The Page
February 7, 2025
School-Wide Theme for the Year
At St. Joseph Catholic School, each and every day we are training students to be missionary disciples, and learning to recognize God in our lives and in the world around us,
with hearts full of CHARITY for our fellow man.
Our Mission and Vision Statements
St. Joseph Catholic School provides students with a nurturing and prayerful learning environment committed to academic excellence, training missionary disciples to seek virtue, wisdom, and truth, in partnership with a community of active and faithful families.
Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Worth are committed to opening the doors so that our students can reach further than the walls that would otherwise enclose them and therefore are able to recognize and cherish the eternal and transcendental goods of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
Teaching the Mind...Nourishing the Soul
From the Principal
What a fantastic two weeks we have had at St. Joseph Catholic School! We celebrated Catholic Schools Week and had many new families come see the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness we offer at SJCS! Thank you all for making Catholic Schools Week a tremendous celebration of the mission of Catholic Education that we share with you, our families.
Please pray for our faculty and staff, as we continue to keep you in our prayers. Pray that God will bless us with continued growth and nourishment on this journey, as we work to further the Kingdom of God. Together, we achieve great things. Alone, we cannot.
In Christ's service,
Diane Price, Ed.L.
February Bible Verse on the Theme of Charity
Virtue of the Month on the Theme of Charity
Saintly Quote About Charity to Ponder With Your Family
“No act of devotion on the part of the faithful gives God more pleasure
than that which is lavished on His poor.” -Pope St. Leo the Great
Reminders and Upcoming Events
Please tell your friends!
Friday, February 7
- My Special Knight Event - See details below
Monday, February 10th
- Monday Morning Prayer Service at 7:50 a.m. - All are invited to attend prayer service with us in the school gym each week.
Wednesday, February 12th
- Weekly Mass at 8:00 a.m. - All are invited to attend Mass with us each week. Students are to wear their dress uniforms.
- Spiritual Life Committee Meeting - 3:45 p.m. in Mrs. Heid's Room. Come to the meeting if you would like to join the committee!
Friday, February 14th
- Happy St. Valentine's Day!
- HSA Executive Board Meeting at 8:00 a.m.
Ways you can assist St. Joseph Catholic School:
- Box Tops – new and improved Box Top App – Please consider participating in support of St. Joseph Catholic School. https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=C81Y0VAM
- Kroger Community Rewards – select St. Joseph Catholic School to receive the rewards from you using your Kroger card. Please click the link for more information. https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
- Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program – Please contact Good.Neighbor@TomThumb.com to link your account to the Good Neighbor for St. Joseph Catholic School 2000 2000#1506. Please click the link for more information. https://www.tomthumb.com/yourstore/good-neighbor.html
Safe Environment Awareness:
Do you need to complete Safe Environment Training? All volunteers need to complete awareness training. See the graphic below for an upcoming training. Please contact Mrs. Wingate 817-419-6800 or visit the diocesan website. https://fwdioc.org/training-sessions
Home and School Association (HSA)
HSA Year at A Glance
February HSA Newsletter
Muffins with Moms Event
Our "Muffins with Moms" event was a huge success with an awesome turn out! Thank you to everyone for organizing this event and for the Dads who came out to assist so the Moms could enjoy the morning. God bless you!
Service Hour Opportunities for 2024-2025
- Volunteer to help at an HSA event!
- Help beautify the flower beds around campus
- Donate food during NJHS Food Collections at Mass
- We are always in need of Lysol spray.
- We are always in need of Clorox wipes.
- Liquid hand soap
- Disposable gloves
- STREAM Enrichment supplies
- Week of Service - help supervising groups of upper school students for one hour a day
Every $10 you spend will earn 1 service hour. Thank you! We truly need the help.
Men...You Are Invited!
Knights in Action!
8th Grade Student of the Month Award Recipient
Congratulations to eighth grade student, Bao-Chau Nguyen for receiving the January 8th Grade Student of the Month Award! Bao-Chau often participates in class discussions. She cares about doing well in school. Bao-Chau is a dedicated student. She is well organized and plans ahead. Her work is always completed to the best of her ability. She is very involved in school activities whether it is sports, NJHS or STUCO, you can count on her. Bao-Chau goes above and beyond with her writing assignments. She wants to find creative ways to write as opposed to just trying to finish assignments. She's reliable, consistent, and always polite when she approaches her teachers. Bao-Chau is a member of SJCS volleyball team, soccer team and basketball team. She is a member of St. Pope John Paul II choir at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church in Grand Prairie. She is a member of Thomas Teens Youth Group at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church. She is also a member of the traditional drums team at St. Joseph Vietnamese Church! Thank you for leading by example, Bao-Chau! We are very proud of you!
Monday Morning Prayer Services
Lunar New Year Prayer Service
Chúc mừng năm mới! Thank you to everyone who made our Lunar New Year Prayer Service such a beautiful event! We thank God for a new year and thank God for all of you! Thank you to Mrs. Do and her preschool students, our drummers, and all of our parents and benefactors who gave of their time, talent, and treasure to celebrate this event! God bless you all!
February 3rd Prayer Service
Thank you, Mrs. Connors and her 8th grade Knights, for leading us in prayer this past Monday. As the leaders of our school community, it is always to wonderful to have you lead us in prayer.
America Way Award Recipients
Congratulations, Belen Saldivar and Matthew Bernal, for receiving this award! Every year, one 8th grade girl and one 8th grade boy are nominated by their teachers to receive the American Way Award. For 65 years now, this award has been presented by the Knights of Columbus and the Court Louise- Catholic Daughters of the Americas recognizing students’ extraordinary dedication to serving God and for their patriotic zeal for America. These two students have a remarkable love for God and for their country. They received a patriotic rosary from the school. They will also be given an award during a ceremony at Nolan Catholic High School later this month. Well done, Knights!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest Winner!
Congratulations to 7th grade student, Valerie Murphy, for placing first in the middle school category in the diocesan-wide Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest! Her essay of how she can be a sign of hope in the world today was beautifully written. We were honored to hear her essay as she read it aloud at this week's prayer service. I encourage you to give it a read! We have it on display for all to enjoy! We are so very proud of you, Valerie!
Newest Members of NJHS
Congratulations to 8th grade students, Maddie Rusnak and Carl Kotylo, for being recently inducted into the National Junior Honor Society of St. Joseph Catholic School. We are very proud of your hard work and celebrate you in this special recognition!
Undefeated Co-Ed Soccer Team!
Bravo, Soccer Knights! We are very proud of the hard work you put in to make this season so successful! Thank you for helping one another to succeed, and thank you, Coach Stefanos and Coach Capehart, for your time and leadership. We could not do this without parents like you!
Catholic Schools Week 2024-2025
8th Grade VS Faculty/Staff Volleyball Tournament
Our Faculty and Staff fought hard, but the Class of 2025 came out on top! What a wonderful tournament! Such fun! We will miss these students!
Additional CSW Highlights
Sharing Our Love and Appreciation with Those Who Serve!
It is tradition that our students recognize those who serve others during Catholic Schools Week. Enjoy the next two photos of our students' acts of kindness being received and appreciated by First Responders! May the Lord bless them and keep them safe, always.
Knights in the Classroom
A Heart for Others Upper School Club
With the leadership of Club Moderator, Mrs. Ricciardi, these Knights are sharing their love with others through the recent creation of these sweet creatures! Thank you for spreading joy, kindness, and love to others! We look forward to hearing about your next project!
Altar Server Ministry
We love to see our Knights serving God and their community! Thank you for being willing to serve. God bless our altar servers!
Alumni News
Alumni Playing Varsity Soccer at NCHS
St. Joseph Parish News
Meet Our Parish Priests
Rev. Ronaldo Mercado
Fr. Peter Wiafe-Akenteng
Parish Notes
- Parish website link: https://stjoe88.org/
- Please join the parish for daily and weekend Masses at this link: https://youtu.be/LxIRBSew1yI
- Please continue tithing to your parish. St. Joseph Parishioners may go to this link to give: https://stjoe88.org/giving
- Be sure to look into FORMED.org. The parish has paid for your subscription to this vast library of inspiring videos and essential reads to help grow your faith. Just go straight to the "Enter Code" button and enter 4BDX9H to begin the process. You may also access this through the parish website link below. Enjoy!
Are You in Need of Prayers?
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth link:
Contact us at (817) 419-6800