The Castle
a weekly newsletter for Ms. C.'s 2nd Grade
May 6-10, 2024
Dates to Remember
Field Day
Friday, May 10, 2024
This year we will be having field day at Camp Widjiwagen (a YMCA-owned camp 3.5 miles from school). I will be sending home two permission forms on Monday - one from the school and one from the camp. Please sign and return these forms ASAP so your child can participate.
Second Grade Award Ceremony and Picnic
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The awards ceremony will begin promptly at 9:00 in the cafeteria. If you would like to contribute to the picnic, our class is responsible for chips.
Shout Outs
Perfect Attendance
April 29-May 3. Vanessa, Irma, Ever, Christian, Kevin, Josiah, Dylan, Alexander, Ava, Fraol, Daiana, Javier, Zion, Nathaly, Andrea, Camila, Filiberto
April. Vanessa, Kevin, Alexander, Ava, Zion, Nathaly
Days with Perfect Attendance. 38
Reading Fluency, Math
Reading Fluency, Math
Reading Fluency, Math
Reading Fluency, Math
Contact Me
Email: acastrovinci@mnps.org
Website: www.mscgrade2.com
Location: 455 Rural Hill Road, Nashville, TN, USA
Phone: (615) 360-2912