Weekly Newsletter
September 18th, 2023

March 3 - March 7
Happening this week...
General Annoucements
Spartan Food Pantry
Spartan Food Pantry is every minimum day on Wednesday from 2:30pm- 4:00pm
ยท Bring your Shopping Bag
If you can Volunteer, please let us know and Join Our Pantry Helpers!
In order to be eligible to attend extracurricular activities, including sporting events and dances, your student needs to clear all detentions. If your student owes detention, please encourage your student to serve them. Detentions are held Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30, Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 in the Intervention Center.
Senior Hoodies for sale
Order your senior hoodie in the SBO or online for $30 at https://gdhs.myschoolcentral.com by this Tuesday, March 4th! Seniors can choose between a black or cream color hoodie.
Monday- 3/3
Tuesday- 3/4
Wednesday- 3/5 (Minimum Day)
Thursday- 3/6
Student Senate
Student senators- please check in with your 2nd period teacher and then report to the Little Theater for our student senate meeting.
InterClub Council Meeting
Clubs- send one club rep to the SBO during lunch for our interclub council meeting.
Friday- 3/7
Spartan Spirit
Dress in Green and Gold!