Lake View Update
General information for the upcoming weeks
Master Schedule
We are having to put a hold on Master Schedule Changes as our Virtual Learning Academy is growing. Currently sitting at 250+ kids in our VLA
Please sign up for our Faculty Remind
The goal is to always send major things in three ways email, text, and website.
This is what we are currently working on for COVID related protocols for LV... We know we have holes and definitely want everyone's input.
Entire Plan
Bullets to chew on - we want the feedback
- Teachers Report to Rooms at 7:45 (7:45- 8:15 study hall/announcements)
- Doors open at 7:30 and sending students to holding areas till 7:45
- Bells?- Thoughts about only a tardy bell or no bells giving control to the teacher to release
General Information
- We will have device distribution day for VLA students
- Several Videos will be made for Parents to understand what our plans are
- LV will start to streamline communication via Swift k/12