See Shaw Shine
Shaw Montessori Newsletter - Week Of September 19th, 2021
- Message From Principal Engdall
- Message From Nurse Rose
- Annual Health Screening
- Shaw Picture Day
- Garden Update
- Primary ODE Update
- Message from Shaw PTA / Fun Run!
- Shaw Calendar
- September Lunch Menu
- District Information
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Message From Principal Engdall
Greetings Shaw Community,
It was delightful to see so many of you at the Site Council/PTA meetings last night. I do hope that you will make it a priority to attend these meetings monthly. Over the course of our school history, one of the strong constants that has guided our growth has been our committed parent groups. It has created a climate of inclusion, care and support. Much of the amazingness found at our school is due to the work of our parents/guardians.
Speaking of commitment, being at school on time, daily is a part of academic life that our children will be involved in for many years to come. Let’s instill good habits now by avoiding the following:
1. delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.
2. 1 second after 8:35 when instruction begins and the entrances to campus close.
At Shaw, we believe that tardiness is an adult, not a child issue.
Drop off at Shaw Montessori begins at 8:05 and ends at 8:35. Tardiness creates undue stress for your child as they are “late for work” and creates a disruption to our learning environments for all of the other children and staff. It also fails to teach them the importance of being timely in all that they do in life.
10 tardy’s will trigger a parent conference with administration and may require a truancy report and possible revocation of open enrollment privileges.
We understand that a tardy on occasion may be necessary or unavoidable. On this rare occasion we will be sympathetic and understanding. Otherwise, set that alarm on your smartphone for a timely arrival, having your child here well before school begins so they get a great start to their learning day.
Thank you for your partnership in creating an amazing educational environment for your child and all of the children we have the privilege to serve.
All the best,
Principal Engdall
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Message From Nurse Rose
Shaw covid cases last week
Students: 0
Employees: 1
Family Members: 1
This week we tested 170 students/employees during our Tuesday Pooled Testing. All Pools were negative this week. As a reminder if we get a Positive result from one of our pools, on Wednesday at start of school, we individually test each student who was in the pool. An email is also sent to all parents of the students in the pool of the positive result. The student with a positive test will have a 10 day home quarantine. All students who test negative go right back to class. We have 200 students/employees signed up now for our weekly Pooled Testing which is fantastic participation, Thanks everyone for your continued support!
Rose School Nurse
Pooled Testing is held every Tuesday. Sign-up for this program is always open. You can use the following to sign up electronically:
Access Code: APC54P
Thanks for participating!
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Annual Health Screening
Shaw annual Health Screening is coming up this Friday 9/24/2021. We will have a team administering Vision and Hearing Screening for all the classes. As a reminder, if your child wears glasses, please make sure they bring them this Friday. It’s a good way to see if a student’s prescription is accurate. We will send out Vision and Hearing Referrals Letters for any students who need a follow-up. Any questions, please call our school nurse.
Rose Prasad RN
Shaw Montessori
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Message From Laura Hildwein
Tips for helping anxious kids
Anxiety in children can present as trouble concentrating, an upset stomach, strong emotional reactions or sleep issues.
Anxiety is more than just “worries.” It can influence classroom performance just as much as any other learning disability. Kids who are worried and anxious aren’t doing it on purpose. The nervous system acts automatically, especially when it comes to worry (which often stems from fight or flight reflexes). That’s why phrases like “just relax” or “calm down” aren’t helpful.
But with practice, kids can learn to slow down their anxious brains, and we can learn to help them. Here are a few ways you can help anxious kids.
Practice those deep breaths. When people slow down their breathing, they slow down their brain. Slow, deep breaths are the key.
Take a break and go outside. Being out in nature can also calm an anxious brain. Sometimes just a change of scenery is what makes the difference. Breathing the cool air or making time to notice chirping birds can also calm an overactive worrier. Asking students to carefully observe their environment can help them turn the focus away from their worries and toward something more tangible: How many different kinds of trees do you see? How many different bird songs do you hear? How many different shades of green are in the grass?
Talk openly about anxiety. Don’t set anxiety up as something you want (or should) get rid of. It’s part of life, and it’s not realistic to think it’ll go away completely.
Get kids moving. Exercise helps anyone who is feeling anxious. Anxiety can end up looking like anger, so if you see this, try taking a movement break.
Try walking and talking. Walking serves three purposes: 1. It removes you from the situation. 2. It gives you a chance to explain the issue to someone. 3. It gets your blood pumping, which clears out the anxiety-producing energy and brings in the positive exercise endorphins.
Focus on the positive by having students keep a gratitude journal. The brain is incapable of producing anxious thoughts while it is producing positive thoughts stemming from gratitude. If you can trigger a positive train of thought, you can sometimes derail the anxiety.
Remind kids to eat healthy and stay well. Not surprisingly, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep make a difference in how well a student is able to handle situations that could be overwhelming.
The good news about anxiety is that it is one of the most manageable mental-health struggles that children face in the classroom. With the right support and strategies, most children are able to manage their anxiety.
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This Thursday - Shaw Picture Day
Lifetouch Picture Day: Thursday 9/23/21
Retakes: Tuesday 11/2/21
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Garden Update
Our Shaw students completed a lot of garden work this week! The 7th and 8th grade have been helping weed and landscape the periphery of the field garden. They cultivated half of the west perimeter and planted some native corn as part of the three sisters companion planting. Next week they will sow beans and squash.
1st through 6th grades helped sow seeds in our first two rows. These rows are designated for herbs and flowers. We planted a huge variety and they should germinate in the upcoming weeks. Next week we will begin to plant our root vegetables, perennials and flowering bulbs.
We have a volunteer day on October 16th. We really need all the parents we can muster. This is a great opportunity to earn your volunteer hours with the school. You can sign up by reserving a volunteer spot @ signup.com
It’s going to be loads of fun!
We still need your Home Depot donations. Even $25.00 is a huge contribution. Another way you can help is to drop off used coffee grounds. You can ask your local Starbucks barista for their used grounds and they will happily give them to you. Used coffee grounds are high in nitrogen and will be used as an amendment to our soil. You may drop off these bags at the front office.
Here’s the link to Home Depot gift cards: https://www.homedepot.com/c/Gift_Cards
Here’s my email: james.obrien-moench@pesd.org
Big thanks to Will Novak for his gift card donations! You’re awesome Will!
Mr. Moench
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Primary Outdoor Environment Update
The Primary Garden ODE (Outdoor Environment) is in full swing and the children are really enjoying the beauty of nature even in the Arizona heat! Speaking of heat, any AZ veteran can tell you that it won’t really cool down till the first of November, so getting our kids to drink a glass of water at home before they even come to school sets them up for a good start on staying hydrated.
Some recent additions to our garden are on the permanent walls in the center of the ODE. We added new chimes next to the cowbells on our music wall for the children to experience the whole chromatic range and we installed a nature weaving wall. Here, the children can find sticks or leaves and weave them into a sensorial tapestry. We have also been preparing our garden beds for seed sowing, which will happen in the next two weeks.
One way you can support our garden is to collect and donate your aluminum cans.
We are still collecting the aluminum cans too,
One: provide a fun can crushing work for the children (it’s a favorite among the kinders)
Two: recycle those aluminum cans for money to help pay for chicken feed.
Yes, we got chickens last Friday!
8 beautiful Rhode Island Red ladies.
In the coming few weeks we will highlight and introduce our 2 full time primary garden teachers and our essential garden volunteer with some fun facts about each of them. Stay tuned!
Think Green,
Stacie Ricks
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Message from Shaw PTA President - Leigh Ann Dolan
Fun Run!
Ok, so here is my super secret tip on how to get pledges. Are you ready for it, because it will blow your mind up. Ok. Here it is....
Mind. Blown. Look, people want to give to things that are important to you. And your co-workers, your boss, your neighbors, your friends, your rich Aunt in Boca Raton... they all want to support you and your adorable children! You just need to ask them to.
Fortunately, when you register online at mybooster.com, you can send out emails and post on the socials so you don't even have to ask in person (Whew! Am I right?). There's even this super cute video that they put your child's picture in so it looks like they are part of the video and then you can post that online. Plus, the link asks for you! See? No embarrassing interactions needed.
And if they pledge? Great!
And if they don't pledge and you asked? No big deal at all! At least you asked.
The Fun Run gets done by all of us working together! If every single kid in the school gets a $1 per lap pledge, we are already 1/2 way to our goal! And we know some will do more and some will do less. And that's ok! We are all in this together.
So now's the time to sign up online and get that asking out of the way. We can reach our goal. I know we can do it!
-Leigh Ann
Spirit Week
As a ramp up to the Fun Run, we have some fun days to get your kiddos in the Fun Run mindset!
- Wednesday 9/22: School Colors Day: all the kiddos should be dressed in our school colors which are teal, purple and silver
- Thursday 9/23: Fun Sock day: Since it's picture day, we thought it would be fun to have the kiddos wear the silliest, goofiest socks they have. Don't worry. They won't show up in the school photo!
- Friday 9/24: Flip Your Lid Day It's time for some creative hair! Colors, styles -- the bigger the better. School pictures were yesterday, so now you can have fun with your hair like you just don't care!
- Monday 9/27: Dress Like a Star Day / Wear Stars
- Tuesday 9/28: Fun Run Throwback: This is the day to wear an old Fun Run Shirt if you have one!
- Wednesday 9/29: Fun Run!: Don't forget the running shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, water bottle and a hat if you'd like. If you have a 4th grader or older, make sure they have on clothes that can get messy! If your teacher gave you your shirt beforehand, don't forget to wear it!
Fun Run Registration
Super easy. Here's what you do:
1. Go to mybooster.com.
2. Click on "I'm a Parent/Guardian
3. Search for and select your student's appropriate event (Fun run for PK-3rd Grade, Color Run for 4th and up). If you have multiple students you will need to add them separately.
4. Enter in your student's name and select their teacher from the drop-down list (If you don't see your teacher's name, make sure you are on the right run -- Fun run for 3rd grade and under, Color run for 4th and older.)
5. agree to the terms of participation and click on "Add Student"
That's it....You are ready to Run!
PTA Contacts
Leigh Ann Dolan: president@shawmontessoripta.com
Mary Bankhead: vp@shawmontessoripta.com
Silvana Lawrence: treasurer@shawmontessoripta.com
Steph Gillum: secretary@shawmontessoripta.com
PTA Membership: membership@shawmontessoripta.com
Tara Kerwin: website@shawmontessoripta.com
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Shaw Calendar
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September Lunch Menu
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District Info
• District Updates phxschools.org/update
• Health & Safety Mitigation Plan phxschools.org/healthsafety
• Covid Updates phxschools.org/district/families/covid-updates/
• Governing Board Agendas & Minutes go.boarddocs.com/az/pesd1#
• District Calendar phxschools.org/2021-2022-calendar
• Meal Menus phxschools.org/district/meal-menus
• Shaw Montessori Website phxschools.org/shaw
• Previous Issues of See Shaw Shine phxschools.org/shaw-newsletters
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Contact Us
Email: Susan.Engdall@Phxschools.org
Website: https://phxschools.org/shaw
Location: 123 North 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-257-3914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614897512101327/?ref=group_header