October Newsletter
October 2024
Welcome to Fruchthendler
October is here, and it certainly does not feel like Fall. I am looking forward to cool weather. We have a lot going on in October. Thank you for a wonderful first quarter. We just finished Benchmarks, and our students rocked them! They have been working hard, and their efforts are paying off. We scored over 20% better than the District average at each grade level.
We have a lot of events happening after fall break, so please make sure to keep an eye out for them on the Weekly Updates.
Our Mission Statement is Together, We Expect Excellence.
Important Items
- Grading Day and Fall Break - Grading Day is Friday, 10/4. Fall Break is the following week, 10/7 - 10/11. There is no school during this time, so we will see everyone back at school on Monday, October 14th.
- Tax Credit Donations – Tax Credit donations are crucial for funding staff and supplies for our fine arts, band and orchestra, OMA, dance, discovery lab, and PE. These classes enrich our students and provide opportunities for our teachers to meet in their professional learning teams to analyze data to help guide their instruction. You can donate online on our website (click on the "Give Kids the Extra Credit" link). Ask your friends and neighbors to donate as well!
- Attendance - One of the keys to academic success is being at school every day on time. It is crucial that students are on time. Many classes do their morning circle where students are checking in with each other and bonding as a class. It is important that students do not miss this time.
- Facebook– Please check out our Facebook page. We will be posting school-related announcements on this site. The PTA has a group page where families can share pictures from the events or get information. Please request access from the PTA group in order to view the group.
- Dining for Dollars (D4D) - This is one of our easiest fundraisers because it is a win-win. You don't have to make dinner AND money gets donated to the school. This month's D4D are Iron John's all month, Scented Leaf Oct. 21-27, and Raising Canes on Oct 23rd. They are a great opportunity to hang out with other families and support the school.
- Sports Seasons - Cross Country begins 9/9, basketball begins 11/4, and Track and Field begins 2/3. In order to compete, a student must have a physical form. I will be sending out those forms the first full week of school.
- PTA and Volunteering - We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the classroom. The PTA is always looking for volunteers to help at events. Please contact the front office if you are interested in volunteering. Ms. Kayla or Ms. Carmen can make sure you have any paperwork you need. If you are a parent, you do not need paperwork to volunteer with your child.
Character Strong Trait of the Month
Our Trait of the Month is Responsibility. Responsibility is taking action and understanding the impact of our choices. We will be talking about responsibility throughout the month of October.
What is Happening Around School?
Counseling with Ms. Lana:
This month in counseling, we will be focusing on responsibility! Kindergarten and first grade students will be learning and practicing how to be responsible by actively listening, focusing, and following directions. Second and third grade lessons will focus on making responsible choices and taking responsibility for actions. Fourth grade lessons will center on managing responsibilities through organization and time management, and fifth grade will be focusing on leadership.
OMA with Mrs. Gale:
This month in OMA, kindergarten will start learning their new songs for the December performance. First grade will be identifying instrument sounds and playing on our classroom xylophones. Second grade will be memorizing songs in Chinese and Japanese. Third grade will practice playing “Hot Cross Buns” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the recorder. Fourth grade will learn about themes in music and design a character to match the theme. Fifth grade will discuss how music can tell a story and create their own stories to match a song. And band will be practicing their first two songs using up to four notes.
Discovery Lab with Dr. B:
In Discovery Lab – Kindergarten wraps up their materials unit with several investigations about paper, including making recycled paper and using paper mâché to build their own bowls. First grade continues to investigate the forces that create action by experimenting with magnetism. Second grade is observing the similarities and differences between the properties of solids and liquids as well as learning methods to separate mixtures of solids. Third, Fourth and Fifth grade wrap up their respective investigations that we have been focusing on this fall and then shift to an introduction into the scientific method as a preparation for the Fruchthendler Science Fair.
In PE – Fourth and Fifth grade will continue the soccer skills unit, with an emphasis on working on our footwork for dribbling and passing. We will progress and work on spacing and defense, wrapping up with game play activities. Students cannot participate if they are not wearing appropriate footwear (No crocs, flip flops, sandals or boots).
Kinder-3rd: During the month of October we will be continuing our Jump Rope unit. Jumping rope is an inexpensive way to improve coordination and overall fitness. Jumping rope works multiple muscle groups which can help improve performance in all sports and strengthens the ligaments which is so important in preventing energy. It is a simple way to develop general body awareness with immediate feedback. We focus a lot on mental toughness in our classes so jumping rope gives us an opportunity to keep trying even when things are difficult. Plus, jumping rope is fun! Towards the end of the month we will spend some time learning Yoga. Yoga helps lower stress, improves strength, flexibility and balance. I love teaching PE to our younger students and I cannot wait for the fun we'll have this month!
Important Dates
October (Responsibility)
10/1 - 10/31 - D4D at Iron John's
10/1 - 2nd Grade ELA Benchmark
10/2 - 2nd Grade Math Benchmark
10/3 - 3rd Grade Field Trip
10/3 – Bus Evacuation Drill
10/4 – Grading Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
10/7 – 10/11 – FALL BREAK – NO SCHOOL
10/14-18 – Fall Book Fair
10/14 – 10/25 – Family Life Curriculum for 4th and 5th grade
10/14 – Cross Country Race @ Jesse Owens (4-5, K-1, 2-3)
10/15 - FCC Meeting
10/17 – Cross Country Practice
10/18 – Fall Carnival
10/19 - Optional Cross Country Practice – Udall @7:30am
10/21 – PTA Exec Board Meeting
10/21 – Fire Drill
10/21 – Cross Country Race @Ft. Lowell Park (K-1, 2-3, 4-5)
10/21 - 10/27 - D4D at Scented Leaf all week long
10/22 - Kindness Crew
10/22 - Cub Scout Meeting in Cafeteria 6:15 - 7:30 pm
10/23 – PLD – Professional Learning Day (Wed) NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
10/23 - D4D at Raising Cane's 3 pm - 9 pm
10/24 – Cross Country Practice
10/24 – Science Night
10/26 – Optional Cross Country Practice – Udall @7:30am
10/28 – Cross Country Race @ Mansfeld Park (K-3, 4 and 5)
10/29 - FCC Meeting
10/31 – Cross Country Practice
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (520) 731-4400.
Mr. E