Springfield SHARK Bites
Home of the Sharks! Oct. 28, 2024
Springfield SHARKS are
H onest
A ccountable
R espectful
K ind
which leads to a
S ense of belonging
Picture Retakes, 6th Grade Picture, & Soccer Pictures - Tuesday!
Picture Retakes will be held this coming Tuesday. Any students new to Springfield since the pictures or absent on picture day will also have their picture taken. Along with this, our 6th graders will have their group picture taken.
We are also excited to offer Soccer Pictures! All members of the soccer team should bring thieir uniform to school on Tuesday so you can have your picture taken. You will have the opportunity to purchase soccer pictures as well!
Attendance Celebration!
Congratulations to the 54 students who earned perfect attendance and a celebration for the first grading period! These students were rewarded with popcorn and a lemonade party! Great job, Sharks!
I can't wait to see how many more we have this next grading period!
Trick or Treat Night
Thank you for everyone who participated in the Trick or Treat Night! Everyone had a great time! Thank you to all the staff members who worked the event and to our Family & Friends for coordinating everything. We are so fortunate to have wonderful staff and families at Springfield!
All Pro Dad - Afternoon Meeting
We are so excited to offer our next All Pro Dad meeting on Tuesday, October 29 at 3:15. All fathers/father figures or other adults are encouraged to join us with your children for the 45 minute to spend quality time together!
We ask that unless the teacher has specifically stated it, students should NOT wear costumes to school on Halloween, Thursday, Oct. 31. To show your spirit, please wear your favorite Halloween shirt, black, or orange!
Nominations are Being Accepted!
Michigan City Area Schools is now accepting nominations for the 2025 Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year recognition program.
Each spring, MCAS recognizes employees in the following areas:
Elementary Teacher of the Year
Secondary Teacher of the Year
Support Staff Employee of the Year
Transportation Employee of the Year
Food Service Employee of the Year
Anyone – students, former students, parents, staff, or community members – may nominate a teacher or staff member. There is no limit to the number of employees a person may nominate.
To learn more about eligibility and the selection process, and to nominate a teacher or staff member, visit http://educateMC.net/toy_eoy
(The nomination is very simple… just one question: Why do you believe that this individual should be honored as the 2025 MCAS Teacher or Employee of the Year?)
Paper nomination forms are also available at any MCAS school or facility. Please complete a separate form for each nomination.
Nominations are due by Friday, November 22, 2024.
Many thanks to Comcast and the Michigan City Chamber for their sponsorship of this program.
We can't wait to celebrate our employees!
Nominations are Being Accepted!
Michigan City Area Schools is now accepting nominations for the 2025 Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year recognition program.
Each spring, MCAS recognizes employees in the following areas:
Elementary Teacher of the Year
Secondary Teacher of the Year
Support Staff Employee of the Year
Transportation Employee of the Year
Food Service Employee of the Year
Anyone – students, former students, parents, staff, or community members – may nominate a teacher or staff member. There is no limit to the number of employees a person may nominate.
To learn more about eligibility and the selection process, and to nominate a teacher or staff member, visit http://educateMC.net/toy_eoy
(The nomination is very simple… just one question: Why do you believe that this individual should be honored as the 2025 MCAS Teacher or Employee of the Year?)
Paper nomination forms are also available at any MCAS school or facility. Please complete a separate form for each nomination.
Nominations are due by Friday, November 22, 2024.
Many thanks to Comcast and the Michigan City Chamber for their sponsorship of this program.
We can't wait to celebrate our employees!
This week at a glance
Monday, Oct. 28
3-4:30 Girls BB Practice
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Picture Retakes
6th Grade Pictures
Soccer Picture
3:15 All Pro Dad meeting
Thursday, Oct. 31
Halloween - Wear your favorite Halloween shirt, orange, or black
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 5: Election Day - Asynchoronous elearning day
Nov. 21: Book Bingo Literacy Night
Absences & Dismissal Plans
Please remember to call by 1:30 if you have a change in dismissal plans - i.e. riding the bus instead of being picked up. After 1:30, we cannot guarantee that the student and teacher will be able to get the information.
Contact Information
Mrs. Bevitori, Secretary - cbevitori@mcas.k12.in.us
Miss Drake, Student Success Coach - hdrake@mcas.k12.in.us
Mrs. Feikes, Instructional Coach - jfeikes@mcas.k12.in.us
Mrs. McFerson Hall, Counselor - vmcferson@mcas.k12.in.us
Mrs. Tarnow, Nurse - ltarnow@mcas.k12.in.us
Email: lemshwiller@mcas.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/springfield
Location: 3054 West 800 North, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA
Phone: (219) 873-2117
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/springfieldschoolpto