West Families October Newsletter
October 2023 Family Newsletter
A Message from Dr. Day
Happy October! This seems to always be a busy month for us at West and this year is no exception. We have a ton of fun things going on and I'm excited to get started.
Below we have information on walk to school day, both homecoming parades, picture day, and more! It's going to be a great month.
We are also kicking off a district wide campaign on attendance. We've been working on celebrating attendance here at West with weekly surprises from Willy the Wildcat and we are preparing to give out our first certificates for perfect attendance for the month of September.
Please know that you may contact me with any questions or concerns via email: dawn.day@jcschools.us
See you soon!
Dr. Dawn Day
West Elementary
Contacting West School
Office Hours: 7:00-3:30
School Begins at 7:45 a.m.
School Ends at 2:45 p.m.
Office Staff:
Dr. Dawn Day, Principal (dawn.day@jcschools.us)
Mrs. Kati Spencer, School Secretary (kati.spencer@jcschools.us)
Ms. Marinelle Madina, Clerk (marinelle.medina@jcschools.us)
Mrs. Amber Davis, School Nurse (amber.davis@jcschools.us)
Main Office: 573-659-3195
Website: https://www.jcschools.us/Domain/19
Email: west@jcschools.us
October 2-6 - CCHS Homecoming spirit week (see flyer below)
October 4 - Walk to school day (see info below)
October 6 - Picture Day
October 9 - No School
October 11 - Pizza fundraiser pick up (more information coming soon)
October 13 - PTO Movie Night (see info below)
October 16-20 - JCHS Homecoming spirit week (see flyer below)
October 17 - PTO Meeting in Library starting at 5pm
October 18 - Major Savers Sales Kick Off
October 20 - End of 1st Quarter, 8:30 (K-2 Assembly) 1:30 (3-5 Assembly) If students are receiving an award, the teacher will let you know a week ahead of time
October 23-27 - Red Ribbon Week (more information coming soon)
Oct 2-6 Spirit Week Days "Back to the 80s"
Walk to School Day
Attendance Matters
We are working on "Willy Great Attendance" this year. Your child may have come home talking to you about our Friday announcement with Willy the Wildcat. Each week, we calculate the class with the best attendance and they get a surprise visit from Willy and a prize. We present these live through Google and the students are having a lot of fun celebrating.
Last year our building percentage for attendance was 84% for the year. This year we have set a goal for 90% attendance. While we know illnesses and emergencies happen, we want to emphasize the importance of being at school and on time each day.
We will be celebrating perfect attendance both monthly and quarterly with certificates. Each month Willy the Wildcat will come around to deliver certificates to those that have perfect attendance for the month. Each quarter, Dr. Day will announce certificate winners during our quarterly assembly.
PTO Movie Night
This year we are having a penny war to decided the movie for movie night. So...dig in those couches and cars and find pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to vote for the movie! See the flyer below for more information.
PTO movie night is October 13th. Doors open at 7:00 pm. All students must have an adult with them to attend, sorry, middle or high school siblings won't be able to count as an adult.
Concessions will be available for purchase during movie night.
Parent Portal
Infinite Campus Portal is a way for parents/guardians to access student information, register students for the upcoming school year, and receive school communications. The following student information can be found on Portal:
• Grades Assignments
• Attendance
• Report Cards
• Schedule (Note: Schedules for grades K-5 are not an accurate reflection of a student’s day. Specific
subject courses have been added for grading purposes.)
• Unofficial Transcript
• Messages from School Staff
• Immunizations
• Online Registration
Infinite Campus Portal also has a mobile application, where student information can be obtained via a mobile device. Parents can also enable notifications to be sent to their phone regarding changes in their student’s attendance, grades, and assignments.
Click the pdf below for detailed directions for accessing parent portal.
Standards Based Grading
You may have heard that all grades will be standards based grading rather than letter grades this year. But what does this mean?
Below is a graphic and a link to a pdf enlarging the graphic to clarify and give you more information on how that will look this school year.
Close the Gap Grant
Below is a button to click that will redirect you to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website. Through this link you can learn more about how you can apply for a grant to assist your family with allowable educational expenses for your K-12 public school district students.
The grant is for up to $1,500 for parents to use for . Applications opened yesterday and will be available through October 25th. Priority is given to families in poverty.
Click the orange button right below to learn more!
Oct 16-20 Spirit Week "Where the Magic Begins"
Parent Teacher Conferences
Below is the link sheet to sign up for parent teacher conferences for your child. Conferences are November 7 and November 9 from 4-7pm.
Mrs. Ambrose, Kindergarten https://signup.com/go/xKJrOqk
Mrs. Burns, Kindergarten https://signup.com/go/FJykgje
Mrs. Turpin, Kindergarten https://signup.com/go/zZGKMjo
Mrs. Adkins, 1st Grade https://signup.com/go/tdtVyyX
Mrs. Sherfield, 1st Grade https://signup.com/go/BrOXocE
Mrs. Stabenow, 1st Grade https://signup.com/go/vbBYeys
Mrs. Clark, 2nd Grade https://signup.com/go/VsSMALT
Mrs. Combs, 2nd Grade https://signup.com/go/ezqKNxy
Ms. Wright, 2nd Grade https://signup.com/go/QAhQyrR
Mrs. Eiken, 3rd Grade https://signup.com/go/EoVbSYW
Ms. Maddox, 3rd Grade https://signup.com/go/PDNitKP
Ms. Wilbers, 3rd Grade https://signup.com/go/zkEkGpT
Ms. Campbell, 4th Grade https://signup.com/go/iihWOqR
Mrs. Robinett, 4th Grade https://signup.com/go/JaTAjSL
Mrs. Shaw, 4th Grade https://signup.com/go/iGQhYpR
Ms. Kingery, 5th Grade https://signup.com/go/xmjvdeK
Ms. Lentz, 5th Grade https://signup.com/go/Mkmvhcd
Ms. Smith, 5th Grade https://signup.com/go/yUKLVdi
Yearbook Sales
Click the pdf link below to access the flyer with information on ordering a yearbook.
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
You can click the first menu to link to our district webpage to view the breakfast and lunch menu.
October Character Trait of the Month
Our monthly character trait for October is responsibility. Students will be learning how to be responsible in all areas of the building at West during a building wide assembly. Below are a few videos you can show to reinforce being respectful at home.
Wildcat Way Pledge
Wildcat Way Matrix of Expectations
Below is a picture of our building matrix. Teachers and staff explicitly teach these expectations at the beginning of the year, review them after each lengthy break, and practice them as needed.
We believe that it is extremely important to teach, model, practice, reinforce, and repeat as needed.
Our students should know the general building expectations for being safe, respectful, and responsible.
Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal
Gates will be open around 6:45 to drive around back for drop-off. Beginning at 7:15, car riders between the cones will be released from their cars by a staff member to enter the side door. If students want breakfast, they will grab it from the cafeteria, then head to class. Cars will only be able to exit through the car rider line.
Students cannot be dropped off in front of the building or sent to walk across the parking lot to the front door. All drop off must go through the car rider line. Only bus riders and walkers come in through the front doors.
We will continue our scan card system again this year. You will keep your same cards from the previous school year. If you lost your cards, you will have to purchase a new one from the office. They are $2 each. If you are new to West, you will receive your first two cards free.
This card must be presented to be able to pick up your child - no exceptions. This card must be kept for the entire time your child is at West.
Students will be dismissed from the classroom as parents enter the car line.
Gates open at 2:15 and car rider dismissal will begin at approximately 2:35. The line ends at approximately 3:05. The line is long and we go slow to ensure safety - especially at the beginning of the year.
All car rider pick up is required to come through the car rider line. To ensure the safety of all of our students, students will not be dismissed to walk out to a car in the parking lot. Only walkers and bus riders exit through the front doors. Students cannot be considered a walker to get into a parked car.
Bus Rider Arrival and Dismissal
Bus stops are sent out to parents prior to school starting from First Student.
Busses will arrive at West at approximately 7:20 each morning.
Buses will leave West by approximately 2:50 each afternoon.
Routes will run slowly the first week or so. Please be patient.
Walker Arrival and Dismissal
Students who walk to school will enter through the main entrance between 7:15 and 7:45.
Students who walk home will be dismissed at approximately 2:45.
Staff members will escort students down to the crosswalk.
Parents can meet students on the sidewalk by the school to walk home together, but we ask that you gather away from the front doors to allow for bus riders to exit.
Please do not use walker processes if your child is a car rider. This process is reserved for students who walk home. If you are driving a car, please follow the car rider procedures outlined above.
Other Important Transportation Information
Please have one main mode of transportation.
Any permanent changes in transportation must be sent into the office in written form.
If you need to make a change in transportation due to an emergency, please call the office prior to 2:00. You can always send in a note for planned changes in transportation.
Parent Contact/Signing Students In and Out
We want to keep in contact! Anytime you have a phone number, email address, or mailing address change, please let the office know so you continue receiving important information.
Also, make sure you have opted in to our district notification systems to receive important information from JCSD and West Elementary. Following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are also great ways to stay in touch.
Please make sure you carry your child's scan card or a picture ID when coming to pick up your child. It is possible that someone may be at the window that does not recognize you. If that is the case, it will be required that we see a picture ID before we are able to release your child. We have a new process for signing students out through a computer in the vestibule. Kati in the office will walk parents through this process the first few times it's needed.
If you are dropping your child off late to school, all students must be signed in at the office by an adult. Please do not send a student in alone, please come in with them to sign them in.
Free/Reduced Lunch Forms
Below is the cost for breakfast and lunch for this upcoming school year.
Breakfast - $1.25
Lunch - $3.00
We ask that each family complete a free and reduced lunch form, even if you are not interested in receiving free or reduced lunch. Below is a button to click to the link to complete online, or you can contact our front office for a paper copy to complete and return.
Thank you for helping get these forms completed.
School/District Flyers
All West and district flyers are in one convenient location, peachjar! Click the link below to view all flyers.
Birthday Treats
We will continue to allow store-purchased birthday treats to be sent in to school with students. We won't have in-class celebrations, but students are welcome to bring a treat for their class to enjoy. Thanks for understanding!
Parent/Student Handbook
Please take some time to click the link below and read the parent/student handbook. It contains important information about district guidelines.
PTO Information
Below is our schedule for our monthly PTO meetings. All meetings will be held in the library and will begin at 5:00pm. We hope you are able to join us.
October 17
November 28
December 19
January 16
February 20
March 12
April 16
May 14
West Social Media Pages
Click the buttons below to be redirected to our various social media accounts.
Dr. Dawn Day, Principal, West Elementary
Email: dawn.day@jcschools.us
Location: 100 Dix Rd, Jefferson City, MO, 65109
Phone: (5730 659-3195