Flora Update
The Latest News and Information from AC Flora High School
Upcoming Events
Friday, January 17- Early Dismissal for students (Professional Development)- 11:45 a.m.
Monday, January 20- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Friday, January 31- Job Shadowing Day (see information below)
Last Night to See Cabaret!
The Flora Fine Arts Department has one final night of our Musical Cabaret: Friday, January 17 at 6PM. Tickets are just $5 and can be purchased here. Follow @acfdrama on Instagram for more information!
Cell Phone Policy
Students are prohibited from using their cell phones or other personal electronic devices, such as smart watches, tablets, AirPods and gaming devices, during the school day – from the start of the school day until dismissal. Students must store their devices in their lockers, backpacks/bookbags or otherwise as directed by their schools. Students can click here to request a locker.
More information about the policy, including FAQs and a video can be found here. Click here for more information from the State Department of Education. Thanks for your help with this new state law!
From the PTSO
We are excited to bring back a PTSO social event!
The PTSO will host an Oyster Roast for parents, guardians, teachers/staff and other AC Flora supporters on Thursday, January 23. Proceeds will go towards new furniture in the Knowledge Nest (known as the Atrium).
Cash door prizes will be up for grabs! See flyer and to buy tickets, click on https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/5LUURYJUEZWY8
Kleenex Drive
The AC Flora front office and the library need boxes of tissue to give to students and teachers who returned from winter break with the sniffles. Please click on the link to sign up to drop off a few boxes at the front office: A.C. Flora PTSO Members 2024-2025: Kleenex for Flora to Help with the Winter Sniffles :)
Join the AC Flora PTSO
To join and support the PTSO’s ongoing efforts in the AC Flora community, please visit the following links:
Click here to become a Business Partner.
Click here to become a Friends and Family Member.
IB Information Night
A.C. Flora will hold an International Baccalaureate information night on Tuesday, January 21, at 6pm in the Theater. The presentation will introduce students and families to IB and go over the requirements for enrolling in the diploma programme. If you're a 9th or 10th grader and want to know more about this challenging, two-year college preparatory program aimed at helping students become critical thinkers and productive members of our global community, please plan to attend. Family members are also encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Keller at Stephen.keller@richlandone.org.
From School Counseling
Please see the Scholarship Update for the week of January 13, 2025.
Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Meetings:
IGP letters have been mailed home. The purpose of these meetings is to review the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) to make sure students are on track for promotion and graduation, and to choose their course selections for the next school year. While helping your student continue their future efforts, additional information such as GPA, class rank, exam grades, and course applications for next year's program will be discussed.
Please contact your student's counselor if you have any questions.
Financial Aid Night for the Class of 2025:
AC Flora High School will be hosting a FAFSA Night for all Class of 2025 students and parents on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 6 pm in the AC Flora Theater. This event will feature a representative from the South Carolina Student Loan Association who will provide information on financial aid (FAFSA), scholarships, and loan opportunities.
Please click here to let us know you will be attending. Please complete this form by Wednesday, January 22, at 3 pm.
We will administer the ASVAB on February 21, 2025, at 8:15am in the library.
Please see the flyer for more information. Sign up here:
AC Flora Clubs & Organizations
Students —
Are you making the most of your involvement & interests in high school?
Is your 2025 resolution to get more involved and build your leadership skills? Students, take a look at the opportunities available here.
Reach out to the club sponsor or student leader via email for more information.
Interested in starting a new club? Stop by Mr. Hearn's office (Room 310) or email him at william.hearn@richlandone.org.
Be on the lookout for more AC Flora Club information in the new calendar year!
Pictured: last year's International Thespian Club
Falcon Barbell Club
For all students interested, the Falcon Barbell Club meets in the mornings to train prior to school. This club is primarily structured to help students prepare for the State Strength meet either this semester (boys) or next fall (girls). It is also open to students who might be interested in weightlifting but are not able to lift during the school day. If interested, you must reach out to Coach Rumsey PRIOR to showing up to train. Please reach out to Coach Rumsey at ian.rumsey@richlandone.org for more information/requirements to participate.
Purchase your yearbook today!
Click here to purchase.
For seniors: yearbook ads and baby pictures/quotes
Parents of seniors: Show your student how proud you are of their hard work and accomplishments with a tribute in the yearbook.
Click here for more information and here to order.
Seniors: The Yearbook Staff cordially invites you to send in baby pictures to be published in the 2024/25 yearbook. In order for your baby picture and senior quote to be published, please use your personal email to send us the following information to acfseniors24@gmail.com:
- Baby picture in format .jpg
- Two quotations: first and second choice. Your quotations must include the author’s name and be school appropriate.
- Your first and last name must be spelled how you want it to appear in the yearbook.
2024-2025 PTSO Business Partners
Falcon Gold
Brabham Griffin Insurance
Falcon Silver
Brabham Fence
Brandon Davidson Interiors
Catalyst Architects
Ellison Kibler & Associates
Graybill Lansche & Vinzani, LLC
HLJ Creative
Hood Construction
Johnson & Lesley Construction Company
L&N Produce
McKenzie & Lybrand
Milliken Properties
RedBird Windows & Doors
Richardson Thomas LLC
Falcon Bronze
Bonitz, Inc.
Bradley Insurance Group
Camp, Moring & Brendle, LLC
Cohn Development
Dog Daze
Forest Acres Needlepoint
Freeway Music
Hendricks and Company
JHV Travel
Milling Law
SouthState Bank
Vicious Biscuit
Falcon Friend
Big Red Box
Moe’s Southwest Grill (Beltline Boulevard)
Thank you to our 2024-2025 PTSO Donors
Falcon’s Pride ($500 or more)
Laura and Adam Jordan
Falcon’s Flight ($250 or more)
Missy and Tommy Boggs
Cam and Culver Choate
Shawn and Summer Elliott
Blease and Sandi Graham
David Hawkins
Jill and Jay Holloway
Kenzie and Ryan Newton
Betsy and Brent Roof
Paula Sabbagha
Ashley Sitton
Heather Stallworth
Carmen Thomas
Benefactors ($100 or more)
Katie and Zack Atkinson
Elizabeth and Nicholas Beasley
Marni Bird
Lisa Butler
Celeste Carnaggio
Natacha Cerisier-Whetstone
Gable Clark
Molley and Edward Clarkson
Nici and Brian Comer
Lindsay and Stephen Creech
Wes and Mindy Culp
Townes and Stephen Denemark
Peter Duffy
Kelly and Ryan Foster
Antione and Kalenia Frederick
Angie and Robert Gahagan
Rachelle Gajadhar
Mundi and Michael George
Misha Lawyer Goodwin
Paige Haas
Sara Svedberg Homewood
Lauren and Greg Hudgens
Ashley Jaillette
Leah Jeter
Steven and Sazy Johnson
Jennifer and Franklin Jones
Kalen Kloskey
Evelyn and Darren Knight
Elizabeth and Spann Laffitte
Montague and Lauren Laffitte
Angie Lichty
Catherine and Jason Lockhart
Kristen Long
Andrea Maas
Jordan and Michael Mancini
Josh and Marthan McCain
Jamie and Monica McCutcheon
Mary Dameron and James Milliken
Jonathan and Cydney Milling
Stephanie and Frank Mood
Bryan and Rebecca Norris
Elizabeth O’Bradovich
Jenny and Chris O’Neill
Stephanie Penaranda
Maria Price
Melissa Ray
Meredith and Rob Robertson
Kristie Rowe
Preston and Louisa Sabalis
Amy and Stephen Scott
Caroline and Austin Scott
Anna and Kevin Shalkham
Andy and Christy Slaughter
Bart and Rachel Snyder
Ashley Thomas
Shawn Toole
Laura Voyles
Sheryl Wiskur
Contact Us
Email: jennifer.collins@richlandone.org
Location: 1 Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: 803-738-7300
Instagram: @acflorahigh