5/31/24 Newsletter

Movie Night Tonight!
All Presentation of Mary families are invited to a Family Movie Night on Friday, May 31st! It will take place at 6:00pm in the school gym. This is not a drop-off event: each child must be accompanied by an adult.
We'll be watching Trolls Band Together (PG), and popcorn and lemonade will be provided. The attire is PJ's and cozy clothes, and blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, and stuffies are encouraged!
Register for Camp I Can - Update!
Register and Save!
If you haven't registered for Camp I Can yet and would like to, now is the time to do it! We have special funds that allow us to give scholarships to Presentation of Mary students who would like to attend! Reach out to Sue Lovegreen for more information on those scholarships.
Summer Care Registration - Extended!
We still have spots available to sign your student up for Summer Care this summer!
We're excited to share with you that Melissa Rogers has signed on to be the Lead Teacher for our Summer Care Program. Melissa is a Presentation alum and also taught Phy. Ed. here for a number of years. She can't wait to be back in the building and is ready to provide our summer care kids with 3 months of fun! Joining Melissa as assistants will be Aracely Sanchez, Mercedes Martin, Jenna Rose Bradshaw, and Teri Soika. We're very proud to have this wonderful team of women in charge of the program this year!
The program will include outings and field trips such as picnics, the ice cream shop, events at the library, sprinkler fun on the lawn, movies, kickball, gardening, and other outdoor activities. Plus there will be plenty of opportunities to play outside on our campus and at local parks.
Summer Care Program Details
Dates: June 17 - August 23 (No camp the week of July 1st - 5th)
Days: Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
Cost: $45 per day, field trips will have additional fees
Registration fee: $40 per family
Uniform Sale!
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist
Plan to take your family to attend the film Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist. It is playing in theaters on June 4, 5, and 6, and will be a wonderful experience for the whole family! To learn more and to see showtimes near you, click the link below!
Eighth Grade Graduation!
It is already that time of year! Eighth Grade Graduation Mass and Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June 4th at 6:00pm in the Church, and will be followed by a Celebration in Kenney Hall.
Be sure to join us to celebrate our graduates!
Last Day of School Field Day!
Our last day of school is next week! It is June 6, and, as many of you know, we have a field day! Culvers has made a lovely donation of Ice Cream, so we'll be having root beer floats as a treat that afternoon, as well!
If you are interested in volunteering for Field Day, please reach out to Quinten Strub at qstrub@presentationofmary.org.
Summer at St. Thomas Academy!
Faith & Football Camp With Matt Birk
Looking Ahead
May 31: Family Movie Night
June 4: Eighth Grade Graduation
June 6: Last Day of School & Field Day
Protection of Youth: All employees, and volunteers who interact with minors, are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials (E3) through the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. To ensure successful completion of these requirements or if you have any questions regarding our safe environment practices or would like more information on what is needed to volunteer, please contact our Safe Environment Coordinator: Kay Mottaz @ 651-842-6022 or email kmottaz@presentationofmary.org.
To learn more about reporting suspected abuse, please also visit: www.safe-environment.archspm.org/report-abuse/Report.