Weekly Happenings
Week of 2/12/18
A Message from the Administrator
Greetings MCS Families,
It sounds like winter hasn’t given up yet and we may be in for a storm tonight. There is a winter storm warning for the Moscow area and they are predicting that we will receive anywhere from 5 to 8 inches of snow starting this evening. If for some reason the forecast is accurate and there is a school closure tomorrow, it will be posted on our Facebook page, website, and called into local radio and TV stations. We follow the same schedule as Moscow School District. If they are closed, then we are closed.
There will be no school on Friday, the 16th, due to teacher professional development. We will be working on PBIS training, learning how to incorporate the Google Expeditions Kits into our classrooms, and staff collaboration. These days are really beneficial for teachers because it allows them to discuss techniques and skills to provide our students with the best learning possible.
I hope you all have a great rest of your week!
Tony Bonuccelli
Administrator, Moscow Charter School
Help Needed!
MCS has the opportunity to receive Federal Title 1 Reading Program and E-Rate funds based on the percentage of students who qualify for our Free and Reduced Lunch program. These programs are very important to us because they pay for valuable services for our students.
We are reaching out because there may be more students at MCS who qualify for the program, that we do not know about because their parents have not filled out the form.
If you qualify for the program, you are not required to purchase lunches at our school, it only means you will have the option for your child to receive a free or reduced-price lunch if you wanted them to do so – and it means you will be helping MCS receive funds for these programs.
If you do qualify but haven't applied, or even if you might qualify but are not sure, please fill out the application at the following link: 2017/2018 Free and Reduced Application or you can fill out a form in person at the school. If you have already filled out this form for this year, it is not necessary to do so again, but thank you for your help in keeping these valuable programs available to MCS.
Once your application is completed, please turn it in to our Business Manager, Lashelle Wilson. All information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to fill out the form.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Buffalo Wild Wings Fund Raiser
New MCS Swag
Please make checks payable to MCS PAT.
MCS Bingo Night
Bingo Night! Please mark your calendar for March 23rd 2018 where the PAT will host a Bingo Night with lots of really awesome prizes.
2nd Annual MCS Bookabunga Reading Day
Our 2nd Annual Bookabunga will take place on Friday, February 23, 2018
"Read, Grow, Take Flight"
A celebration of reading for learning and for pleasure
Local author Jeni Leidenfrost will be sharing her natural world picture book at an assembly in the morning. Parents are welcome to attend. Families may purchase a signed copy of Leidenfrost's book through Bookpeople of Moscow online HERE.
Each student's class will be participating in Bookabunga in their own way. Look for communications from your student's teacher about activities and opportunities.
If you have questions about Bookabunga, please contact our reading teacher aide, Paige Buehler, at paigeb@moscowcharterschool.org.
Kid's Science and Engineering Day
About us
Email: office@moscowcharterschool.org
Website: moscowcharterschool.org
Location: 1723 East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-883-3195
Facebook: facebook.com/moscowcharterschool