicagoland information follow-up
Thanks to all who attended!
We appreciate everyone who could join us on October 1. For those who missed the meeting, you can watch the recording here.
Registration for the Washington, DC trip is now open!
- Trip ID 217820
- Click here or the button below, or call WorldStrides at 800-468-5899 to register.
Please note that itineraries and permission slips for both the D.C. and Chicagoland trips will be available as we approach spring.
Basketball & Poms tryout UPDATE
Student interest and contact form below.
Below is the link for interest in basketball or poms. Please help your student fill out the parent/guardian email and phone numbers along with two emergency contact numbers. Thank you!
Maple will be holding tryouts for all 6, 7, 8 grade girls & boys basketball beginning mid October.
All 6, 7 and 8 grade boys’ who are interested in trying out for Basketball should meet in the West Gym directly after school on October 23 & October 24.
All 6, 7 and 8 grade girls’ who are interested in trying out for Basketball should meet in the West Gym directly after school on October 28 & October 29.
Tryouts will be held over two days, beginning at 3:35 p.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. sharp.
Students who do not come in athletic attire to school will be allowed to change and participate in the tryout. Athletes are expected to attend both days of tryouts.
Poms is a non-tryout sport. We will host an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 30th after school until 4:30 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Oct. 16-17
Last day to register
WHEN ARE CONFERENCES? This fall, we will offer parents live, online interactions with our teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 16 from 4:30-8:00 p.m. and Thursday, October 17 from 12:00- 8:00 p.m. Conferences are one of the most valuable tools we have to foster our strong partnerships between home and school. Beginning with fall’s conferences, we will be using Google Meet as our video conference and we will create a Conference Link Directory that will be shared with you closer to the start of conferences. If, for any reason, you require an in-person conference with a teacher, please get in touch with the teacher or the school front office, and we will work with you to find a meeting time.
WHEN DOES REGISTRATION OPEN? Conference registration is open through Friday, October 11 at 3:00 p.m. Conference scheduler login information will be sent to the primary contact email for your student, along with step-by-step instructions for registering. Please keep an eye open for this information. Registration codes and directions will also be available in Parent Portal on form 2024-25 School Year Information.
WHAT TO EXPECT: During conferences, your classroom teacher will discuss academic and social-emotional goals, discuss how the learning experience is progressing at school and at home, and share details about the classroom community with you. This is a collaborative meeting between families and teachers when we can answer your questions. We are so proud of our students and their strong start. Thank you so much for your ongoing support and partnership.
Spanish: Students in 6th and 8th grade
Social Studies: Students with last name starting with A-L
Science: Students with last name starting with M-Z
Positive Postcards program
A kind word can brighten someone's day.
A simple "thank you" or a personal note can really make someone's day. Would you like to send a positive postcard to a teacher or a staff member? Please follow these steps in this short presentation, and if you have any questions, please contact Jeanie Moran from the Tech Team.
Schoology parental access
Please follow these steps:
1. Login to Parent Portal
2. Click on Forms on the left-hand side
3. Under General Forms, click on this form: 2024-25 School Year Information
4. You will see a Schoology Access Code along with the guide on how to sign up.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to Jeanie Moran at jmoran@district30.org
Special Lunch ordering is now closed
On October 16, students will enjoy a Special Lunch from Panera. Ordering is now closed. Quest hot lunch service is NOT available on PTO Special Lunch days. If your child does not participate in the PTO Special Lunch program, they must bring a lunch and drink from home. Thank you.
Ice Cream Day thank-you
Thank you for participating in this week's PTO Ice Cream day! We hope your student enjoyed their frozen treat. Thank You to our Ice Cream Co-Chairs Diana Chen, Lisa Rosengard, and Julian Cheng, and our volunteers Soonhee Chang, Kasia Klosowski, Annette Pulchny, and Chunrong Xiong, for helping Ice Cream Day go smoothly. If you did not sign up for ice cream during PTO registration, you can send your student with $2 to buy a frozen treat. The next PTO Ice Cream Day will be held on Wednesday, November 13.
Over-the-counter meds require physician signature
Due to a change to the State of Illinois School Code, Wescott School Health Office will only be able to distribute over-the-counter (OTC) medications (such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen) to students with a completed Medication Authorization Form (for OTC). The new requirements include a physician’s signature along with a parent/guardian's signature.
Please return the completed form to the school’s health office if you would like your child will be able to receive over-the-counter medications at school. Thank you!
Details on running for Board of Education
Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 will have three school board seats to be filled at the Consolidated Election on April 1, 2025. Candidates who are elected will fill four-year terms expiring in April 2029.
Candidates for the office of the school board can now circulate nominating petitions for signatures. The period for filing nominating petitions concludes November 18, with November 12 being the first day permitted to file a petition.
A candidate for the school board is required to file the nominating petitions, Statement of Candidacy, and receipt for filing their Statement of Economic Interests with the applicable county election clerk and not with the school board secretary or the administrative offices of the school district. The county clerk may have petition forms available, or blank petitions may be downloaded from the State Board of Elections website, elections.il.gov.
Details on seeking caucus endorsement
Candidates who are interested in seeking endorsement from the District 30 School Board Caucus should contact Caucus Chair Marci Goldgar at marci257@aol.com by Friday, October 18. The School Board Caucus is a committee of District 30 residents that includes families both with and without children enrolled in Willowbrook, Wescott and Maple schools. The Caucus' role is to source, screen and endorse potential school board candidates. To be considered by the Caucus, candidates will need to complete a detailed application as well as an interview.
Find events in our community!
Want to know what's going on around the community? District 30 uses a "Virtual Backpack" to share community information while saving paper, costs, and lightening the loads our students bring home. Please click the button below to view upcoming Community Events.
Safe2Help Illinois
Any time a student feels unsafe, any adult in their school can help!
But sometimes, students or parents wish to reach out for help in a different way or after school hours. Safe2Help Illinois offers students a safe way to share information 24/7 that might help prevent any threat to school safety, including bullying, self-harm or other serious concerns.
The goal of this program is to get students to “seek help before harm;" it is not intended to suspend, expel, or punish. Safe2Help Illinois also offers a Mental Health Toolkit that provides resources for parents and educators reinforce the components of this program.
Safe2Help Illinois offers around-the-clock help via:
- Hotline: 844-4-SAFEIL
- Text line: 72332
- Email HELP@Safe2HelpIL.com
- Plus a website full of resources for young people seeking help for themselves or a friend. Its Ways To Get Help page is a directory of specialized hotlines, and other sections of its website provide practical steps for dealing with depression or helping a distraught friend. The checklist called "20 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Feel Like Giving Up" can help older children overcome a bout of anxiety or depression.
Useful Links
Maple School
Maple School is part of Northbrook/Glenview District 30, which exists to create an inclusive community that inspires learning, fosters resiliency, and cares deeply for every child. We honor childhood and foster intellectual, physical and social-emotional growth. District 30 serves more than 1,200 students in pre-K through 8th grade across Willowbrook, Wescott and Maple Schools.
We prohibit harassment and discrimination of all forms within our district and follows all policies and procedures to ensure a safe environment for all.
Main Office: 847-400-8900
Health Office: 847-400-8908Location: 2370 Shermer Road, Northbrook, IL, USA
Website: district30.org