Parsons Pirate Update
January 6th, 2025
Principal's Message
Hello Parsons Family,
It is hard to believe that we just completed the last week of the 2024 school year. Thank you to everyone for all of the treats, cards, and love this past week. The daily lunches the week before break were a welcome and delicious break for staff.
We wish all of you a wonderful winter break and happy holidays! There is a half day on Wednesday, January 8th for staff professional development. Other than that, we should be back to school as usual. We will be very excited to see our students' smiles in January!
Sarah Aherne
Staff Member Shout Out
Please shout out a staff member, using this form. We love to get your feedback and recognize all staff.
Cookies with Santa
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for Cookies with Santa! Thank you PTO, our NHS student volunteers, Santa's shop volunteers, and kitchen staff.
Christmas Fun
WatchDOGS is going well! Thank you for your service! Here is the sign up again for those who might need it.
PBIS-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports...
1. Creates and maintains a safe and effective learning environment
2. Ensures all students have social skills needed for success at school and beyond.
3. Provides a proactive system-wide framework for implementation
The purpose of PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviors are the norm.
January's Monthly Focus-Prioritize
School Hours
Our school hours are from 8:38am-3:33 pm. Our school doors will open at 8:33 am. Our half day hours are 8:38 am-11:55 am. The first day of school is a half day and dismissal will be 11:55. Our front doors will open at 8:38 for students to enter the building. School dismissal is staggered so younger grades will come out first.
Arrival and Dismissal
Lunch Times
Kindergarten: 11:45 am-12:10 pm
1st grade: 11:55 am-12:20 pm
2nd grade: 12:05 pm-12:30 pm
3rd grade: 12:15 pm-12:40 pm
4th grade: 12:25 pm-12:50 pm
5th grade: 12:35 pm-1:00 pm
Visitors in the Building and Background Checks
Although we love to have visitors, we remain committed to your children’s safety. Students must enter the building themselves in the morning. Parents and guests must always check in the front office.
As we start to have volunteers in the classroom, please remember that you must have a background check prior to your volunteer date. You can fill out the form and bring a copy of your license to Ms. Veronica. Once approved, you may volunteer. We do background checks twice a year. If you have a felony, you may not volunteer for WatchDogs, field trips, or volunteer in the classroom.
Parsons Spiritwear
We have a new company for Parsons spirit wear this year. The great news is that you can order Parsons or Carlson gear throughout the year. They also have many sales and specials. Check out the link here and the flyer for the weekly ad below.
MiStar Parent Portal App
If you would like to access your Parent Portal on your smart phone or tablet, we offer a free mobile application. It is quick and easy to get started. Click on the PDF below to view Mobile App Installation Instructions.
Parent Square Communication App
Download the Parent Square App today! Use your email and phone number you used when you registered to log in.
We use ParentSquare at the District, school and classroom level to communicate with families.
What is ParentSquare?
ParentSquare is a simple-to-use platform that provides a safe way for everyone at a school to connect. With ParentSquare, you'll be able to:
- Receive messages from the district and school via email, text or app notification
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Comment on school postings to engage in your school community
- Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
- Participate in group messages
- Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
- Sign forms & permission slips
- And more all from your phone or web portal!
Elementary January Lunch Menu
Upcoming Dates
January 6th: Welcome Back!
January 8th: Half Day (Dismissal 11:55) Teacher Professional Development Day
January 9th: Board Meeting 7:00 pm
January 14th: PTO meeting 6:00 pm
January 20th: No School, MLK Day
January 21st: Rev'd Up Family Fun Night
January 24th: Half Day (Dismissal 11:55) Teacher Work Day, End of 2nd Quarter
February 11th: PTO meeting 6:00 pm
February 13th: Board Meeting 7:00 pm
February 14th: No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
February 17th: No School, President's Day
March 11th: PTO meeting 6:00 pm
March 13th: Board Meeting 7:00 pm
March 24th-March 28th: No School, Spring Break
April 4th: Half Day, Teacher Work Day, End of 3rd Quarter
April 8th: PTO meeting 6:00 pm
April 10th: Board Meeting 7:00 pm
April 17th: No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
April 18th: No School, Good Friday