Bulldog News
August 9, 2024
November 15, 2024
Note from Mr. Dubinsky
The Briar Glen Holiday Giving program
We're excited to continue our holiday tradition of supporting Briar Glen families in need, and we’d love your help! If you're interested in joining us, please take a look at our gift list and SIGN UP HERE to choose an item.
When you've wrapped your gift, please return it to the main office by Wednesday, December 11. Don’t forget to include the assigned number from the list on the label.
This is such a special way to show our students the joy of giving. Thank you for your kindness and generosity in making the holidays brighter for our Briar Glen families!
World Kindness Day celebrated at Briar Glen
This week on World Kindness Day, our students put kindness into action by creating handmade bandanas for dogs. These thoughtful gifts were donated to a local animal shelter, bringing a little extra love to our furry friends. We’re so proud of our students for spreading kindness in our community!
All schools closed November 27-29 for Thanksgiving
All CCSD 89 schools will be closed from Wednesday, November 27, through Friday, November 29, for Thanksgiving break. The district office will be closed on Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29.
All schools and the district office will re-open on a normal schedule on Monday, December 2.
Two parent volunteers needed for November 18 afternoon
We need two parent volunteers for Smile Squad on Monday, November 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are interested please contact our school nurse Lori Hanson at lhanson@ccsd89.org.
Thank you
Students can get free dental exams at school Monday
The DuPage County “Smile Squad” will be offering free dental exams at our school on Monday, November 18. This exam will meet the state-mandated requirements for kindergarten, second, and sixth graders. All students can receive a free dental exam and toothbrush. If your child meets financial eligibility requirements, they can also receive a free cleaning, fluoride treatment, and sealants.
See the flier and download permission form: https://bit.ly/3NssH6X Espanol
Questions? Contact (630) 682-7400
Upcoming Events
November 18: Dental clinic at Briar Glen
November 18: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
November 20: Parent Series: Understanding, preventing addiction, noon and 7 p.m.
November 21: Parent Series: Ayudar a los adolescentes a gestionar sus emociones, 6 p.m.
November 21: PTC meeting, 7 p.m.
November 26: Briar Glen Team Day
November 27-29: No school (Thanksgiving break)
December 2-20: K-5 MAP testing
December 4: Parent Series: Reduce parent burnout, raise competent kids, noon and 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Find your future at college, 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Encuentra tu futuro en la noche universitaria, 7 p.m.
December 10: Parent Series: Skills for better grades, less stress, noon and 7 p.m.
December 11: Parent Series: Preparing students with disabilities for college, noon and 7 p.m.
December 13: Glen Crest winter chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
December 16: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
December 17: Parent Series: Strengthening teen socialization skills, noon and 7 p.m.
December 19: Parent Series: Estrategias para ayudar a familias y adolescentes sanos a prosperar, 7 p.m.
December 19: Preschool winter parties
December 20: K-5 winter parties
December 23-January 6: Winter break
January 7: Students return from winter break
Parent Series: ‘Beautiful Boy’ author talks about addiction (November 20)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, author Nic Sheff will share information about what it means to be a young person using substances. In addition to his own books, Sheff was the subject of his father’s memoir, which became the movie “Beautiful Boy”. This free online event is part of the GPS Parent Series. Preview More info: https://bit.ly/3YK04aB
Parent Series: Cómo ayudar a los adolescentes a gestionar sus emociones (November 20)
Al mediodía y a las 19 h. el miércoles 20 de noviembre, en este taller trabajaremos esos aspectos que la psicología positiva plantea como requisitos para saber dirigir diálogos constructivos con hijos que todo lo cuestionan. Así mismo, hablaremos sobre los retos que los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso encuentran al llegar a un país nuevo. Este programa se presentará únicamente en español. https://bit.ly/4fobGHb
Free flu shots available through Jewel-Osco through February
Uninsured and low-income families can receive a voucher for a free flu vaccine at any DuPage County Jewel-Osco until February 25. No appointment or prescription is needed, but supplies are limited. More info: https://bit.ly/3AgjrzF
Health departments are offering tips on how to tell the difference between a cold and the flu and information on the flu vaccine. Your family’s doctor or the school nurse can help resolve any questions. More information about immunization, health, and dental resources are available at: www.ccsd89.org/Page/534
Follow Briar Glen on X!
Students, families can report crises and threats through Safe2Help
Briar Glen online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
Wheaton Briarcliffe Youth Baseball
Glen Ellyn Public Library November youth programs
Christmas on State Street history presentation (November 23)
Free Thanksgiving dinner (November 28)
B.R. Ryall Winter Wonderland (November 30)
Santa’s Wintery Wonderland (December 15)
B.R. Ryall co-ed youth basketball league (January-March)
Butterfield Park District Daddy-Daughter Date Night (February 7)
Free flu vaccine at Jewel-Osco (through February 28)
People’s Resource Center Literacy Classes
One-on-one computer help classes
Support group for families of children with autism
Free groceries through Northern Illinois Food Bank
DuPage Health Coalition: help paying insurance premiums
DuPage Health Coalition: medical debt care
DuPage County low-cost dental clinic
Glen Ellyn Park District scholarship program
Briar Glen Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 545-3300
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/briarglen
Location: Briar Glen Elementary School, Briarcliffe Boulevard, Wheaton, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 545-3300
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @briarglenschool