BHS Counseling Newsletter:
Friday, November 1st, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
November 1st - November 30th: Free College Application Month Continues (South Dakota)
November 1st: Spring 2024 Dual Credit Registration Begins
November 4th: University of South Dakota in the BHS Commons at 9:30 a.m.
November 5th: US Marines in the BHS Commons - Lunch Hour
November 5th: Dakota State in the BHS Commons at 2:00 p.m.
November 5th: PSAT Result Interpretation Meeting in the BHS Commons; 2:15 p.m.
November 15th: Dual Credit Registration Meeting in the BHS Commons; 2:15 p.m.
November 12th: Southeast Technical College in the BHS Commons - Lunch Hour
November 12th: South Dakota State University in the BHS Counseling Office at 2:00 p.m.
November 12th: SD Army Recruiting - ASVAB interruption - Counseling Conference Room at 2:00 p.m.
November 19th: Build Dakota Road Show (Seniors) - @ Bell Auditorium at 1:52 p.m.
November 19th: Grand Canyon University - @ BHS Commons at 2:00 p.m.
November 28th-December 1st: Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd,6th,13th : PreACT Score Report Interpretation During Advisory; Sophomores
*Please stop by the Counseling Office if you need a pass for college representative visits!
Counseling Office Happenings
Our counseling team continues to work to keep up on the current research and trends in school counseling. During this month of November, we want to let you know that we are so thankful to have the privilege of working with each of our BHS Students! You are truly the best!
Programs To Be Aware Of:
Yale Young Global Scholars Program- YYGS is a two-week summer program that facilitates discussions on cutting-edge topics in academia. You must be between the ages of 16-18 years old by March 15, 2025. Participants choose a session based on their academic interest, and they meet like-minded peers from around the world while navigating classroom discussions. Jan. 10th deadline.
John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest-Grades 9-12 are eligible to participate; must write an original and creative essay demonstrating an understanding of political courage by a US elected official who served during or after 1917; $10,000 first place. The contest deadline is January 17, 2025.
High School Study Abroad Opportunities: The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) provides more than 1,000 merit-based fully-funded opportunities for U.S. high school students to study abroad for a summer or an academic year in more than 25 countries. These exchange programs prepare young Americans to succeed in the 21st century’s global economy by developing their foreign language skills, increasing their cross-cultural understanding, strengthening their confidence and leadership capacity, and fostering new academic insights and ambitions.
The application periods are now open and vary by program/location. See website for more information.
Notre Dame Pre-College programs- The programs offer high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors the opportunity to earn college credit, experience world-class academics, and immerse themselves in the Notre Dame community. Courses take place on campus, abroad, and online. Feb. 19th deadline.
Academic Information:
Dual Credit-Juniors & Seniors
The Spring Dual Credit course listing is out and available for you to see at https://apps.sd.gov/de68dual/index.aspx Applications for Spring 2024 will be accepted as of November 1st. There will be a mandatory registration meeting for students planning to take dual credit this spring on Friday, Nov. 15th in Bell Auditorium at 2:15 PM. (Remember, you must register with SDSU if you plan to take the Dual Credit College Algebra here at BHS. Instructions on how to do this will be given at the meeting.)
PSAT Results Interpretation Meeting (Sophomores & Juniors Who Took the Test): Tuesday, November 5th @ 2:15 p.m. in the BHS Commons
PreACT Score Report Interpretation Sessions (All Sophomores): During the days of December 3, 6, 13 a school counselor will come to sophomore advisory classes to go over PreACT results.
School Exploration Opportunities:
University of South Dakota Coyote
- Friday, November 1
- Friday, November 22
- Friday, December 6
Join USD for Coyote Visit Day where you will take a tour of campus and get an overview of admissions, scholarships, academic programs and life as a Coyote. Register here.
The Effects Of Too Much Screen Time
Today’s children have grown up with a vast array of electronic devices at their fingertips. They can't imagine a world without smartphones, tablets, and the internet.
The advances in technology mean today's parents are the first generation who have to figure out how to limit screen time for children. While digital devices can provide endless hours of entertainment and they can offer educational content, unlimited screen time can be harmful.
The Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time
Whether you keep the TV on all the time or the whole family sits around staring at their smartphones, too screen time could be harmful. Here's what some of the research says:
- Obesity: Too much time engaging in sedentary activity, such as watching TV and playing video games, can be a risk factor for becoming overweight.
- Sleep problems: Although many parents use TV to wind down before bed, screen time before bed can backfire. The light emitted from screens interferes with the sleep cycle in the brain and can lead to insomnia.
- Behavior problems: Elementary school-age children who watch TV or use a computer more than two hours per day are more likely to have emotional, social, and attention problems.
- Educational problems: Elementary school-age children who have televisions in their bedrooms do worse on academic testing.
- Violence: Exposure to violent TV shows, movies, music, and video games can cause children to become desensitized to it. Eventually, they may use violence to solve problems and may imitate what they see on TV, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Establishing Family Rules With Electronics
Telling your child to turn off his video games while you're sitting in front of the TV won't do anyone any good. It's important for you to set healthy limits on your electronics use for your own sake, as well as your child's sake.
Here are a few household rules you might want to establish to curb screen time:
- No digital devices during family meals.
- No screen time in the car.
- No screens allowed in bedrooms.
- No electronics use during family fun nights.
In addition, consider an occasional digital detox for the whole family. Create a screen-free night once a week or commit to unplugging one weekend a month. It could be good for everyone's physical and emotional health, as well as your family's relationships.
● Website: Common Sense Media: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
● Article: Why it’s never too early to teach your children about social media: https://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/advice/why-its-never-too-early-to-teach-your-child-good-social-media/
● Article: Teens aren't socializing in the real world. And that's making them super lonely: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/03/20/teen-loneliness-social-media-cell-phones-suicide-isolation-gaming-cigna/3208845002/
● 20/20 Special: ScreenTime, Diane Sawyer:https://6abc.com/technology/abc-special-challenges-families-to-rethink-screen-time/5282005/
● Scholastic Article: How to set smart screen time rules: https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/parent-child/how-to-set-smart-screen-time-rules.html
● A wealth of developmental skills (by grade), articles, clips found on this website: Parent Tool Kit: https://www.parenttoolkit.com/topics/social-and-emotional
Seniors, here are some things to think about....
🐾 Get and stay organized!
🐾Start finalizing your college list.
🐾Visit your top school choices
🐾Find out each school’s application deadline. Finish those college applications!
🐾Talk with college friends who are home on vacation about college life.
🐾Check scholarship deadlines.
🐾Conduct a scholarship search using a website on the BHS Counseling website!
🐾If you’ve decided to apply early admission to a particular school, finalize and send whichever early decision or early action applications are due this month.
🐾Double check that testing companies have sent your scores directly to the colleges to which you are applying.
We’re sure feeling the time crunch…how about you? Applying to schools is in full swing! If you haven’t already applied, stop in to see your counselor! Thanksgiving break will soon be upon us! Take that time to enjoy being with your family and friends. Also, remember to take a deep breath and find some down time for yourself among all the deadlines for school, college applications and scholarships!
SD Free Application Month Continues into November...
Seniors, have you been putting off filling out those college applications? Now is the time! You can apply for free to SD institutions from Oct. 3rd - Nov. 30th! BHS will be holding College Application Week October 21st through Oct. 25th. During that week, your BHS Counselors are dedicated to working to assist you in filling out college applications! (Remember, “college” refers to any post-secondary education, 1 year, 2 year or 4 year.) We challenge all BHS seniors to submit at least 1 application to a 2 or 4 year school! There will be designated blocks for assistance, prizes, and fun! More information to come!
Scholarships To Be Thinking About:
Below are current scholarships that have been brought to the attention of our office. The date next to the scholarship is the deadline for the application. Any scholarship with an asterisk next to it denotes a Brookings or South Dakota Scholarship.
Nov. 1st - National Space Club Scholarship
Nov. 12th - Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Nov. 14th - Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship
Nov. 15th - Students with Disabilities Scholarship
Nov. 15th - 10 Words or Less Scholarship
Nov. 26th - National Honor Society Scholarship
Nov. 30th - Common App Scholarship
Dec. 1st - South Dakota DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants
Dec. 1st - Hagan Scholarship
*Dec. 15th - SD Dakota Corp Scholarship
Dec. 16th - Burger King Scholarship
Jan. 3rd - GE Reagan Association Scholarship
*Jan. 17th - Sioux Valley Energy Scholarships; 2 year, 4 year & Power Line
*Apr. 1st - SD Association of Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Contractors Educational Foundation Scholarship
Apr. 1st - SDAPHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship
Requesting A Transcript:
Requesting Your Transcript (Parchment):
BHS Counseling And Student Services Team:
Counseling Office Assistant:
Mrs. Victoria Brockel victoria.brockel@k12.sd.us, Phone Number: 605-696-4124
BHS School Counselors:
Mrs. Linda Johnson: linda.johnson@k12.sd.us
Mr. Gary Mork: gary.mork@k12.sd.us
Mrs. Angela Bucholz: angela.bucholz@k12.sd.us
Other Ways To Get Information From Us!