Evergreen Middle School
November 1, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
Well, it is time for Halloween celebrations and the welcome of November. I'm not sure I'm a fan of clocks turning back (11/3) and the cold weather, so I'm going to enjoy all the warmth in these last remaining days. This has been a fun packed week. We closed out our first sports season of the school year. Our next sports season will be wrestling and girls basketball. Our 8th graders were able to complete their PSAT- yes, it is time to start thinking beyond high school. In their Social Studies classes our scholars are learning about voting. Next week they will participate in a mock election. Let’s see how close they come to predicting the outcome of our nation’s election. Mr. Worcester and our choir had the opportunity to participate and sing with other scholars at Thomas Jefferson High School. We also had our first spirit week and pep assembly. This evening we will have our Multicultural Family Night. I hope to see you all there.
There is still time for you to set your appointment to come to our Student Led Conferences next week. If you have not already done so, remember to set an appointment for Student Led Conferences. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the conferences. These conferences offer a valuable opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss students' academic progress, strengths, and areas for growth. It’s also a chance for parents to share insights about their child’s needs and learning styles.
- Wednesday Nov 6th Normal School Day then 3:30 PM-5:30 PM conferences
- Thursday Nov 7th No School: Conferences 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Conferences 3:00 PM-7:00 PM
- Friday Nov 8th No School 7:00 AM-10:30 AM
Enhance learning by helping your child develop six traits- No two children are alike, but successful students share certain traits. To develop these qualities, encourage your middle schooler to be:
- Curious. Curious students won’t accept “just because” as an answer. They want to know things. To promote curiosity, expose your child to new ideas and experiences.
- Persistent. Successful students keep trying until they master tough material. They set goals and work diligently to reach them. Acknowledge your child’s effort with schoolwork and studying, rather than focusing solely on the resulting grade.
- Organized. Even academic stars will struggle in school if they can’t!
FOCUS ON: BULLYING TALK ABOUT IT! Ask your child if they have ever witnessed bullying at school or anywhere else. How did it make them feel? Did anyone intervene? Has anything like that ever happened directly to your child? October is National Bullying Prevention Month, which means it’s a good time to review bullying and check in with your students about how they are getting along with others at school. Talk about bullying and remind them to tell you or another adult they trust if they see or experience any of the following: u physical bullying – hurting someone physically (kicking, hitting, shoving) or damaging their personal property u verbal bullying – repeated and excessive teasing and name-calling, or making embarrassing comments u social bullying – spreading rumors or purposely excluding someone socially u cyberbullying – using technology, such as text messages and social media, to harass, intimidate, or embarrass someone If your child ever tells you that they are being bullied, take it seriously. Find out exactly what happened, when it happened, and who was involved. If necessary, bring it to the attention of a school counselor or principal. TALK ABOUT IT! Ask your child if they have ever witnessed bullying at school or anywhere else. How did it make them feel? Did anyone intervene? Has anything like that ever happened to directly to your child? THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BULLYING AND TEASING It can be difficult for middle schoolers to know the difference between bullying and teasing, or when someone is just being “mean.” Using the acronym HARP can help them decide whether a situation constitutes bullying. u H = harmful. Bullying causes serious physical, emotional, and/or psychological harm to targets. u A = aggressive. Bullies look for targets that they can easily manipulate, control, and overpower. Their actions become increasingly aggressive over time. u R = repeated. Bullying behavior is not random and occurs repeatedly, rather than just once or twice. u P = purposeful. Bullies intentionally seek out specific targets. Explain to your child that it is normal for friends and classmates to have disagreements. These disagreements usually have a specific cause and are easily solved. The key difference between bullying and teasing is that bullying happens intentionally and repeatedly. The number one tool for eradicating bullying is to practice kindness. Talk with your child about what it means to be kind, and brainstorm ways that they can show kindness to others every day. Here are some questions to ask your child this month. Do you know what the different kinds of bullying are? Who have you been hanging out with at school lately? What are some traits you look for in a friend? Who are five people you would feel comfortable talking to if you or a friend needs help?
We appreciate your continued partnership and support. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your ongoing support of Evergreen Middle School and your child's education. We look forward to connecting with you during fall conferences!
In partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Multicultural Night tonight from 6-8pm
Book Fair & Spirit Wear Shops open during Student Led Conferences
11/06-11/08- Stop by the Library & Grizzly Den to check out some amazing items!
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm (doors open @ 3pm to shop, SLC's start @ 3:30pm)
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm (doors open @ 10am & 2:30pm to shop, SLC's are still original time)
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
Light It Up- Personal Safety Lights
FWPS purchased personal safety lights for scholars across the district to help you stay visible as you travel to and from school - come to the front office if you need one!
11/12 Season 2 Sports Season Starts- Girls & Boys Wrestling & Girls Basketball
Important Dates
11/01 Fri- Early Release Fridays- out at 1:15pm
11/01 Fri- Multicultural Night 6-8pm; come for a fun, festival night celebrating cultures!
11/05 Tues- Football-Varsity- Sequoyah @ Evergreen
11/06 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays- $1 a bag...yummy!
11/06 Wed- Fall Concert @ 6pm
11/06-11/08- Book Fair during Student Led Conferences. Doors open 1/2 early on Wed & Thurs to shop the Book Fair and Spirit Wear shops.
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm (doors open @ 3pm to shop)
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm (doors open @ 10am & 2:30pm to shop)
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
11/06-11/08- Student Led Conferences- set an appointment with your student's ADVISORY teacher through ParentVue
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
11/07-11/08 Thur & Fri- no classes due to Student Led Conferences
11/11 Mon- Veteran's Day Holiday- no school
11/12 Tue- Season 2 Sports Season Starts- Girls & Boys Wrestling & Girls Basketball
11/13 Wed- Popcorn Wednesdays- $1 a bag...yummy!
11/15 Fri- Early Release Fridays- out at 1:15pm
11/15 Fri- PTO Family Game Night from 5-7pm, (cafeteria). All families, of all ages are encouraged to come together for a fun, family game night!