Kia ora koutou parents and whānau,
Welcome back to school everyone! As we start this new term, I’d like to extend a warm greeting to all of the new students joining our school. Your journey at Vogeltown School is about to unfold with many exciting learning opportunities and new friendships waiting to be made.
We welcomed our new children, whanāu, and staff at the powhiri today and we will have some photos of this in our next newsletter. Well done to all of our children for their behaviour and participation in this, and in particular, our kapa haka group who showed high levels of confidence and independence.
Looking ahead, let’s embrace this term with enthusiasm and a determination to learn and be the best version of ourselves, while also modelling our value of inclusiveness with whatever we may be doing.
There is already a sense of anticipation about the place as children in the Paetoki syndicate begin their ‘Build a Business’ work, while those in the junior and middle areas are latching onto the Olympics as the context for their learning. I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes from all this!
Mā te wā! See you later!
Kia ora whānau,
The next Vogeltown Home and School Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th July at 6:30pm in the senior staffroom. You are all welcome to attend. We will be discussing fundraising activities for Term 3 and 4 and how to allocate the funds we have raised to date. We will do our best to keep the meeting length to 60 minutes. We look forward seeing some new faces!
Nga mihi,
We're thrilled to announce our Term 3 and 4 Class Reps for 2024! These students have been selected because they show great leadership qualities:
Room 8: Eli Rawhiti and Emelia Gooch
Room 9: Ocean-Pearl Ardianta and Nailah Molan
Room 10: Audrey Coutts and Eldon Price
Room 11: Sophie Flitcroft and Katie Xu
Room 12: Raine Donnelly and Elsie Stone
Being a Class Rep is a significant responsibility. It involves modelling our school values, undertaking important tasks throughout the school, and demonstrating the 'go forward' part of our vision.
We've observed that in the past our Class Reps often transition into leadership roles at their next schools. This is because they gain valuable leadership experience here at Vogeltown.
Congratulations to our newly appointed Class Reps! We have no doubt that you will excel in representing our school and serve as positive role models for others. Keep up the excellent work!
Many thanks to all those that attended the parent and teacher learning conferences and to our teachers for their time and efforts. Attending a parent-teacher interview is beneficial for several reasons:
- Building Relationships: It fosters a partnership between parents and teachers, promoting open communication and collaboration in supporting learning.
- Understanding Progress: It allows parents to gain insights into their child's academic and social progress, including strengths and areas needing improvement.
- Setting Goals: Parents and teachers can clarify learning and behaviour goals, and look at ways of supporting this in both environments.
- Addressing support needs: It provides a platform to address any concerns or challenges the child may be facing, allowing for timely interventions and support plans.
If there is anything from these that needs to be followed up further then please feel free to contact the class teacher to arrange a time.
The graph below shows the percentage of learning conferences that took place per class.
Take a look at some of the action from our whanau gumboot throw late last term. No children were harmed in the making of these photos!
Attendance at school is an important ingredient for success with learning and also maintaining a positive attitude towards school. Days away from school makes it difficult for teachers to deliver programmes where there is continuity of learning. They also need to make decisions around whether to leave work unfinished or to revisit material for children who are away and either way, there are consequences that affect the teacher, the child who has been absent, or others in the class.
We ask that parents ensure children attend school regularly, inform the school of any absence (and communicate the reason for this), and have children at school in plenty of time to get settled for the start of the day.
We’re keen to work with you to ensure all children have access to regular learning. If you have any aspects of attendance that you need to discuss, I recommend making a time to talk with your child’s teacher.
We are keen to ensure any issues or concerns are resolved at the lowest level possible. Anyone who has a concern or complaint should raise it as soon as possible with the most appropriate person. This is usually the staff member directly involved.
Simply contact the person involved to arrange a time to discuss the matter privately. Indicate what the concern is about and let them know if you’ll bring a support person to the meeting. Be prepared to listen to different points of view and try to work towards a resolution. In some cases, finding a resolution may require another meeting and/or involve senior management.
It is important that we know if you have a child starting school sometime in the remainder of this year or next year. This will allow us to put organisation in place for new students - especially those starting school, and to understand our predicted roll throughout the year.
You can do this by contacting the office to confirm that we have your child on our records, or by completing an enrolment form (which can be collected from the school or downloaded off our website).
If you know of anyone else living in zone that may be looking to enrol then please share this message with them.
Kia ora,
Are you concerned about road safety for tamariki near your school? Did you know that the government is currently proposing changes that would require councils to reverse all speed limit changes implemented since 2020? The proposed new rules would mean speed changes around most schools, and we're writing to encourage you to make a submission and have your say today!
You have two options:
- send a quick written submission to speedrule@transport.govt.nz
- fill out the online survey here: https://consult.transport.govt.nz/policy/setting-of-speed-limits-2024-consultation/
A written submission can be as simple as saying "Our school has had a permanent reduced speed limit since [date] and our school community has given feedback that...." or "We support permanent speed reductions around schools to ensure the safety of our tamariki and rangatahi". Any specific stories or personal experiences would be great to share too.
Safety around schools is one of the big focuses of this proposal, so submissions from schools and school communities hold a lot of weight and any feedback you can offer to the government would be really valuable.
If you're answering the online survey, you don't have to answer every question. The questions most relevant to schools are:
- Proposal 3 – require variable speed limits outside school gates
- This proposal will require all speed reductions outside schools to become variable, instead of permanent (i.e. reduced speeds will only apply at some times of day)
- Variable speed signs are more expensive and less likely to achieve speed reduction, and they do not allow for the different times that kids might use streets near schools.
- Proposal 7 – reverse recent speed limits classifications
- This part of the proposal requires all recent speed limit changes to be reversed, no matter the process used to create these changes.
- Our community was consulted by NPDC on the changes approved in 2022 and implemented in 2023. 89% of respondents were supportive or strongly supportive of reducing speed limits outside schools.
- Requiring this reversal ignores community decision making and wastes time and resources.
There's a submission guide here: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates Speed Limits Summary
And if you'd like to share this with your wider community, there's a Facebook post you could share here: Better Streets Project Facebook Post
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Ngā mihi,
Jenn and Kristin from Better Streets Project
Better Streets Project is a group of parents and concerned citizens who advocate for changes to our communities and streets that enable kids to move around safely and independently.
Put all these dates in your diary or your phone! Remember we will put all updates on Facebook, Skool Loop and Seesaw.
22 July - 27 September
29 July - Zac Reid speaking to Huatoki and Paetoki syndicates
30 July - Home and School meeting
5 August - Vision and hearing testing
6 August - Vision and hearing testing
6 August - BOT meeting, 6pm
7 August - Highlands Intermediate Info Evening, 6pm at Highlands
9 August - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
23 August - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
26 August - Cohort entry #2 starts
30 August - Highlands Intermediate Out of Zone enrolments close
5 September - Market night - Build a Business
6 September - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
13 September - Whole school assembly
16 September - Māori language week starts
20 September - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
14 October - 13 December
1 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
15 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
29 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
Stay safe and be kind to each other. Thank you for the ongoing support of Vogeltown School, we really appreciate the efforts everyone makes to ensure our kura is such a great place to learn and work!
On behalf of the Vogeltown team, ka kite ano!
Ryves Hunt and the VS team
Email: office@vogeltown.school.nz
Website: www.vogeltown.school.nz
Location: Vogeltown School Huatoki Street, Vogeltown, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: (06) 753 6843
Our school policies, like many schools, are now in an online system through a portal called 'Schooldocs'. Any time you want to bring up a school policy, just log in to schooldocs and you can access the policies.
The login is: vogeltown
The password: huatoki
The website link to Schooldocs is below.
The Taranaki Toy Library is holding this year’s Children’s MONSTER Book Sale on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September.
On their behalf, we are collecting good quality secondhand children’s books (suitable for ages 0-13). If you have any unwanted books that you wish to donate, please drop these off to the senior office.
To find out more about this book sale, please browse the Taranaki Toy Library Facebook page under “Children’s Monster Book Sale”.