October 2024 Newsletter
Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School
Important Dates
Please note the following important dates in October and early November:
Tuesday, October 7 - Friday, October 11: Book Fair at DHEMS
Monday, October 14 - No school - teacher in-service
Wednesday, October 16 - 6th grade Dream Learn Pitch field trip
- Wednesday, October 30: Picture retakes
Week of 10/28 - 11/1: parent-teacher conferences
Friday and Saturday November 8 and 9 - DHEMS Fall Play
Student Newsletter Club & Friday Clubs
Every Friday afternoon students participate in a club of their choosing. Some of our current club offerings include: Ultimate frisbee, Everything NFL, Fall Crafts, Duct tape crafting and many more. In addition, one of the available clubs is the newsletter club. Starting with this October publication, the DHEMS newsletter will be student created! Please enjoy our first newsletter!
Fall crafting club
Student use pipe cleaners to make fall crafts
Hat Making Club
Loom knitting in hat making club
Chess Club
Making a plan in chess club
September Student of the Month
Congratulations to our September students of the month. These students are selected by the faculty for consistently following school expectations of being Respectful, Accountable, Prepared and Safe
Activity Fee Reminder
Classroom Chronicles
Pumpkin Chunkin'
6th grade students had a successful day of Pumpkin Chunkin! Student made their pumpkin catapults from soda cans, plastic spoons and rubber bands. They then used their catapults to launch candy pumpkins and recorded data in a ratio table and graphed their results.
Death By Scrabble
Students in Mr. Haussener's class learned to play Scrabble in the library after reading Death by Scrabble, a story that teaches the reader to be careful what they wish for.
Teacher Feature
We want to give you a peek into the classroom. Mrs. Acker, one of our 7th grade English Language arts teachers was chosen to interview for our teacher feature. Her interview is below:
Why do you teach ELA?
“In middle school I had a really great English teacher and I think he kind of inspired me to want to do this. I also like talking about ideas and characters and ELA allows you to do that.”
Why 7th grade,
“Mostly because 7th graders are still able to get excited about learning a little bit but they are also old enough to talk about those ideas and big world issues and so I appreciate that it is a little bit of both a little bit elementary and a little highschool.”
What other things do you want to take away from your class,
“In my class we really emphasize teamwork like how to be a good team player so that everyone feels respected, everyone feels valued and everyone feels like they play an important role.”
How many year have you been teaching
“I have been here since 2016”(8 years) “and I did 3 years at a high school before this”(11 years in all)
Do you have pets
“I do have a black lab. Her name is Bellatrix because I am a Harry Potter fan. She is like my other child, just as needy and just as cuddly.”
Long term goals
Be a good mom
Be better as a teacher
Thank you Mrs. Acker for being our teacher feature!
Fall Play
This year's fall play, A Lighter Shade of Noir, is about a group of detectives of various personality traits who are invited to a gala to show off their biggest accomplishments and trophies. During the gala, the lights go off and all of their prized possessions are gone! With sneaky villains, brave detectives, and a mysterious flower shop, this comedic performance will have you hanging off the edge of your seat.
We interviewed some of the main characters of the play.
Taylor Persing (who plays Vick Tracy)’s said: "I would say that the play is more like a mystery than any of the others we have done, like Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I think that being a big role in the school play is a big opportunity because the play is smaller than usual."
Thomas Graham (who plays Trent Trowel) said: "I think that the school play is a place where people can have fun and put on a production. I’ve been in the school play the last two years and I think being the lead role will be really good for me. This year the play is actually really small; usually there are 40 actors and 70 stage crew.
Mrs. McLaughlin, the school play director has said the following about the play:
I chose A Lighter Shade of Noir this year because I wanted to choose something different, you know, we’ve been doing parodies in the past, and I’ve seen a couple of mystery plays floating around and I thought it would be fun to try
The performances will be taking place On November 8th at 7:00 pm and November 9th at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. The entrance fees are $5 for adults and $3 for kids and seniors. Students who have paid their activity fee and have a blue stickers on their student ID can get in for free. Make sure you have you ID!
Canvas Parent Access
Girls Jr. high Basketball registration
Junior High Girls’ Basketball registration closes Friday, October 11. Parents/Guardians must register the player online using this link. Players must have a completed physical form from a medical provider and upload it to their registration or turn it into the high school athletic office. The activity fee must be paid prior to the first contest.
Concert dates
Concert dates for all three ensembles are available on this PDF please click to view or to print!
Want to see your own photos in the yearbook? You could submit your own photos through our yearbook eShare for consideration. See the poster below for more information.
It’s never too early to order your yearbook! Order yours today by visiting yearbook yearbookordercenter.com and use code number 21654.
DHEMS is participating in the Weis4School program, where you can earn money for DHEMS simply by linking your club card to the middle school. Please click here and follow the steps to link your club card to DHEMS. Please note: we are listed as D H Eichhorn Middle School (we will not show up if you search Donald...). You can also type 87592 and DHEMS will show up as an option. Thank you for your support!
Camp Koala
The mission of Camp Koala is to provide grieving children with tools and resources to manage their grief in a healthy way, and to provide companionship in a supportive environment.
Previous Newsletters
Click here to access previous newsletters:
Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School
Website: dhems.lasd.us
Location: 2057 Washington Avenue, Lewisburg, PA, USA
Phone: 570-522-3213
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldEichhornMS/