Getting Ready for the 2024-2025 School Year
Online Registration for NEW Students Available Now
Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year is available NOW for NEW STUDENTS. Current students do not need to re-register!
Parents of NEW students should be prepared to upload high-quality images of their child’s birth certificate and immunization records to complete the registration process. Students should be registered as soon as possible so we can plan for classes in September!
New Student Online Enrollment
New Student Online Enrollment (NSOE) allows you the convenience of initiating the enrollment process of your student from any computer, at any time.
Check out this handy Parent Tutorial Guide (Guía tutorial de inscripción en línea para padres en español) to take you through the steps of New Student Online Registration.
Step 1: Create a Skyward Family Access account by using the New Student Online Enrollment Skyward Account Request Submitting this request will initiate an automated email with a link, login ID and password to the New Student Online Enrollment portal. If the parent/guardian does not have an email, you will have the option of adding your own login. A password is provided in the pop-up message when the account request is submitted.
Current Families with NEW student (such as a kindergarten student)
Login to the Skyward Login Page and click on the New Student Online Enrollment link in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
Step 2 (for both NEW and CURRENT families): Once you have your login and password, log into the Skyward Login Page and click on the New Student Online Enrollment link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.
Foundations Kindergarten — Spots still available
Apply Now!
2024-2025 Foundations K Program applications are available NOW!
Students who turn five (5) between September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025, and show need in the areas listed below are eligible for the Foundations K Program:
1. Academics
2. Emotional/social development
3. Fine and Gross motor skills
4. Language development
Parents or guardians who believe that their child is an appropriate candidate for the Foundations K Program should complete the application below as soon as possible. The start date for the 2024-2025 school year will be October 1.
The Foundations K Program is housed at Big Lake, Central, Lyman and Mary Purcell elementary schools; it is an all-day kindergarten class. After completing Foundations K, students will transition to their neighborhood school to begin kindergarten the following fall.
Please note that your child cannot be enrolled in a preschool or similar program and be admitted into this early kindergarten program.
Families interested in having their child participate in the Foundations K Program should contact the District's Early Learning Liaison Paula Torgeson at (360) 855-3555 or by email at ptorgeson@swsd101.org.
Important Calendar Information
First Day of School Dates
The first day of the 2024-2025 school year for 1st to 12th graders will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Kindergarten students will start on Friday, September 6.
Good Beginnings Preschool will start on Monday, September 16.
Foundations K students will start on Tuesday, October 1.
Late-Start Wednesdays
Schools will start one-hour late on Wednesdays beginning September 4 for certified staff to have one hour of weekly professional development.
Exceptions are November 6, November 27 and June 11. November 6 and November 27 are early dismissal dates and there is no professional development planned for the last Wednesday of the school year.
Families will receive reminders each week via social media as well as via the school district's app: Apple Store Link or Android Link.
Good Beginnings & Early Dismissals or 2-hour Late Starts for Inclement Weather
Please note, during any early dismissal days, both AM and PM sessions at Good Beginnings Preschool are canceled. These dates include the Wednesdays mentioned above as well as during conference weeks: Tuesday, November 5, Thursday, November 7; and Thursday, March 6. Good Beginnings runs Monday to Thursday.
If a 2-hour late start is called for because of inclement weather, the AM session of Good Beginnings Preschool is canceled.
2024-2025 Sedro-Woolley School District Building Hours
All elementary schools start at 9:25 a.m. Doors typically open between 9:10 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Students are released at 3:30 p.m. See below for the early dismissal schedule.
Cascade Middle School starts at 7:40 a.m. Doors open at 7:20 a.m. Students are released at 2:15 p.m. and need to leave campus by 2:20 p.m. unless in a staff supervised activity. See below for the early dismissal schedule.
Sedro-Woolley High School starts at 7:55 a.m. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Students are released at 2:30 p.m. See below for the early dismissal schedule.
State Street High School starts at 8 a.m. Doors open at 7:15 a.m. Students are released at 2:30 p.m. See below for the early dismissal schedule.
All schools in the district start one hour late on Wednesdays so that staff can receive professional development. The exceptions will be November 6, 2024, November 27, 2024 and June 11, 2025. These are all early release days, while June 11 is the last Wednesday of the year with no professional development time alloted for staff members.
Early Dismissal Times:
Cascade Middle School 10:45 a.m.
State Street High School 10:50 a.m.
Sedro-Woolley High School 11:00 a.m.
All Elementary Schools 12:30 p.m.
Early Dismissal Days for All Schools
November 7 & 8
November 27
March 6 & 7
June 13 (School in session – 2 hours - see schedule below)
Early Dismissal for P-6 Only
November 5 & 6
Early Dismissal for 7-12 Only
Good Beginnings Preschool Non-School Days
Every Friday
November 5, 6 & 7
November 27 & 28
March 6
June 13 Two-Hour Early Dismissal Times:
Cascade Middle School 9:45 a.m.
State Street High School 9:55 a.m.
Sedro-Woolley High School 10 a.m.
All Elementary Schools 11:30 a.m.
Possible Inclement Weather Make-Up Days:
Friday, February 14
Friday, May 23
*If there are more than two days of school canceled because of inclement, more school days will be added in June, possibly extending the days to the week of June 16, 2025.
2024-2025 School Supply Lists
Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL Students
Free breakfast and lunch meals for ALL students will continue for the 2024-2025 school year. The continuation of free meals is possible through implementation of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP is an option for school districts that meet a certain minimum of students who directly qualify for free meals through a variety of assistance programs, including Basic Food benefits, Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), McKinney Vento or Migrant programs.
The Sedro-Woolley School District no longer distributes and processes Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications. To ensure that the other educational services are still available, the district asks families who previously qualified for free or reduced-price meals through meal applications to complete a Benefit Application. This application allows the district to track income data for families that is used to determine funding levels for a variety of educational programs offered throughout the district. The surveys will be mailed to households, and can be returned to the school office or Food Service office at 780 Cook Road, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284.
Other educational benefits for families who qualify via the Benefit Application include:
- Access to summer Sun Bucks funding ($120 per eligible child)
- Reduced ASB and athletic fees
- Reduced health insurance coverage (MD children's health programs)
- Free or low cost internet (Comcast)
- May qualify for reduced testing fees for ACT or SAT; AP testing and College in the Classroom fees
- Discounts on fees associated with applying for college
Please note that CEP allows the service of one free breakfast and one free lunch meal daily. If students wish to have more than one meal per day, they will need to have money added to their food service account online or in the school office and will be charged accordingly. In addition, milk is an a la carte item. When taken by itself, the charge is $0.60. Students can get milk for free by ensuring they select a reimbursable meal. Students are not required to get the daily entrée.
Any questions about CEP or the Food Service Program can be directed to the Food Service office at 360-855-3515.
Effective Communication
Do you have questions or concerns about your student, your student's school, or the district? Social media can be a wonderful communication tool, but it's not an effective means to share questions/concerns or receive timely answers. To ensure your voice is heard, please follow these steps.
Regarding your student
Please contact your student's teacher as most questions or challenges can be addressed in a classroom setting. School staff directories are available by visiting the district website, clicking the dropdown arrow next to SCHOOLS, choosing your child's school, then on that page, choosing MENU, then STAFF (you will see a white icon at the top of the pop-up).
If you have already contacted your student's teacher and you still have a concern, please contact the school principal.
Concerning a specific school
Please contact the school's main office and you will be connected with the proper individual to assist you. School principals' contact information is also available in the staff directories as referenced above.
If you have already contacted the school principal and you still have a concern, please
contact our Teaching and Learning team.
A district-related issue
Please contact the district office at 360-855-3500 so we can direct you to the proper contact.
The Sedro-Woolley School District welcomes and encourages student, parent, and community feedback regarding our schools.
Communication Tools
The Sedro-Woolley School District utilizes a variety of communication tools to keep our audiences informed.
Website: Our website serves as 24/7/365 communication hub for our families providing news, social media feeds, events, contact information, and more.
App: The Sedro-Woolley School District app allows users to customize their experience, selecting their child's school for pop-up notifications.
Apple Store Link or Android Link.
Email/text/phone: Through Skyward, families can sign up to receive notifications via email, text
and/or phone. The district utilizes School Messenger to send a variety of important information ranging from weekly newsletters to weather-related closures. You can choose what type of notification you receive and how you receive those notifications by logging into your Skyward guardian account, clicking on Skylert, and following the steps below.
Please note, families must opt in to receive text messages! Please follow these steps:
1. Login to Skyward.
*If you don't have your username and password or you've misplaced them, you can reset by clicking “Forgot your Login/Password?” on the login screen.
2. On the left side, click "Skylert".
3. Scroll down to "Text Message Info".
4. Add up to five phone numbers (standard rates may apply).
5. Choose which messages you want by checking the box in the appropriate column for each number. a. School Hours Emergency: Any emergency that happens during the school day, including school closings or lockouts/lockdowns.
b. Non-School Hour Emergency: Any emergency that happens before school starts or after the school day ends, including school closings, delays or lockouts/lockdowns.
c. Attendance: Calls parents/guardians when a student is absent, and the school has not been notified of an excused absence.
d. General : General information from the district, building, or teacher.
6. Click "Save" at the top right before leaving.
Final Step
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages. To participate, send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number: 67587.
District & School newsletters: Don't miss the latest news and upcoming events concerning your student's school. Check your inbox and our website for school newsletters.
Social media: We engage with our community on a variety of social media platforms! Click below and follow us today!
Many of our schools, athletic teams, and departments also have official social media accounts! Search for your specific interests, just make sure the page is active as some were created at the dawn of social media and are no longer maintained!
***We encourage Sedro-Woolley students, staff, families, and alumni to submit their news, accomplishments, awards, opportunities or community service to swsdcoms@swsd101.org. Submitted photos from public events are always welcome!
Multilingual Language Learners
The Sedro-Woolley School District is committed to providing all students with access to the resources they need, when they need them. Our Multilingual Language Learner program offers support for our multilingual learners and newcomer students to ensure they have the opportunity to achieve at the same level as a student who is a native speaker of English.
The MLL program is designed to help students master the English language with emphasis placed on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills that help students become independent and develop the academic, career, and life skills they need to become successful.
Schools must communicate with all parents and guardians in a language they can understand. This includes notifying parents/guardians whose primary language of communication is not English or who have limited proficiency in English about all programs, services, and activities that are called to the attention of other parents and guardians, in a language they can understand.
Language Services
Language services can be accessed by emailing Monica Vivanco at mvivanco@swsd101.org. She will coordinate services for our families.
Required for in-person or virtual conferences and family events.
Interpreter Feedback Form
In an effort to improve our services, we would appreciate it if parents/guardians who request interpretation services provide feedback.
Special Programs
Sedro-Woolley School District's Special Programs — in partnership with administration, staff, and the community — is committed to providing an innovative learning environment with the goal of developing knowledgeable, productive, caring, creative, responsible individuals with disabilities who are prepared to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society.
See what services we offer and meet our staff pages for more information.
Safety & Security
When it comes to safety and security, families play an important role in helping us provide a secure learning environment. As always, we strongly encourage people to say something if they see or hear something. The information below will assist our community in reporting safety concerns. We understand every situation is unique, so please use your best judgment when determining how and whom to contact in the event you have concerns to report.
Parents, guardians, community members: Contact the front office of the school you believe the threat is relevant to, or the district office if you are uncertain. Contact local law enforcement (911) as needed.
Students: Please speak immediately with an adult, within the school building, whom you trust.
Online Tip Reporting System: The Vector Alert Tip Reporting System allows anyone in our community to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365.
Parents, guardians, community members, and students. Call law enforcement (911) immediately. They will contact the district and partner with us to address the situation. If the situation requires an immediate response, it is best to call law enforcement first. You also may send emails to the district concerning the situation, but we cannot guarantee those messages will be seen in a timely manner.
Please note we do not recommend sending safety concerns via the district’s social media channel as they are not monitored 24/7.
Primary Election Day — August 6
Don't forget to vote in the Primary Election by Tuesday, August 6! Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p.m. or make sure your mail-in ballot is postmarked by August 6.
Sedro-Woolley's ballot box is located at the Sedro-Woolley Post Office (in the alley between Eastern Ave and Metcalf), 111 Woodworth Street.
Other ballot box locations can be found on the Skagit County auditor's website.
Skagit Valley Sports Physicals - August 20
Location – Sedro-Woolley Football Field
Date – August 20, 2024
Time – 6–7:30 p.m.
Cost $20 – all proceeds support SWHS Health Sciences Club.
Sedro-Woolley athletes (both CMS and SWHS), please print and bring updated physical form from Final Forms. As a reminder, sports physicals are good for two years, so if a student starts playing sports in middle school, for example, they would need a physical in 7th, 9th and 11th grades.
Please email Rhonda Morgan with any questions: RMorgan@swsd101.org
2024-2025 Student Insurance
7th Grade Back-to-Business Day — August 19
Cascade Middle School's Back-to-Business Day for incoming 7th graders is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. August 19, 2024. Pick up schedules, pay for fees/ASB cards and get school photos taken.
UPDATED TIME! 8th Grade Back-to-Business Day — August 21
Join us at Cascade Middle School from 12–6 p.m. on August 21 for Back-to-Business Day. Pick up schedules, pay for fees/ASB cards and get school photos taken.
Digital Navigation: Final Forms & Skyward Information — Aug. 19
Final Forms and Skyward Navigation One-on-One Tutorial — Monday, August 19⋅11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Cascade Middle School.
Email swsdcoms@swsd101.org or mvivanco@swsd101.org to request translation services.
Sedro-Woolley High School Back-to-Business Days — August 21 & 22
Sedro-Woolley High School Back-to-Business Days are here! Join us from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and then 3:30 to 7 p.m. on August 21 and 22 to get ready for the new school year. Pick up schedules, pay for fees/ASB cards and get school photos taken.
UPDATED DATE: Sedro-Woolley High School 9th Grade Orientation — August 21
Sedro-Woolley High School's 9th Grade Orientation at Sedro-Woolley High School will be held from 4–6 p.m. on August 21.
Reading & Resources on the Field — August 22
The Sedro-Woolley School District is hosting "Reading & Resources on the Field" from 5:30–6:30 p.m. Thursday, August 22 on the Cascade Middle School playfields (905 McGarigle Road).
There will be 500 FREE backpacks stuffed with school supplies (thank you Inspire Church!).
Helping Hands Food Bank, the Sedro-Woolley Boys & Girls Club and other key organizations will be on hand to provide families with information about their services.
Skagit County Public Health will be offering free childhood vaccinations on site!
There will be fire trucks, police cars and Central Skagit Library will be there with information about their multitude of youth activities.
For more information, email swsdcoms@swsd101.org.
Evergreen Golf Scramble - August 23
UPDATED DATE: Cascade Middle School Open House — August 27
Cascade Middle School Open House will be held from from 5–6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27. Come meet teachers and see your students’ school!
Samish Open House & Ice Cream Social — August 27
Samish Elementary School and Parent Group will host an Open House & Ice Cream Social from 6–7:30 p.m. on August 27. Come enjoy some sweet treats, leave your student’s school supplies in their classroom and meet your student's teachers!
Clear Lake Open House — August 28
Clear Lake Elementary Open House will be held from 5–6 p.m. on August 28. Leave your student’s school supplies in their classroom and meet your student’s teachers!
Central Open House — August 28
Central Elementary School's Open House will be held from 6–7 p.m. on August 28. Leave your student’s school supplies in their classroom and meet your student’s teachers!
Evergreen Open House — August 28
Evergreen Elementary School's Open House will be held from 6–7:30 p.m. on August 28. Leave your student’s school supplies in their classroom and meet your student’s teachers!
Big Lake Open House — August 29
Big Lake Elementary School's Open House will be held from 5–6 p.m. on August 29. Leave your student’s school supplies in their classroom and meet your student’s teachers!
Mary Purcell Open House and Kindergarten Orientation — August 29
Mary Purcell Elementary Open House will be held from 6:15–7:15 p.m. on August 29. Mary Purcell Elementary Kindergarten Orientation will be held before the open house, from 5:30–6:15 p.m.
SSHS New Student Orientation — August 29
New Student Orientation at State Street High School will be held from 12–2 p.m. on August 29. Welcome to all new students!
School Boundary Maps
Elementary School Boundary Map
In-Town Elementary School Boundary Map
You can also email swsdcoms@swsd101.org for help reading the boundary maps or call 360-855-3504 or 360-855-3500.
Kindergarten Registration
It's not too late to register your 5-year-old for kindergarten!
Paper registration packets are highly encouraged and can be picked up at the student's neighborhood school.
Elementary school phone numbers are:
- Big Lake: 360-855-3525
- Central: 360-855-3560
- Clear Lake: 360-855-3530
- Evergreen: 360-855-3545
- Lyman: 360-855-3535
- Mary Purcell: 360-855-3555
- Samish: 360-855-3540
Bus Route Information
Families can call the transportation department (360-855-3504) after August 1 for 2024-2025 route information.
Parents should not wait until the last minute if their student is new to the district! Please alert the transportation department if your child will be riding the bus! Drivers will be learning new routes leading up to school, so alerting the department as early as possible is essential.
My Ride K-12, can be downloaded in the Apple and Android app stores. You will need to download the new app to access updated transportation information for your student(s).
My Ride K-12 provides secure access to student bus schedule/routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, and bus number. This is accessible on mobile devices, and is confidential and secure.
Parents/guardians will need to use their student ID# and current grade level to add their student to the app.
Grade levels
Kindergarten = K1
First = 01
Second = 02
Third = 03
Fourth = 04
Fifth = 05
Sixth = 06
Seventh = 07
Eighth = 08
Ninth = 09
Tenth = 10
Eleventh = 11
Twelfth= 12
Preschool families - call or email transportation.
If you see an issue with your child’s transportation information, parent transportation assistance is available by emailing jzimmerman@swsd101.org.
More Information
SWHS Sports Schedules
2024 Football Practice
The first day of football practice for Sedro-Woolley High School athletes will be August 21, 2024. Please make sure you have a current physical and that you have completed the annual Final Forms paperwork requirements.
2024 Fall Sports Practices
Fall sports practices for Sedro-Woolley High School athletes (besides football, which starts August 21) will begin on Monday, August 26. Please make sure you have a current physical and that you have completed the annual Final Forms paperwork requirements.
Box Tops
Log Your Digital Box Tops
Many of our schools are collecting box tops... digitally! Just scan your receipt and earn money for your school!
Non-District Youth Sports Information
Non-District Athletic Resources for Parents
Every Kid Sports Pass
Apply today for the — a youth sports grant to help cover registration fees.
Non-District Youth Sports
*If you see incorrect information listed below, please send the correct information to swsdcoms@swsd101.org.
Sedro-Woolley Youth Soccer Association
Registration for fall season is typically open each spring until May 31.
Questions: swysa@hotmail.com
Phone : 360-969-2269
P.O. Box 22
Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284
Northwest United Soccer
The club offers year round soccer for ages U9-U19 for both boys and girls, with all levels from recreational, select and premier teams and leagues.
Sedro-Woolley Youth Football and Cheer
Registration for fall season typically closes in June.
Practices start in August.
Cheer Questions: cheerrep@swyfl.org
Football Questions: contact@swyfl.org
For the Girls SWISH Basketball League (4th-8th Grades), contact Autumn Trannum: (autumnetrannum@gmail.com).
For the Boys SWISH Basketball League (3rd-8th Grades) contact: (woolleyclubhoop@gmail.com).
Sedro-Woolley Little League
Registration for spring typically closes in early February. Baseball/softball.
Questions: sedrowoolleylittleleague@gmail.com
Skagit Valley Flyers Lacrosse
This program offers grades K-12 an opportunity to be introduced to and taught about the amazing sport of lacrosse. The Flyers offer boys, girls and coed programs.
For more information, email svflyers2009@gmail.com.
Sedro-Woolley SteelClaw Youth Wrestling Club
Folkstyle, Freestyle, and Greco wrestling. The club accepts both male and female wrestlers.
Questions: swsteelclawwrestling@gmail.com
Club Hoop
Club Hoop sign ups are in the fall.
Ages: Kindergarten-3rd grade
Contact: clubhoopk3@gmail.com
**Please note that most youth sports are run by volunteer boards of directors. Coaches are most often fellow parents and there is a significant referee shortage amongst almost every sport. Volunteering to coach or training to become a referee is one of the best opportunities a parent or guardian has to stay involved in their child's life through various stages of development!
Volunteering in Our Schools
We are excited that you are interested in volunteering your time for our students and staff in the Sedro-Woolley School District! All volunteers, student-teacher observers, and PTO members must complete several forms and undergo a background check verification.
Complete the required background check paperwork available from the building secretary
Provide a copy of your photo ID
Wait for the background check to be completed and approved
Forms must be turned in and verified by the building secretary.
Reporting Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
The district uses a reporting system for harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) through SafeSchools Alert. Students, parents and community members can report HIB and other unsafe behaviors anonymously through phone, text, email or web. Students, parents and community members should utilize SafeSchools Alert as it creates a record of the report, and each incident must be investigated. Visit https://swsd-wa.safeschoolsalert.com/ to report an incident or use the alternative methods below.
App: Search for “SafeSchools Alert” in the App Store to download for free.
Phone or text to: 1-855-764-8877
Email: 1376@alert1.us
District ID Code: 1376
District Information
The Sedro-Woolley School District has a preschool, seven elementary schools, one middle school and two high schools, averaging more than 4,100 students during the 2023-2024 school year. We proudly serve Sedro-Woolley and its smaller surrounding communities.
Email: swsdcoms@swsd101.org
Website: https://www.swsd.k12.wa.us/
Location: 801 Trail Road, Sedro-Woolley, WA, USA
Phone: 360-855-3500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SedroWoolleySchoolDistrict/
Superintendent — Dr. Miriam Miralles Mickelson
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning — Brian Isakson
Exec. Director, Educational Support Services — Anthony Smith
Exec. Director, Human Resources & Student Support — Daniel Lee
Director, Student Support — Michael Schweigert
Public Information Officer – Ruth Richardson
Transportation Director – Tracy Gugel (360) 855-3504
Food Service Director – Allison Johnston (360) 855-3515
Facilities & Maintenance Director – Michael Stephens (360) 855-3505
School Board of Directors
The five school board members are chosen during November elections, or appointed, to serve overlapping terms of four years each.
Eric A. Johnson, President (District 4)
Dani Baird Russell, Vice President (District 3)
Brent Schiefelbein (District 1)
Board Meetings
Monthly Board Meeting Dates: Second & Fourth Mondays at 6 p.m. or as publicized.
Location: Support Services Building, 317 Yellow Lane or as announced via the website.
For more information, please call: 360-855-3500, check local newspapers or the district website for meeting locations.