The 14th Street Ram Report #31
April 21, 2024
What's Happening This Week:
Welcome back from vacation! Hopefully your time away, no matter what you did, was amazing! We are looking forward to having all students back with us tomorrow!
Here is what we have coming up:
May 2- PTO Meeting, 5:30
May 7- First Grade field trip
Week of May 13th- NWEA Testing for Grade 3
May 27- Memorial Day, No School
Kindness Week
We celebrated Kindness Week right before vacation. Students had activities each day that demonstrated kind acts and teachers extended learning in the classroom with read alouds, vidoes, and discussions, to name a few!
Cereal Box Challenge Video!
Cereal Dominoes
Thank you to the PTO for organizing and setting up the cereal for our topple challenge! We had families donate 189 boxes of cereal- THANK YOU FAMILIES!!- that we donated to a food bank. It was a great culminating activity to our kindness week! ❤️