Goochland Elementary News
May 22, 2023
Goochland Day Parade
News from Mrs. Smith in the Library
For students who completed the Go Nuts for Reading Program. Please email Mrs. Smith at sjsmith@glnd.k12.va.us if you have any questions. Your child has completed the Go Nuts for Reading program either at home or at school and has received a free ticket for the Flying Squirrels Baseball game on Wednesday, May 31st at 6:35 pm. Student tickets and other game day information will be sent home with your child on the Week of 5/22.
Student ticket vouchers will let them into the game, but parents, families, and friends will need to purchase a ticket. It is strongly recommended that parents and families purchase a ticket ahead of time at Goochland Elementary Tickets Tickets are $10 and $4 of each ticket goes toward Goochland Elementary School for our students! All tickets are general admission, and no seats are reserved. All three GCPS schools will try to sit together in Sections 213 -215 along the third base line. Please plan to sit with your child and our school! GES spirit wear is encouraged!
In addition, there is an optional pregame Reading Parade before the game. Please report to The Diamond by 5:30pm for the Pre-Game Parade. Students may walk in a parade with Nutzy & Nutasha around the field before the game. All interested students & parents should line up inside the front gates at the bottom of the main steps by 5:45pm. Flying Squirrels staff will be available for directions and questions.
Please reach out to me with any questions! Be on the lookout for your student's ticket the week of 5/22.
Calling all library books!! Please return all GES library books by Friday, May 26th!! Please check your house, your car, on bookshelves, under beds, anywhere you may have had your book! Thank you for all your help!
--Field Day NEws
Also, If you have a hose we can borrow for the day please email Ashley Anderson at ashley.baran@gmail.com or text at 760-576-7570
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 22: Fifth Grade Field Trip to Bear Creek
Tuesday, May 23: Expedited Retakes Reading and Science
Wednesday, May 24: Expedited Retakes Math and History/STEM Day
Friday, May 26: PreSchool Visit to BES 10-11:30
Monday, May 29: School Closed in Observance of Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31: Flying Squirrels Game
Friday, June 2: Field Day
Tuesday, June 6: Grade 5 Graduation and Pool Party
Wednesday, June 7: Last Day of School for Students 12:30 Dismissal
Intersession News
Tina L. McCay
Email: tmccay@glnd.k12.va.us
Website: goochlandschools.org
Location: 3150 River Road West, Goochland, VA, USA
Phone: 804 556-5321
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GESlions
Twitter: @tmccay1