Newtown United Methodist Church
September 2024 Newsletter
Note from the Pastor's Desk
Dear NUMC Family,
As the fall season begins, I am grateful for the many blessings in our lives and our church community. This season of change and renewal is a perfect time to reflect on our incredible journey and the exciting path ahead.
I am excited to share that Lauren and I have recently welcomed our precious son, John “Jack” Morris Brailsford, into the world. The joy of becoming parents has been overwhelming, and we are deeply grateful for the love and support we have received from each of you during this special time. Jack is a true blessing, and his arrival has brought a new sense of wonder and connection into our lives. The importance of family bonding and the gift of nurturing new life have never felt so profound. Your prayers, generosity, and encouragement have meant so much to us and have genuinely strengthened our hearts as we embark on this new chapter together.
I also extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for your understanding and support during my parental leave. Your dedication to our church and the continuation of our ministries during my absence has been a testament to the strength and unity of our NUMC family. Being part of such a caring and committed congregation is a blessing.
As we embrace the fall season, we are excited about the opportunities for growth and renewal within our church. Our recent vote to transition to the One-Board Model and Team Ministries represents a significant step forward in streamlining our governance and enhancing our ability to serve and minister effectively. I am confident that this change will help us further our mission and vision, allowing us to reach new heights in our ministry and outreach efforts.
This fall promises to be vibrant with activity as we come together for various events that highlight our community spirit and commitment to serving others. From the opportunities to engage in local outreach through our UMW Fall Rummage Sale to celebrating the season with festive gatherings, each occasion offers us a chance to connect, support one another, and strengthen our bonds.
Additionally, we are excited about our UMM Homes for Heroes Pig Roast, which will benefit the National Center for Healthy Veterans. This event allows us to support a meaningful cause while enjoying good food and fellowship.
As we move forward, let us embrace the spirit of renewal and growth that defines this season. With your support, our church will continue to thrive and touch lives with the love and grace of Christ.
Thank you for being an integral part of our NUMC family. May this fall be a time of reflection, joy, and renewed energy as we move forward in faith and fellowship.
May God Bless You Richly,
Pastor Rodney
September Mission of the Month (Advance)
Mission of the Month
The Mission of the Month (Advance) for September is the National Center for Healthy Veterans, a faith-based organization that helps military veterans who have served their country recover from trauma and successfully transition back into civilian life. With the help of the center they can achieve their career goals and become productive members of society. The veterans live and work on a rural farm in Virginia.
The center serves at-risk veterans and helps them avoid destructive behavior by offering mental health, counseling, and other services.
If you would like to help the National Center for Healthy Veterans, please use one of the blue Advance offering envelopes in the pews and place it in the offering plate. You can also send a check to Newtown UMC, 35 Liberty Street, Newtown, PA 18940. Please mark your check “Advance for September.”
United Methodist Women Visiting Methodist Services
UMW is planning a site visit to Methodist Services on Tuesday, September 10nd . Methodist Services, a Philadelphia based agency provides life-enriching services to children, adults and families as they face the challenges of limited resources, increased poverty and homelessness, disability, and inequities in education and behavioral health services. UMW will be learning how we as an organization can best work with them to support their efforts. Please join us and add your name to the signup sheet in the Gallery. We will be meeting in the church parking lot 8:45 am to car pool to their facility. Contact Judi Swerk if you have any questions.
Fellowship Time
Please sign up to bring donuts, muffins, cookies, or whatever you would like to be enjoyed during our fellowship time. We begin at approximately 9:30 A.M., so please have your goodies here by then. Coffee and hot water will be started and everything you need to “set” the table will be on the cart with the coffee. The sign-up sheet is located in the gallery. Thank you!!
September 1: Dana Aycock
September 8:
September 15:
September 22:
September 29-5th Sunday Pancake Breakfast!
Caring for Friends
We will meet on September 18th at 9:00 a.m. to prepare meals for homebound people in and around the Philadelphia area.
Pastor's New Bible Study!
Pastor’s Bible Study - Genesis: Exploring the Foundation of Faith
Starting Tuesday, September 17, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, dive into Genesis: Exploring the Foundations of Faith — an eight-week Bible study designed to make the ancient stories of Genesis come alive.
Join us as we journey through the beginnings of creation, explore the impact of sin and redemption, and uncover the significance of God’s promises. We’ll discuss the faith journeys of key figures like Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph, and see how their experiences still speak to us today.
This study is perfect for anyone eager to understand the foundational stories of our faith and how they connect to our lives now. Come for insightful discussions, meaningful connections, and a fresh perspective on the origins of faith. Don’t miss out on this chance to grow and explore together!
September Schedule
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers: Cheryl & Kevin Burd
Sept 1-Kay Lawrence & Pam Rook
Sept 8- Jim & Helene Mershon
Sept 15-Dan & Debbie Boltner
Sept 22- Pat King & Carol Hauss
Sept 29- Donald & Susan Smith
Rummage Sale
Our Fall rummage sale will be held on Friday, September 27 from 9am-3pm and Saturday, September 28 from 9am-12pm.
We are now accepting gently used items for our rummage sale. Please place your items on the shelves in our rummage room in the basement from now until September 21. On September 22 and 23, you may put your items in the kitchen or the opportunity room. If you need any help unloading your items from your car, please reach out to Randy or Nora Schenk. They will be happy to unload for you.
If you are able, please join us on Sunday, September 22 immediately after church to set up the tables in Wesley Hall and bring up the items from the basement rummage rooms. Once the items are all upstairs, we will begin the task of sorting, arranging, and pricing. We will be working on Monday-Wednesday from 9am until 4pm. On Wednesday, we will serve lunch to all the workers. A small crew on Thursday will address final details. We will need people to help on the days of our sale to serve as cashiers and to assist buyers. We need many hands to make this a successful sale. Please sign up on the sheets in the gallery to help. ALL are welcome. Contact Judi Swerk or Nora Schenk for any questions.
All clothing should be clean and free from stains, tears, missing buttons, and broken zippers.
All electric items and electronics must be in working order.
Only flat screen TVs (no older than 10 years) will be accepted.
China Cabinets, Hutches, and Entertainment Centers
Exercise Equipment of any kind
Mattresses. Box Springs, Bunk Beds and King-Sized Head & Foot Boards
VHS tapes
Baby equipment older than 5 years past the manufacture date
Baby car seats and cribs
Upholstered furniture that is stained, ripped, torn, or worn.
Computers, monitors, printers, fax machines and typewriters
Lay Readers:
September 1- Cami Haneman
September 8-Nancy Matthews
September 15-Nora Schenk
September 22-Susan Smith
Pig Roast!
Newtown United Methodist Pig Roast Benefits “Homes for Heroes”
Save the date for the Newtown United Methodist Church Annual Pig Roast on September 14 (rain date September 15). Sponsored by the United Methodist Men, the event will run from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Live music by Frank Cervantes will keep the mood lively as children play in the bounce house and enjoy face painting. In addition, everyone can try their skills at horseshoes and corn hole. The food will be plentiful and delicious.
The event also offers an outreach opportunity to support "Homes for Heroes," a critical cause. A free-will offering will be collected to raise funds for The National Center for Healthy Veterans (NCHV) at Valor Farm in Virginia, dedicated to aiding veterans dealing with suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress, or brain injury. The NCHV's program involves veterans residing in a village of 20 tiny homes and a community center for nine months, engaging in various activities and supporting one another. The goal is to expand this much-needed program and build additional villages of tiny homes.
How can you help? Invite your friends and family! We also need volunteers for food preparation, set up and take down. Donations may be made by check (mark “Homes for Heroes” on subject line) or electronically on our website www.newtownumc.org. If you or someone you know needs this service, you can learn more at www.healthyveterans.org.
September Birthdays!
9/7– Doug Demskis
9/8-Ethel Hibbs
9/8–Christine Sottile Donald Smith
9/12– Janice Barry
9/15– Betty Fidler
Faith & Fellowship (Circle of Concern)
Faith and Fellowship during the day! The Circle of Concern will hold its first gathering of the season on Monday, September 16, at 9:30 a.m., in the library. We are a circle of women of all ages who gather for prayer, fellowship, and time to learn about United Methodist women around our country and around our world. If you would like to find out how you can make a difference in your life and in the lives of others, come join us! We usually meet on the third Monday of the month. For more information, please call the church office.
Thank You!
The Outreach committee thanks the Vacation Bible School children and everyone else who helped with our Backpacks for Children collection. Thanks to you we collected 20 backpacks, along with scientific calculators and other school supplies. They have been given to children whose families are in need. Thank you to Barb Selah for coordinating this!
Newtown United Methodist Church
Helping Christians Grow & Growing New Christians
35 Liberty Street
Newtown, PA 18940
Rev. Rodney Brailsford, Pastor
Phone 215-968-2662
Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Email: numc1@verizon.net
Visit us on the web at www.newtownumc.com