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News from GRAIS
January 22nd, 2025
![News from GRAIS January 22nd, 2025](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/9627/thumb-c96f9b8ed7f421f5e47c97807363562a.jpeg)
News from GRAIS
January 23rd, 2024
Dear Intermediate School Families,
We are continuing to see lots of hard work and nice friendships growing at GRAIS! Additionally, we are seeing lots of students doing well with managing peer conflicts, practicing forgiveness, and generally being kind.
Thank you for your commitment to getting the children to school every day (barring illness) and on time, as every minute matters. We are so pleased with the progress the school has made in routinely reaching a weekly attendance goal of 94% over the last three years, and would love to see further improvement.
Message from the Nurse's Suite:
Here is a list of ideas to promote good, safe, and healthy habits from the American Academy of Pediatrics for children ages 5 - 12:
• Drink milk and water, and limit soda and fruit drinks
• Apply sunscreen before going outdoors
• Try to find a sport (like basketball or soccer) or an activity (like playing tag, jumping rope, dancing or riding a bike) and do it at least three times a week
• Wear a helmet when bicycling
• Always wear a seat belt
• Be kind to peers, especially to those who need friends – like someone who is shy, or is new to our school
• Never give out personal information such as one’s name, home address, school name, image, or telephone number over the internet
Reminders on Afternoon Pick-up Procedure to Keep Everyone Safe:
Please park in the upper lot and walk to the cafeteria entrance.
Please do not create parking spots where none exists, as this makes things difficult for buses and other drivers.
Girl Scouts:
Please see attached flyer.
Student Grades:
We have just reached the middle of our second trimester, as unbelievable as that sounds! As it is the natural progression, this second trimester has been less about review of knowledge and more about learning new grade-level concepts, as well as less about teacher-assisted work completion and more about independence. We hope you will check Aspen routinely to stay current on your child’s academic performance. Trimester two grades will post to the portal on March 19th.
MCAS Dates:
If you would like a look at the types of questions asked by the state or if you’d like to practice with your student, please see the links here.
Spring Anticipated MCAS Dates for GRAIS:
March 31 and April 1–Grade Five ELA
April 2 & 3–Grade Four ELA
May 12 & 13–Grade Five Math
May 14 & 15–Grade Four Math
May 19 & 20–Grade Five Science
*Subject to Change
Dates to Remember:
January 24th- Boston Bruins Pride Day
February 7th - Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.
February 14th - PTO’s Sweet & Treats for Staff
February 17 - Winter Break Begins
February 24th - School Resumes
March 1st - PTO’s Catalog Fundraiser Begins
March 19th - Second Trimester Grades Post to Portal
April 7th - Early Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.
April 18th - Spring Break Begins
April 28th - School Resumes
May 6th - GRAIS Spring Chorus Performs at FLMS at 6:00 p.m.
May 12th - BOGO Book Fair Week Begins
May 26th - No School
June 18th - Anticipated Last Day with Early Dismissal at 11: 30 a.m.
June 18th - Anticipated PTO Farewell to FIfth Graders Morning Event
*Dates are subject to change.
With gratitude for your support,
Dr. Sullivan
508.923.3506 x 3150/esullivan@freelake.org