CHS Weekly Update #25
February 10th, 2025
Dear Warrior Families:
Happy Monday and an early Happy Valentine's Day!!! I think my love of chocolate has instilled in me that a holiday where candy is readily available is a good one!! I always look forward to the amount of chocolate that appears during this week! We had some hard fought battles this weekend from our hockey players, wrestlers, and basketball players. I am always proud to watch them compete and give their best to the sport. I want to continue to encourage our student competitors to finish the season strong as many winter sports are in the home stretch, with the after season events beginning very soon.
I would also like to give a shout out to our 4 athletes who signed their National Letters of Intent this past Wednesday to continue to compete at the college level. We are SOOO proud of these seniors and know they will continue to work hard and fight like WARRIORS at the next level. Audrie Hansen will be playing softball at Mid America Nazarene University. Karlis Strautins will be running cross country at Colorado Northwestern Community College. EllaGrace Kellerby will be playing 2 collegiate sports (softball and basketball) at Minnesota North Rainy River Community College. CONGRATULATIONS to all of you!!!!
I want to congratulate our BOWLERS who qualified for state and who will be competing this coming weekend in Denver...Congratulations to our 1st Place Western Conference winners: Cuzack Bove, Mary Terebesi, Kyler Kuretich, Riley Hardin, and Avery Stommenger. Congratulations also to our 2nd Place Western Conference winners: Maleah Ward, Isaac Ward, Brody Young, Sophie Bambino, Kaiden Latham, Chevy Ewing. Kaiden Latham was the 1st Place Season High Average in the Western Conference, and Cuzack Bove was the 2nd Place Season High Average in the Western Conference. Congratulations to all of these CHS student bowlers!!!! Way to represent, and we wish you all the best as you compete at STATE this weekend!!! Go WARRIORS!!!!
I also want to congratulate our CLASS 5A Boys and Girls WRESTLERS who qualified for state and who will also be competing this coming weekend in Denver...Congratulations to Hassin Maynes, Jeremy Griffith, Micah Bautista, Elijah Hernandez, Shyann Page, Shylee Tuzon, Marissa Martinez-Quezada, and Vanessa Milton. These tough WARRIORS placed at REGIONALS and are looking to find the podium this weekend at STATE!!! We also have one of our freshmen who will be wrestling in the STATE ADAPTIVE tournament: Ryan Broderson. Congratulations to all of these tough WARRIORS!! We are behind you all the way!!
I need to also reiterate the importance of our state mandated PSAT/SAT tests. We are striving to account for all students and encourage all students to test, but if your family has made a decision to opt out of the testing, we must have the testing opt out form completed for each student not testing. Please call the front office or the counseling office if you would like to opt your student out of testing (970-254-6200), OR stop by the front office to pick up a form. You may also call to request that an electronic version be sent to your email, and you can sign and return the via email. Again, our hope is that as many students test and show their knowledge, but if a student is not planning to test, we need to account for them with the proper forms. There will be a schoolwide practice PSAT/SAT test on April 1st with a modified schedule so that we can identify or troubleshoot any technical difficulties. Teachers will also use the results of this test to identify any potential gaps or areas that need to be reviewed before testing.
We have also begun the DESIGN PROCESS for our huge renovation that was approved by voters in November!!! There is a large committee comprised of architects, construction managers, project managers, district operations managers, teachers, administrators, and in the future, students and parents. You may receive an email asking for students and parents who might want to provide input for the planning process, and in fact, on Tuesday, members of this committee will be in our building during the day and asking students for their thoughts and ideas about the new design. It is all super exciting!!!! The tentative opening date with all renovations and additions completed is the fall of 2027, with construction beginning in January of 2026.
Our counselors are also busy working on the master schedule of classes for next year in anticipation of students registering and choosing their own coursework. We are committed to being responsive to our student voice and choice, and will add or collapse courses according to student registrations. We will be really trying to instill the principal to go above and beyond what is required. Instead of only taking the bare minimum requirements, stretch yourself to try an advanced class or a CMU concurrent class, both of which provide opportunities to earn college credit. Our students have many opportunities to make all classwork relevant to their interests for after graduation, and our counselors will be making sure that all students know what CHS has to offer in terms of Work Based Learning, Career Center, Industry Certifications, CMU Tech, CMU Concurrent, AP College Board offerings, PTECH Pathways, UPWARD BOUND, ASCENT, and STEM distinctive diplomas. We will also be highly recommending that all students at CHS plan to schedule 4 years of math and science to take full advantage of our STEM classes in those fields. Please help support your learners by encouraging them to do more than they think they can and to take advantage of some amazing opportunities.
Thank you for your continued support of Central High School and please know how important your involvement is to the success of your learners. This week has been dubbed by the district as KIC week, or Kindness is Contagious, and our senate will be planning events with the theme of KINDNESS throughout the week, but also in the weeks to come. Check out the calendars below to see what is happening. We love our WARRIORS!! Have a wonderful week and Happy Valentine's Day! Please try to make it out to the home basketball game this Friday night against GJHS! There will be lots of fun activities planned and CHS swag for sale.
(Reminder that this is a 3 day weekend-there will be no school on Monday, February 17th, in honor of President's Day).
Warm Regards,
Week at a Glance February 10th-15th-KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS
1. Tuesday, February 11th:
- Girls Basketball vs. FMHS-JV/Var @ 4/5:30 @ FMHS
- Boys Basketball vs. FMHS-JV/Var @ 4/7 @ FMHS
- Design Advisory Group Members in Building
- Design Advisory Group Meeting from 3:30-5:30 PM
3. Wednesday, February 12th:
- KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS: Donuts delivered by PHS Students
- Valentine's Grams available to purchase from Senate
- WRESTLERS Send Off for State- TBA
4. Thursday, February 13th:
- Middle School Orchestra Clinic - 9 AM
5. Friday, February 14th:
- Valentine's Day
- Girls Basketball vs. GJHS-JV/Var @ 4/5:30 @ CHS
- Boys Basketball vs. GJHS-JV/Varsity @ 4/7 @ CHS
- Superintendent's Advisory Group Meeting at 11:15
5. Saturday, February 15th:
- 12 PM Freshmen Bball at PHS
February 10-14: Kindness is Contagious Week
February 13-15: STATE WRESTLING
February 15-16: STATE BOWLING
February 17: No School - President's Day
February 18: Vocal Showcase
February 19: Pre-Festival Band Concert at 6 PM
February 19: Orchestra Concert at 7 PM
February 24-28: Spirit Week for Winter Formal
February 24: CTIES Movie Night
February 25: Jazz Cluster Concert
March 6-8: Spring Musical: Anastasia
March 11: CBA Middle School Band Concert
March 12: Last day of 3rd Quarter
March 13: No School Teacher Inservice
March 14: No School - Teacher Workday
March 17-23: Spring Break
March 24: First Day of Quarter 4
WARRIOR WELLNESS CLINIC: Did you know that the Warrior Wellness Center offers dental cleanings?! Every Toothday (Tuesday ��), we have our dental hygienist, Amber, in office. We accept walk-ins and appointments. We need parent/guardian permission to see any student under the age of 18, and these short forms are available in our office or online at www.chswarriorwellness.org. We look forward to helping keep our students healthy this school year, and please feel free to contact us with any questions!
SENIORS: Important Information
- 3/12/25: 4:00 PM Auditions for Graduation Performance. Must sign up.
- 4/2/25: MANDATORY Senior Graduation Meeting at 9:30 AM in the auditorium.
- 4/11/25: Submit your scholarship award letters to Dana Smith in Counseling.
- 5/3/25: Prom CMU Ballroom from 7:00-11:00 PM
- 5/14/25: Graduation at 6:00 PM, Stocker Stadium
- Senior Google Classroom: The code to join the class is: bxfgsgk
- Graduation caps are allowed to be decorated with images, letters, numbers, and quotations, but will need to be approved by CHS Administration. There will be a Google form that needs to be completed by Friday, May 9th to get approval. Stay tuned for that link in the Google Classroom and at te Senior Graduation meeting.
ADMINISTRATION: Please avoid the pajama pants and blankets. Please get dressed and ready to learn! Also continue to remember to follow the Cell Phone/Air Pod/Smart Watch Policy during class time.
Students who are found congregating in restrooms before school or at lunch, or during the day when classes are in session will be escorted back to class, and if found again on the same day, will be placed in ISS or suspended for the rest of the day.
Remember that your Student ID Badges need to be visible at all times. Please wear them on your lanyards or on a pocket clip. Badges are also required to get into athletic events and dances.
Registration for Spring Sports needs to be completed by February 12th. The first day of Spring Sports is February 24th, except Girls' golf and Boys' swimming, which start on February 17th.