The Cougar's Roar
"Relationships & Rigor Create Success"
July 2024
SY 24-25 Theme: All A.B.O.A.R.D.
Mantra: Relationships & Rigor Create Success at RRCS! #RRCSatRRCS
Reid Ross Classical School
RRCS Mission Statement
We believe all children can learn; therefore, our mission as educators at Reid Ross Classical School is to teach all students.
We strive to provide an education that emphasizes rigorous academics, current technology, and the arts, while developing character, school pride, and civic responsibility from middle school through high school in a safe and structured environment.
Email: TysonJohnson@ccs.k12.nc.us
Website: rrcs.ccs.k12.nc.us
Location: 3200 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC, USA
Phone: (910)488-8415
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3200TheRoss/
Twitter: @ReidRossCougars
Greetings Cougar Nation!
All A.B.O.A.R.D. Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Reid Ross Classical School where academics and the arts embrace excellence and Relationships & Rigor Create Success! I hope that all new members of Cougar Nation are excited about their new journey and all returning scholars had a safe, relaxing, and wonderful break. This year, we will continue to focus on providing our scholars with more academic opportunities, a safe and nurturing learning environment, and a culture of high expectations for ALL. This year our theme is All A.B.O.A.R.D.
All staff, students, and stakeholders will focus on:
Academic Rigor: We will maintain high academic standards.
Behavioral Excellence: We will emphasize respect, responsibility, and integrity.
Optimism: We will possess a positive attitude and encourage a growth mindset.
Arts: We will encourage creativity and self-expression through music, visual arts, drama, and more.
- Relationships: We will build positive, supportive connections with our students, their families, and each other.
- Development: We will take advantage of the resources available to enhance the skills and knowledge of staff, scholars, and stakeholders.
Let's make this year our best year yet! #CougarPride
Dr. Tyson Johnson - Principal
SaSha Williams, Assistant Principal
Dr. Carmen McFarlin, Assistant Principal
First Day of School
Monday, Jul 15, 2024, 08:00 AM
Reid Ross Classical Middle/High School, Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC, USA
CCS is transitioning from PowerSchool to Infinite Campus
Download the Infinite Campus parent and student apps School support staff are currently unable to make any changes in PowerSchool or Infinite Campus. We appreciate your patience as meeting some of your requests will be delayed.
RRCS Orientation Information
6th Grade Orientation: 7/9/24 @ 8:30 am -10:30 am
7th - 12th Grade Orientation: 7/9/24 @ 4:00pm -6:00pm
First Day of School
Bus Riders: Report to cafeteria.
Walkers & Car Riders: Report to the gym until 8:00 a.m. Then report to the cafeteria.
At 8:20: 6th graders: Stay in Cafeteria/ 7th - 12th grade- Report to Homeroom
Bell Schedule
Building opens at 7:30 am
First bell 8:10am
Tardy bell 8:30am
Release from school 3:40pm
All scholars must be picked up by 4:00pm. Students cannot wait in the front of the school unsupervised.
Late Drop Off/ Early Pick Up Procedures
Late Student Arrival after 8:30 am
Parents pull up into front in designated areas
Parent completes tardy slip and scholar enters building to avoid unexcused tardy.
Early Student Check-Outs
No check-outs after 3:00 pm
Only a parent/emergency contact may check a student out. Parents/emergency contacts must provide a photo ID when checking the student out. Students will not be called to the office for checkout until the parent/guardian reports to the office for identification.
Tardy to School
After 8:30 am, if a student has a parent with them, a medical note, or a legal note, the tardy will be excused. Students will be checked in at the front office and given a check in note.
Unexcused tardy students will be given a pass from front office staff and should report to class. They will be marked tardy.
Whenever a student has a pass they are expected to report to assigned area within 5 minutes. If they do not report to the assigned area within five minutes, they will be written up for skipping (truancy).
After a student is tardy to school five times, the guardian will receive a five day tardy letter reminding them of the tardy and attendance policy as a warning.
After a student is tardy to school 10 times, the student is referred to the principal and the guardian will receive a 10 day tardy letter as a final warning.
Once a student is tardy 15 times, the student will be referred to the CCS Student Assignment Office.
Class Period Tardy Policy
Students have 5 minutes from the dismissal bell to the tardy bell to make it to the their next class. A student is tardy to class if he/she is not in class when the bell has rung. After 2 minutes past the tardy bell, the student is considered skipping. All teachers have been instructed to encourage students to go class as quickly as possible. Failure to comply with a teacher’s request to proceed to class will result in an administrative referral. Students late returning from lunch are tardy and the tardy policy will be enforced.
1st Tardy: Teacher warning.
2nd Tardy: Parent contact by phone or email.
- 3rd Tardy and subsequent tardies: Parent contact and administrative consequences.
Child Nutrition Services
RRCS is now enrolled in the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program. This means your school will serve all enrolled students breakfast AND lunch at NO CHARGE. Students will continue to have the ability to purchase a la carte items, as desired. Students will no longer submit meal applications to qualify for free or reduced meals.
Electronic Policies
Cell phones are not allowed for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Scholars.
School-owned computers and electronic devices and any data they contain remain under the control of the school and are subject to inspection at any time. (See policy 3225/4312/7320, Technology Acceptable Use.)
Any device disruptive to the school environment to include electronic devices, including but not limited to: cell phones, tablets, headphones, earbuds, laptop computers, digital cameras, and laser devices will not be displayed or utilized while on school premises between the hours of 8:30 and 3:40. The only exception to these rules is the following: the device is being utilized for educational purposes as approved by the classroom teacher and/or school administration.
High school students are allowed to use devices in the morning prior to the 8:10 bell and at lunch but must respect and follow teachers’ individual electronics policies in each classroom.
Devices may be used on the school bus at the discretion of the bus driver.
Guardians should not call students on personal devices in the middle of the school day. In cases of emergency, please contact the front office to communicate with your scholar.
Student Medication Procedures
All medications must be properly documented for students to receive at school.
Students will report to the front office to receive medication from a trained clerk.
Required Uniform/ Dress Code Policy
RRCS students are required to wear uniforms.
Middle School Shirts: Navy or White
High School Shirts: Orange or Light Blue
MS/HS Pants: Khaki or Navy Blue
SHIRTS: Shirts must be a solid plain polo, polo-style or Oxford style that button up the front. All shirts must have collars and remain tucked from 8:00a to 3:40p . Only plain solid colored undershirts may be worn under any approved shirt. The undershirt should not be visible at the sleeves.
SLACKS: Slacks must be hemmed cotton pants. They must be worn on or above the hips (no low rise, low cut, or sagging). Sweatpants, denim pants, or pants with cut off or frayed hems are not permitted. Joggers, capris, and corduroy are permitted.
SHORTS: Shorts must be worn on or above the hip and must be fingertip length or longer.
SKIRTS: Skirts must be fingertip length or longer. Jumpers are acceptable and must be fingertip length or longer.
SHOES: Shoes must have a closed toe and heel. Shoes with laces must be laced to the top and tied/buckled. Boots are allowed at or below the knee. Flip flops/sandals or crocs will not be worn at any time even on free dress days or during senior privileges.
BELTS: A belt must be worn with any garment having belt loops. The belt buckle must be plain and will not exceed the width of the belt.
JACKETS: Only RRCS jackets or any jacket that is solid NAVY OR WHITE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL, LIGHT BLUE OR ORANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL may be worn during the school day. Cumberland County High School Letterman Jackets may be worn.
SWEATSHIRTS: Sweatshirts worn during the school day must be SOLID NAVY OR WHITE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL, LIGHT BLUE OR ORANGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL. A Reid Ross logo sweatshirt in the uniform colors is acceptable. A uniform shirt must be worn under sweatshirts.
Other Important Information:
● No hoods (On head), hats, caps, visors, bandannas, scarves, bonnets, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building.
● Shorts must be no higher than three inches (3”) above the top of the knee.
● No sagging pants or any bottoms that expose the buttocks, undergarments, or any other private body part.
● No leggings, yoga, or spandex pants can be worn in the place of pants.
● Students may bring a personal water bottle to use during the day.
All Cumberland County Schools will make any necessary religious accommodations for any type of headgear or head coverings otherwise restricted or prohibited under existing individual school dress codes.
Dress Code Violations: Final judgment is left to school administration. Parents of students who are in violation of the dress code will be called to provide appropriate clothes.
Lockers & Backpacks
Locks and lockers will be distributed to students during homeroom.
Backpacks/Computer Bags/Large Purses
In an effort to ensure the safety of all faculty, staff, and students of Reid Ross Classical School students will not be permitted to carry non-see through backpacks, computer bags or purses large enough to carry a textbook. These bags may be brought to school for the purpose of transporting educational materials and then stored in the locker to be retrieved at the end of the day.
Instructional Supports
Students who did not return a chromebook from the 23-24 school year will not be assigned a new one.
Information about the 24-25 Chromebooks Distribution is forthcoming.
Students will be expected to take their assigned chromebook to and from school each day.
PowerSchool will remain the way for parents to track grades and student performance.
Middle school students are allowed to play sports at their home school. Eighth graders may participate in their home high school’s marching band.
High school students may participate in their home high school band, cheerleading or athletics and will be held accountable to the NCHSAA policies and procedures for athletic eligibility.
Car Riders
Students must leave immediately at dismissal. No students should be on campus after 4:10pm unless they are staying for an extra curricular activity or tutoring. Students are not permitted to loiter in the parking lot or in front of the school after 4:10pm due to no supervision.
School Bus Transportation
Transportation will be provided for students living within the Reid Ross District.
Buses are routed according to the Powerschool address.
Only students officially assigned to the stop by Cumberland County Schools may board the bus.
Parents are strongly encouraged to download the bus tracking app for real-time location updates of assigned buses.
You may visit the RRCS Bus Information Station to receive RRCS Bus Pases.
If you live within the district and have not been assigned a bus, we need a little more information and we will process your request.
The school will make a ParentLink call to inform parents when a bus is running late whenever possible.
It is important to update the school’s front office when phone numbers change to receive these calls and other important calls from the school.
Walkers are dismissed at 3:40 pm and should leave the building immediately unless they are staying for tutoring or club activity.
Important Upcoming Family Engagement Dates
Annual Title I Meeting & Curriculum Night (September 5, 2024 @6pm)
Parent Teacher Conference: (November 7, 2024 & April 3, 2024 - Planning Periods & 4pm - 6pm)
Senior Parent Night - (August 8, 2024)
Intersession Break for Students (September 16 - October 7, 2024)
Club Spotlight: G.L.O.W. U.P.
G.L.O.W. U.P.
Girls Leading On With Unprecedented Poise
Thank you for helping to ensure your students are prepared for success every day.
Please take time out to review the RRCS Parent/Student Handbook, the RRCS School and Family Learning Compact and the CCS Code of Conduct which will be provided to students the first week of school.