AMS Principal's Weekly Update

Dear AMS Students and Families,
I was hoping to be able to start off this week boasting about a Lions win last weekend, however it just wasn't the outcome we were all hoping for. While we did not advance in the playoffs like we had hoped, this was undoubtedly, one of the most electrifying Lions seasons I have seen in my lifetime and it is nice to finally have the Lions spoken about with respect around the NFL.
Over the last month, 7th Grade Science classes have been hard at work, building and designing a capstone project from Unit 1 on Energy and Energy Transformations. Using nothing but tape and cardstock, they built paper roller coasters from scratch using over 2,000 sheets of paper to prepare for this project. They worked together to cut out and build every piece by hand to build the initial frame for their track. The roller coasters were designed so that a marble could run the length of the track from start to finish without any hiccups. They did such an amazing job and I was beyond impressed! Each team also learned the valuable lesson of how to work together despite disagreements, different personalities, troubleshooting setbacks, and meeting deadlines.
In honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, last Thursday, Advisory Period was dedicated to honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King. Students watched a biographical video on the life of MLK, then created pieces for a mural, based on the guidelines listed below, that is now displayed in the hallway leading to the cafeteria.
Monday - January 27
Dungeons and Dragons Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 111
Eco Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 210
Homework Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 115
First Robotics 4:00 pm in Room 114
Girls Volleyball Tryouts 7th Grade 3:30-5:00 pm / 8th Grade 4:00-5:30 pm
Boys Swimming Tryouts 6:00 pm at BHS Pool
Tuesday - January 28
Religious Diversity Journey Field Trip 9:00-2:30 pm
Girls Volleyball Tryouts 7th Grade 3:30-5:00 pm / 8th Grade 4:00-5:30 pm
Drama Club 3:20-4:15 in the Media Center
Spain Information Meeting 6:30 pm in Room 114 at AMS
Wednesday - January 29
Chess Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 100
Homework Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 115
Rainbow Room Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 109
Yoga 3:30-4:30 pm in Room 114
Thursday - January 30
Art Club 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 110
Friday - January 31
Ski Club 3:30-10:00 pm at Mt. Holly
NWEA Winter Testing
Due to the additional days off this week, NWEA winter testing has been slightly adjusted with math testing beginning today, January 24, and ELA wrapping up testing by January 31.
Winter Book Club
AMS will be offering a Winter Book Club, hosted by Mrs. Aytes and sponsored by Berkley Huntington Woods Youth Assistance. To sign up, please click on the informational flyer below.
Join the AMS PTSA!
Please consider joining the AMS PTSA to help support initiatives like Teacher Classroom Stipends, BHWYA, March Miracles, Assemblies, Social Emotional Initiatives, Staff Appreciation and much more! To join, simply click on the AMS PTSA Membership Page.
2024-25 Officers:
President - Dawn Banks
Vice President - Kary Pasanen
Treasurer - Melissa Foreman-Lovell
Secretary - Nicole Hollman
2024-25 Remaining Meeting Dates: All Meetings will be held in the Media Center and via Zoom
February 11 @ 8:30 am and via Zoom
April 8 @ 7:00 pm and Via Zoom
May 13 @ 8:30 am and via Zoom
To access meetings via Zoom, please use the following Zoom Link
Follow the AMS PTSA on Social Media
For all athletic related questions, please contact
AMS Assistant Principal / Athletic Coordinator, Carman Smith
Berkley District Middle School Athletic Coordinator, Lori Stone
Berkley High School Athletic Director, Matt Rawlik
Fall Season (September - October)
Football (Grades 7-8 Only)
Girls Basketball (Grades 7-8 Only) *
Co-Ed Cross Country (Grades 6-8)
Girls Tennis (Grades 6-8)
Winter 1 Season (November - Mid January)
Girls Swimming (Grades 6-8)
Boys Basketball (Grades 7-8 Only) *
Winter 2 Season (Mid January - March)
Wrestling (Grades 6-8)
Girls Volleyball (Grades 7-8 Only) *
Boys Swimming (Grades 6-8)
Spring Season (April - May)
Co-Ed Track (Grades 6-8)
Boys Tennis (Grades 6-8)
Baseball (Grades 7-8 Only) *
Softball (Grades 7-8 Only) *
* These sports are intended for 7th and 8th grade only, however if there are not enough 7th and 8th grade students to field a team, spots will be opened up for 6th Graders to tryout.
AMS has athletic eligibility guidelines and expectations. To view the guidelines and expectations for student-athletes, please click on Middle School Athletic Eligibility
The first step in participating in any sport is registering on Final Forms! Final Forms is the registration platform used for athletics where families must submit student physicals, as well as sign all the necessary forms required to be eligible to play a school sport. For directions on how to navigate Final Forms, please click on Final Forms Registration Information. All documents must be signed and submitted before the first day of tryouts. Failure to do so results in your child not being able to try out for any sport.
Girls Volleyball
Tryouts for 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball will take place January 23, 24, and 27. 7th grade will take place from 3:30-5:00 pm and 8th Grade will take place from 4:00-5:30 pm. Students must have a physical completed on or after April 15, 2024 and all forms, including a physical, must be uploaded to Final Forms prior to trying out. For questions about 7th Grade Volleyball, please contact Coach Steve Hanna and for 8th Grade contact Coach Theresa Cabalum. Below is the schedule for the season with home games starting at 4:15 pm for 7th Grade and 5:15 pm for 8th Grade and away games starting at 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm respectively unless otherwise noted. Home games are denoted in bold below:
2/4 Home v. Norup
2/6 Away v. Royal Oak (4:15 start)
2/11 Away v. Farmington Warner
2/13 Away v. Farmington East
2/25 Home v. Farmington Power
2/27 Home v. Farmington Steam
3/4 Away v. Royal Oak (4:15 start)
3/6 Home v. Clarenceville
3/11 Home v. Ferndale (4:30 start)
3/13 at Royal Oak (4:15 start)
3/14 Home v. Birmingham Derby
3/20 Away v. Norup (4:15 start)
Boys Swimming
2/4 Away v. North Hills
2/10 Home v. Birmingham Covington
2/12 Away v. Birmingham Derby
2/24 Home v. Cranbrook
3/3 Home v. Birmingham Berkshire
3/5 Away v. South Hills
3/14 League Meet at Seaholm
For questions about Wrestling, please contact Coach Vinnie Tenaglia. Below is the schedule for the season with home meets starting at 4:15 pm and away meets starting at 4:30 pm. Home meets are denoted in bold below:
2/6 Home v. Farmington Power
2/10 Home v. Ferndale
2/12 Away v. Farmington Steam
2/26 Away v. Farmington Warner
3/3 Away v. Farmington East
3/5 Away v. Farmington Power
3/10 Away v. Ferndale
3/12 Home v. Farmington Steam
3/17 Home v. Farmington Warner
3/18 Home v. Farmington East
Below are club and extra-curricular opportunities offered to students throughout the year. Check back each week for additional club information and updates.
National Junior Honor Society
Students are eligible to be inducted into NJHS in the spring of 7th Grade by earning a cumulative GPA of 3.7 through 6 terms (Terms 1-4 from 6th Grade and terms 1 and 2 of 7th Grade) and earning citizenship marks no less than a 2. For questions about NJHS, please contact NJHS sponsor, Ms. Ng. Meeting dates for current 8th Grade NJHS members take place once a month during 8th grade lunch and will take place on the following dates:
AMS Peer to Peer Program
The AMS Peer to Peer Program is a school-wide program designed to increase academic, independence, and social engagement opportunities for students with autism and other disabilities. This is achieved by inviting multiple peers without disabilities to pair up with students with disabilities during a variety of school activities. Peers model typical academic and social behavior while students with disabilities can practice and use skills in natural settings by learning from peers in a positive and dignified manner. Authentic relationships form as students actively participate in activities together.
To learn more about Peer2Peer, please watch this Peer2Peer Informational Video. Students interested in becoming a peer for the 2024-2025 school year should reach out to any of the following staff members: Mrs. Gershonowicz (Room 112), Mrs. Roesner (Room 103), or Mrs. Black (Room 223).
Free After School Yoga/Mindfulness Class
Ski Club Information
Ski Club is available to Berkley School District students in grades 6-12 who ski or snowboard or are interested in learning. Starting on January 10 through the end of February, students in Ski Club will go to Mt. Holly, leaving AMS around 3:30 pm and getting back around 10:00 pm. For more information, please click on Ski Club 2025 and to access the registration form, please click on Ski Club Registration Form 2025. For questions about Ski Club, please contact Ski Club sponsor, Jim Cowdrey.
First Robotics Club
First Robotics Club has completed the FIRST Tech Challenge for this year. Meetings will continue on Mondays at 4:00 pm in Room 114 through 2nd semester. If you have any questions about the First Robotics Club, please contact AMS parents and team sponsors, Martin Wekerle and Rob Calvano.
Drama Club
Chess Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
The Dungeons and Dragons Club is for students who have previous experience playing Dungeons and Dragons and those who wish to learn. Meetings will take place every Monday from 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 111. For questions about the D&D Club, please contact Mr. Stoia.
Eco Club
The Eco Club is offered to students who have an interest preserving the environment and being part of environmentally friendly activities. Meetings will take place every Monday from 3:20-4:15 pm in Room 210. For questions about Eco Club, please contact Ms. Maimes.
Art Club
Rainbow Room Club
Homework Club
Breakfast and Lunch Information
For the 2024-25 school year, school breakfast and lunch will be free for ALL students. The cafeteria will be open from 7:30-8:05 a.m. for breakfast and early drop-off (entry cut off at 7:55) and students must enter through the cafeteria door off the parking lot.
Please click to access the
To view nutritional and food ingredient information for school breakfast and lunches served at AMS, please click on the Nutrislice Informational Page for AMS
PLEASE NOTE: AMS does not allow food delivery services such as GrubHub or DoorDash. Any order that is attempted to be delivered to AMS will be refused.
Additionally, AMS now offers A La Carte snack items which include soft pretzels, cookies, chips, and drink options. Purchases can be made by either adding money to a student's MISTAR account or with cash. Cash purchases receiving change will have change applied to their MISTAR account for future purchases. Other payment options such as debit cards, Venmo, Apple Pay, or Google Pay Will NOT be accepted.
Drop off and Pick-Up Traffic Information
Please take the time to review the designated pick up and drop-off zones below. Some things to highlight include:
- CATALPA: No stopping, standing, parking, drop-off or pickup
- ROBINA: Drop-off and pickup zone; no parking on the street
- BUS PARKING ONLY: Buses may drop students in the designated bus parking
- AMS PARKING LOT: Drop-off and pickup zone; parking in parking lot spaces only
- Berkley Public Safety will be enforcing the traffic rules
Inclement Weather and School Arrival
Join the Berkley African American Parent Network
The Berkley African American Parent Network (BAAPN) is a parent run organization that works in partnership with the Berkley School District and Oakland County Schools. The BAAPN network is a way for parents with African American children in Berkley Schools to connect with each other. BAAPN is committed to supporting student engagement, high academic achievement, and increased parental involvement. For more information, please visit the BAAPN Facebook Page. Click to access the BAAPN membership form. Below are the remaining meeting dates for the 2024-25 school year with meetings taking place in the Norup Media Center at 7:00 pm:
February 27
March 13
May 15
BHS National Honor Society Free Peer Tutoring
Did you know that students from the BHS National Honor Society offer free peer tutoring? If you child is in need of tutoring, please click on NHS Middle School Tutors for the list of available tutors. It is as simple as looking through the list, identifying a tutor that meets your child's needs, and contacting them to arrange tutoring.
Varsity Tutors - Free Tutoring For All Students
Berkley Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors for Schools, an online platform with access to free learning tools. The Varsity Tutors Platform gives students more opportunities to learn at their own pace, to get support on subjects they might be struggling with, to explore subjects they are learning in class and to support their curiosities.
The platform includes the following:
- 24/7 on-demand chat tutoring and on-demand essay review to help students with any questions about homework, classwork or test prep.
- Live group classes, recorded classes and celebrity-led StarCourses allow students to learn more about the subjects they’re interested in and add a touch of fun.
- Assessments and self study practice problems provide opportunities to drill skills towards mastery.
- College prep & admissions resources ensure that students have the best resources available.
Sign into the Varsity Tutors platform through the student Clever portal. To learn how to log into Clever with your child’s Berkley Schools Google account, follow these directions.
Parent Volunteer, Chaperone, and Driver Information
All parents, guardians, or family members interested in volunteering, chaperoning, and/or driving other students for school-sponsored functions or field trips must complete the following forms prior to the event or activity:
Parent Volunteer Form (Includes Chaperone form)
*The Volunteer Form must be accompanied with a copy of your valid driver's license or state-issued ID.
Parent Driver Form (To be turned into the AMS Office)
Logging Into Schoology and MISTAR
For both MISTAR and Schoology, there is a specific site for the Berkley School District. To ensure that you are logging into the correct sites, please use the following links below:
For any tech related issues, parents and students should put in a tech ticket and it will be routed to the appropriate department to get resolved ASAP.
Buy Your 2024-25 AMS Yearbook!
AMS 2024-25 Event Calendar
To view the AMS event calendar for 2024-25, please click on AMS Event Calendar 2024-25. Please keep in mind that due to various circumstances, event times and dates are subject to change and events may be added or removed.
AMS Spiritwear
Anytime is a great time to purchase AMS spirit wear. Ordering is simple through our online store with many options to choose from. To shop for AMS spirit wear, please visit the AMS Online Spirit Wear Store.
Have a great weekend!
Michael Ross
AMS Principal
Home of the Vikings!
Location: 3205 Catalpa Drive, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: 248-837-8200