NAMS Soar & Achieve Newsletter
August 18, 2024 - Back to School Edition
Principal's Message
Welcome Back Families!
We’re thrilled to welcome back our students for another exciting school year! To ensure a smooth start, we’ve put together essential information in this newsletter. Inside, you’ll find details on everything from daily routines to upcoming events. Parents, also remember to complete your electronic PowerSchool forms that can be found in PowerSchool. In order to complete these forms you must be on a laptop or desktop computer. Please take a moment to review this newsletter. We can’t wait to see you all on Monday!
Mr. Kevin L. Freeman Sr.
Bus Information, Parent Drop off and Traffic Reminders!
If your student is a bus rider, please make sure they know their bus number and bus stop information. Writing this information down and placing your student’s bookbag will help ensure their timely return home from school. Bus information can be found in PowerSchool under forms. Click here for important information from our Transportation Department. Please take a moment to watch this short video below regarding traffic reminders.
NAMS Kick-Off
We will hold our opening assembly with all of our students on Monday & Tuesday in the McCoy Center to review procedures and expectations for the Middle School. We will be running an alternate schedule. You can access the schedule below.
Student ID Badges
Students are required to wear their School ID badge at all times while at school. They will use to purchase meals & snacks. It will also let them enter the buildings they need to access throughout the school day. If a student needs to order a badge because theirs was damaged or lost, they can use this link to do so. If a student orders a new badge, their school fees will be charged $5.00.
Pay Schools Central
Click this link for our lunch menus, meal prices, & information regarding Pay School Central.
Food at the Middle School
Breakfast and snacks will be available for purchase in the middle school foyer every morning. The cost for breakfast is $1.50.
- 8th Grade Breakfast - 7:30 - 7:40
- 7th Grade Breakfast - 8:15 - 8:25
Breakfast and lunch will still be available to all students; however, they will not be free to all students. This means that families will need to complete the Free and Reduced-price Family Application to qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Students who do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals must pay full price for breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast - $1.50
Lunch - $2.75/$3.50
Students are allowed to bring snacks to school to eat throughout the day. Snacks will also be available for purchase in the lobby BEFORE school. Our lunch time is 11:52-12:32 and students tend to get hungry mid-morning.
No Food Deliveries
Uber Eats & other food deliveries are not allowed. Students may purchase breakfast & snacks before school in the middle school lobby. Students may purchase lunch & snacks through the 5 lines available during lunch time.
Middle School Early Dismissal Procedures
If you need to pick up your middle schooler early for school for any reason, please follow the procedures below. This will allow us to have your child ready for you once you arrive.
- Complete this form to let us know when you will be picking up your student.
- We will have your student waiting in the office at the indicated time.
- When you arrive, call the office at 614-413-8500 to let us know you are here.
- We will release your student to you from the office. (You do not have to enter the building. All student must me released from the office.
PTO Update
It was great seeing so many students and parents at the Orientation and Open House. Thanks for stopping by to see us and for purchasing spirit wear! The merch was a hit and we sold out of several items; we'll have an online sale featuring new designs up and running soon!
Here are ways you can continue to help us get the upcoming school year off to a great start for our teachers, students and staff:
Purchase a PTO Membership
Join with no time commitment required. Your monetary support helps us fund many great activities throughout the school year, including:
- Monthly teacher and staff treats, plus holiday luncheon and teacher appreciation week
- Dances and 8th grade Lunch on the Lawn, plus special programming
- Student scholarship for 8th grade Washington DC trip
- Classroom needs
- Yearly author visit
Joining is easy, visit our new membership site and select either the $25 or $50 level. We also have a NEW Family membership option for families with multiple children in the district.
***If you join by August 21, you'll be entered into a drawing to win either One Family Sports Pass (value $235) or One Student Sports Pass (value $55) for the 2024/25 school year.***
Donate and Volunteer to Chaperone at our Fall Dance
Friday, September 13 from 7-9 pm in the Middle School Gym and Cafeteria
Students are invited to join us for a fun Glow Up themed dance to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Admission is $5 per student and tickets can be purchased during lunch time on September 11, 12 and 13, and also at the door. Whits of New Albany, concession items and neon glow swag can also be purchased at the dance. Please click here to chaperone and/or donate items by September 9.
Support our Local Sponsors/Donors
We welcomed back teachers and staff with a grab and go breakfast and an Open House dinner. We thank the following businesses for their generous donations:
- Peace, Love and Juice for energy bites
- Starbucks on Hamilton for coffee and pastries
- Bellacinos for salads
- New Albany Links Pub for 14 pizzas
- Barre3 in New Albany for covering desserts
New for this year: Middle School Football Concessions
As a fundraising opportunity, our PTO team is happy to provide concessions for home 7th and 8th grade football games this year. Bring cash and stop by and see us to purchase candy, chips, bars, water, soda and gatorade. We're looking for parents and students to help us staff concessions; please contact us at namspto@napls.us if you're interested. Students will receive volunteer hours for helping!
Stay in Touch
Like our New Albany Middle School PTO Facebook page and contact us at namspto@napls.us with any questions.
Go Eagles!
Terri Erlenbach - President
Ali Smith - Secretary
Nancy Alexander - Treasurer
Melissa Olson - Fundraising
Kristen Pietro & Sarah Mullendore - Membership
Erin Foster & Meredith Murphy - Hospitality
Krystal Sharrock & Amy Wenker - Programming
Emily Liebert - Communications
New Albany Middle School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/ms
Location: 6600 Dublin Granville Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-413-8500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyMS/
Twitter: @napls_ms