Coronavirus Update - April 24
Parent information regarding the coronavirus
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Greetings NPS Parents,
We are well into distance learning, and we continue to see examples of ingenuity, creativity and positivity. For example, a Norman High senior created an online show to highlight what's good about Norman during the global pandemic. His uplifting show, Nice Norman News, encourages graduating seniors to anticipate the future with excitement rather than sulk in what the pandemic has taken away. It is things like this that reinforce my own optimism for the future of our outstanding senior class, as well as the confidence I have in all of our amazing students and our exceedingly talented educators.
Student Meals: Families who will pick up food next week are encouraged to use the food order links below. This allows our child nutrition team to plan adequate meals for each site. Please visit www.normanpublicschools.org/health and click on Student Meals for more information.
Monday, April 27 - four children or less per vehicle
Tuesday, April 28 - four children or less per vehicle
Families with five or more children click here to place order
While we have provided weekly meals for our students in need, there are many who rely on additional food programs to help get them through difficult times. In addition to our amazing child nutrition team, I want to recognize everyone who has worked tirelessly to ensure students receive food through our partner programs. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we appreciate each and every one of you.
Item Pickup: We continue to closely monitor developments in local gathering restrictions and guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and are developing plans for students to safely collect yearbooks, student photos, diplomas and items left at school. Please continue to read updates from school principals, as they will provide additional information when it becomes available.
Celebration of Excellence: Each year, we host a Celebration of Excellence event where we recognize our educators and announce the NPS Teacher of the Year. We will host a virtual celebration this year and we invite you to tune in to the district’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NormanPublicSchools on April 30 at 5 p.m. We are excited to honor our outstanding educators and hope you will join us from the comfort of your own home.
School Counselors: As a reminder, our school counselors remain available to serve our students. Please remember that there are a variety of resources available to students and families who are experiencing anxiety, depression and trauma. Also, we encourage you to help keep our students safe by anonymously reporting abuse, suicide risks, bullying and more to Norman Crimestoppers at 405-366-STOP or submit a tip online at www.p3tips.com/1323.
Summer School: We have updated information about summer school, which can be found on our website. Elementary summer school is offered free of charge to students who meet specific eligibility criteria and are invited by their teachers to attend. We also offer two online summer school options for high school students. Click here for more information, or contact your school principal or counselor with questions.
We continue to update answers to commonly asked questions about school closures at www.normanpublicschools.org/health. You can also find detailed information about distance learning at www.normanpublicschools.org/distancelearning, including information about free home internet offers and who to contact with questions about technology. As a reminder, the last day of instruction is May 13. And there’s still time to complete the 2020 Census, which provides funding for our schools. You can take the Census online by clicking here, by phone at 844-330-2020, or by mail.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support our students during this incredibly difficult time. My heart remains heavy for our students - especially our seniors - and also for so many families who are suffering from the devastating impacts of the coronavirus. But my optimism is unwavering and I am confident our students will persevere as we continue to support them together.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Current as of April 24, 2020
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Facebook: facebook.com/normanpublicschools
Twitter: @NormanSchools