Bobcat Bulletin
February 2, 2025
📣 Weekly Announcements & Reminders 💙
Welcome to February! It is probably one of our busiest months so make sure you write down all the events you plan to attend. If you have some free time we are in need of volunteers for hot lunches and Bobcat Classic. Scroll down for the links.
We also have a number of students/families fighting a virus. Please remember to not send your student to school unless they've been fever free for 24 hours without medication. If they still have major symptoms, we encourage you to also keep them until they are better. Please notify the office and/or your student's teacher if they will be missing school. Thank you!
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil." ~1 Corinthians 13:4-5
This Tuesday, February 4, our JH Boys are in the Semi-Finals! Join us in cheering them on!
JH Boys vs. Trinity Christian Academy
Gametime 5:00 pm at
Forth Worth Academy
7301 Dutch Branch Road
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Help Add Photos to our Yearbook!
If you take photos at any of our events please help us fill out our yearbook! We especially need photos of your students playing our club sports, photos of field trips, and photos of choir performances! You can submit photos online here: https://photos.jostens.com/EYDYJX
BSDA Church Job Opening
The Burleson Adventist Church is seeking to fill the position of Administrative Assistant. If you are interested in this job opportunity or have questions about the position, please contact the church office at info@burlesonadventist.com.
Bobcat Classic 2025 is almost here!
If you have never been to our annual tournament, you are missing out on one of our biggest fundraisers for our Athletic Program. This tournament has been running for 17 years and continues to grow. We are seeing schools from Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and of course Texas join us! We are always looking for more volunteers to help run this weekend. If you would be interested please click the link below or email suess@bas4u.org for more information.
Click HERE to volunteer at Bobcat Classic 2025 - February 14-16th.
Dates to Remember
- February 12: 8th Graders Visit Burton
- February 14: Out at Noon
- February 14-16: Bobcat Classic Tournament
- February 17: No School - President's Day
- February 20-22: 7/8th Music Festival
- February 22: 7/8 Music Fest Performance at NDAA (afternoon)
(Click photo and download our monthly calendar)