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Crow Island Parent Newsletter
August 27, 2024
Dear Crow Island Families,
We hope you are enjoying your final days of summer break. Our Kindergarten Team had a great time meeting our incoming kindergarten students and their families last week. We are getting increasingly excited to welcome our newest Crows to our school.
This week, we are looking forward to our K-4 classroom Meet and Greets on Thursday morning. We have included some important reminders to ensure a safe arrival and entry into the building.
Take care,
Tuesday, August 27th | Kindergarten Popsicles with Principal at 10am
Tuesday, August 27th | New Family Orientation Gr 1-4 at 6pm
Wednesday, August 28th | Institute Day for Staff
Thursday, August 29th | Institute Day for Staff
Thursday August 29th | K-4 Meet & Greet at 10:45am
Friday, August 30th | No School, Labor Day
Monday, September 2nd | No School, Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd | First Day of School 11:20am Dismissal
Wednesday, September 4th | First Full Day of School, Hot Lunch Starts
Thursday, September 5th | Back to School Bash, 5pm, Park District Property
Friday, September 6th | Boo-Hoo/Ya-Hoo Kinder Parent Coffee, 8:40am
Monday, September 16th | Fall Benchmark Assessments Start for K-4 students
Tuesday, September 24th | MAP Testing Grade 3 & 4 Reading
Friday, September 27th | MAP Testing Grade 3 and 4 Math
Wednesday, September 25th | Picture Day
Thursday, September 26th | Go to School Night, 6pm
Monday Spirit Days:
As a reminder, every Monday is considered a Crow Island Spirit Wear Day. Staff and students are encouraged to participate.
Crow Island 101 Document:
This is a great fingertip resource for parents to print and put in your kitchen. You can find more information here: Crow 101 Document.
Construction Update & Reminders:
The building construction is well underway and we are making good progress. What families, students, and staff will notice this fall:
Electrical, ceiling and roof improvements have been made throughout the building, and the new secure vestibule is being constructed. Visitors will notice this right away when they enter the building.
The library resource center will have several updates to the layout and space.
Air conditioning will be available in this building in Fall 2025.
The foundation and footings for the new gymnasium and adjoining classrooms are being prepared as construction continues in that area through the school year to construct these exciting new spaces.
Last June, staff, students, and parents volunteers engaged in packing up the entire school so all items could be moved out for the summer to help with construction. Those items are being returned to school and then unpacked during the institute days, prior to students arrival. When families visit for the Meet & Greet you will notice boxes and unpacking as we work hard to get rooms set up for the first day of school. Typically, classrooms are all ready to go for Meet and Greets and while teachers and staff will make progress, we will continue to work so that we are ready for students on September 3rd and beyond.
Arrival & Dismissal
Take a few minutes to review the Arrival & Dismissal process for the school year. This contains updates for arrival and dismissal with the impact of construction. If you are a 4th grade parent, please review, especially if you have a student riding their bike.
Hot Lunch Program:
Crow Island has a hot lunch program run through a third party collaboration with our PTO called Marla's Lunch. You can register and sign-up here: Marla's Hot Lunch. Hot lunch will start September 4.
School Supplies:
If you ordered school supplies in the spring, those are delivered directly to the classroom. If you did not order supplies you can find the list of supplies here: Crow Island School supplies and you can order them and bring them to the K-4 Meet & Greet on August 29th.
K-4 Meet & Greets:
We are looking forward to welcoming families for Meet & Greets on Thursday from 10:45-11:30am. The Meet and Greets are an opportunity for families to see their classroom, meet peers, and hear from teachers. These are intended to be a rolling visit and last for a few minutes so that students are ready to go on September 3rd. Below are a few reminders for the visits:
Entering and Exiting:
All visitors will enter through the front doors and proceed to classrooms. Visits will also exit through the front doors.
You can expect that parking will be very tight at school because school staff will be using the majority of spots. In addition, we can expect that construction partners will be wrapping up tasks in the lower level to prepare the next week and will also be parked. If possible, please walk or bike to school.
I wanted to give you an update on what to expect as you enter Crow Island.
- Classrooms | Staff will be unpacking and setting up classrooms and are doing that after items have been moved back into school. You will see boxes as staff are working this week to prepare for school to start. Please know it will come together, but everyone is working hard to make that happen.
- Lower Level | For Thursday, please avoid the lower level (unless you are heading to one of the two kindergarten classrooms downstairs). The resource center space will still be in the process of set up to prepare for September 3rd.
Contact Us
Email: christinedemas-hall@winnetka36.org
Website: https://crowisland.winnetka36.org/
Location: 1112 Willow Road Winnetka, IL 60093
Phone: (847)-446-0353
Twitter: @CrowIslandD36