OUUC Weekly Update
June 18, 2024

Worship Service June 23
“Where the Light Begins” Music Service with Troy Arnold Fisher & the OUUC Choir
OUUC Sunday Morning Service
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Dial +1 253 215 8782
Please note: There will be no After-Service Forums held now through August.
Last Sunday's Worship Service
Pastoral Care Team
Congregants, please remember that Rev. Mary’s absence will not/does not mean that spiritual or emotional support is absent, too! The Pastoral Care Team (PCT) is a caring group of individuals who serve at the invitation of Reverend Mary and extend the care of the congregation to those who are in special need.
If you would like support from the Pastoral Care Team, you can identify members on Sunday mornings or at other church events by looking for the green Pastoral Care stoles they wear. If you are not physically at church, you can reach out via email and a team member will get back to you shortly to see how they can be of service.
This Week
Litha Potluck and Ritual
Thursday, June 20, 6:30 pm
All are welcome to join us as we celebrate the summer solstice with community and ritual. Please bring a potluck dish to share.
Tiny Little News Show
Want some of your church news by video? Try our Tiny Little News Show!
In this week's Tiny Little News: summary of the last two weeks and the upcoming summer events.
Ministry Programs
Registration Now Open for Kids Summer Camps:
OUUC Chalice Camp “Building a New Way” for ages 5-10
July 15th to 19th, 9am-3pm. Register here.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Camp for Ages 5-7
July 8th to 12th, 9am-noon each day. OWL is a developmentally appropriate and much praised sexuality education program. Register here.
Camps are open to all, with a pay what you can sliding scale, feel free to spread the word!
OlyWA Pride
Saturday, June 28, 9am
Sunday June 29, 11 am
OUUC is going to have a booth for Pride and to march in the Pride Parade this year. Rev Sara is organizing this effort, but needs help.
Please sign up here.
Seeking Facilitators for Soul Matters Groups next church year
Would you be interested in leading a Soul Matters group next year? These are small groups that explore the theme of the month, meeting once a month (schedule to be set by facilitators). Facilitators can work solo or with a co-faciliatator. Experience with Soul Matters is good but not required. Contact Rev. Sara if you are interested in leading a group!
June Selections From Equity Library
*ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE (Rotner & Kelly) a delightful book of fun pictures and early conversations about diversity.
*THOSE SHOES (Belts) Jeramy, who wants a pair of the shoes all the other kids all seem to wear, learns from his grandma the difference between “wants” and “needs,” and that he has the important things in life like a loving grandma and warm boots.
*A LOG’S LIFE (Pfeffer) A book for all those who like to walk in the woods.
Equity Library has books for all ages and is open when OUUC is.
Quick Notes
The OUUC Office will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 in honor of Juneteenth. See you on Thursday!
Beware of periodic scammers via email and text. You may be contacted by scammers impersonating Rev. Mary or other church staff. Scammers also try to reach people via text. Often, they will ask for you to contact them right away, and they may ask for financial assistance/information or contact information of others at the church. Always double check and make sure the email or text was sent from a source you recognize. Scammers will create new addresses that appear like a known email address. When in doubt, check in with the person in your life who appears to be trying to contact you, using a known contact method.
Safety Reminder: Please lock and remove valuables from your vehicles.
Download the flyer below if you would like a list of OUUC events for June. Great for posting on your refrigerator!
In the Larger Community
Learn more about the following events and others here.
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 4-7 pm
GRUB farmhouse 2016 Elliott Avenue NW
157th Anniversary of Black liberation
Other GRUB Events!
You are all invited to summer events at GRuB. Of note:
Weds Farm Stands (3-6 PM) through summer EXCEPT Juneteenth
Weds evening drop in volunteer sessions 5:30 - 7:30 pm
3rd Weds Workshops, Farm Stands, Music, Tours
Thursday, June 27 Farm Dinner
Thursday, July 18 Family Focused Carnival
Saturday, September 7 Soiree Harvest Dinner
An Evening With Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben,
Tuesday, July 2 at 7 pm, Hosted by United First Methodist Church in Seattle
Join Third Act Washington members and friends, climate justice activists, faith-based creation caregroups, and concerned citizens for a talk followed by Q & A with the renowned climate activist, author, and founder of Third Act. Read more here.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice invites you to show your support for Palestine each Friday from 4:30-6 pm at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Vigil for Peace
Percival Landing in Downtown Olympia, 4th & Water Street.
About Us
Staff Contacts
Rev. Mary Gear, Minister (on sabbatical)
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, Sabbatical Minister
Rev. Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development
Isaac Ezra Jennings, Business Manager
Rosie Koppelman, Office Assistant
Teresa Madsen, Communications and Tech Coordinator
Marie Arensmeyer, Facilities Manager
Anissa Bentlemsani, Religious Education Assistant
Carbon Marshall, Tech Specialist
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm