Jaguar Journal
August 8, 2024

DuJardin School Information
Location: 166 Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 894-9200
Website: DuJardin Elementary School
Twitter: @D13Jaguars
Attendance Email:(used to report absences): DJAttendance@sd13.org
Office Email:(used for changes to bus/arrival/dismissal): DJOffice@sd13.org
PTO Back to School Bash Tomorrow!
We look forward to welcoming our DuJardin Families with our Back to School Bash tomorrow from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at DuJardin Elementary School. We will have a Dj, Dancing, Games, Face Painters, Glitter Tattoos, Photo Booth, Cotton Candy, Popcorn and Ice Cream! This event is FREE for DuJardin Families - you must have a wristband to enter. IF YOU DID NOT PICK UP YOUR WRISTBANDS AT INFORMATION DAY, PLEASE CHECK IN AT THE TABLE AT THE SCHOOL ENTRANCE!
Message from Principal Haugens
I'm excited to share that our first day of school was a success! It was wonderful to see our students back in the classroom, engaged, and ready to learn. Students demonstrated respect, responsibility, and care for one another, setting a positive tone for the school year. They truly showed what it means to #LeadLikeAJaguar.
Thank you for your support as we begin this new school year together. We look forward to an amazing year ahead! Always reach out to me if I can be of assistance.
Welcome New Staff: We have some new staff who have joined the DuJardin team to ensure we do our best to educate and inspire our students. Mrs. Sarah Marzullo is the new social worker at DuJardin. Her email is sarahmarzullo@sd13.org. Mrs. Tiffany Dworianyn is a new fifth grade teacher. Her email is tiffanydworianyn@sd13.org. Mrs. Kimberly Paleczny is the new Structure teacher for the first few weeks of school. Mrs. Paleczny is not new to the district but new to the position. Her email is kpaleczny@sd13.org. We are excited to Welcome our new staff to the DUJARDIN TEAM.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures: For the safety of all we ask that everyone follow the Arrival & Dismissal procedures. Students should arrive at school between 8:25 am - 8:35 am. We ask that all students be in the classroom before 8:45 am announcements begin. Students are dismissed at 3:30 pm. Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Summer Learning Challenge: DuJardin created a Summer Learning Challenge for students as an optional way to continue their learning over the summer. We discovered that all IXL and LEXIA data were removed from last year, which impacted our ability to track if students completed a Summer Challenge or not. We are going to send something home in the near future for parents to fill out and let us know if students completed any of the Summer Learning Challenges. We will make note of this and improve our Summer Learning Challenge for next school year. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Before & After School Care: The Bloomingdale Park District provides before and after school care. Click here to view more information about before and after school care through the Bloomingdale Park District.
PTO Directory: The PTO puts together a PTO directory with student name, parent name, home address, email address, & phone number. The office will provide this information to the PTO unless we hear otherwise. We have created a google form for parents to notify the office if they prefer directory information not be shared with the PTO or placed in a PTO directory. Click here to access the google document. Parents have until September 1, 2024, to complete the google form.
SD13 Calendar: Click here to access the Bloomingdale School District Calendar. To stay up-to-date related to DuJardin events, click here.
Patrick Haugens
DuJardin Elementary School
Bloomingdale School District 13
PTO News
Back to School Bash Tomorrow!
We look forward to welcoming our DuJardin Families with our Back to School Bash tomorrow from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at DuJardin Elementary School. We will have a Dj, Dancing, Games, Face Painters, Glitter Tattoos, Photo Booth, Cotton Candy, Popcorn and Ice Cream! This event is FREE for DuJardin Families - you must have a wristband to enter. IF YOU DID NOT PICK UP YOUR WRISTBANDS AT INFORMATION DAY, PLEASE CHECK IN AT THE TABLE AT THE SCHOOL ENTRANCE!
Spirit Wear Sale!
Spirit days are the first Friday of every month, get your spirit wear today! The entire website is 30% off until 9/17! Shop here: https://1stplace.sale/31130
PTO Volunteer Survey
Want to get involved? Please click on the survey below if you would like to volunteer for PTO events at DuJardin. This is by no means a contract. Select the events/items that you are interested in and as the event gets closer we will send out an email to you and the individuals who expressed interest in helping. If you can no longer help, it's no big deal. Plans change, things happen; we understand. But signing up now means you will be informed of all of these events as they happen throughout the year. Thank you for your support! **Please note that the Holiday Classroom Party Information and Sign-up survey will go out in September.
Volunteer Survey: https://forms.gle/btw2yo361WJ8eDHu7
PTO Important Dates!
Wednesday, September 4, 5:30 pm - First PTO meeting of the year in the Library
September 17 - 19 - Book Fair
Back to school season is here! The DuJardin PTO is fundraising with Mabel's Labels, makers of personalized waterproof labels for the entire family! Enjoy 15% off name labels now through August 28. Use code: SCHOOL15. Visit campaigns.mabelslabels.com and choose "DuJardin Elementary PTO" from the list. Orders ship directly to your home FOR FREE!
Let's keep the Lost and Found clear this year!
Important Dates
Friday, August 23rd
DuJardin Back to School Event (5:30 pm - 7:30 pm)
Monday, August 26th
First day of school for KDG students
Monday, September 2, 2024
No School
Week of September 2, 2024
MAP Testing for all grade levels (check teacher communication for exact dates/times)
Friday, September 6, 2024
Spirit Day
Message from Nurse Rosero
Required Health Forms:
- Kindergarten: Physical, Dental, & Vision
- 2nd Grade: Dental
- Health Office Website
Student Needs:
Please inform the nurse of any allergies or sensitivities to foods, medications, and environmental allergens. If there are any pertinent details of your students' health that you feel the nurse needs to know, please reach out and discuss this with the school nurse. This information can be helpful to better support your student throughout the day, if certain situations arise.
About Your Student’s Medication:
The district's medication administration policy mandates that all medication to be administered at school requires an MD order, this includes over-the-counter medications. Students may NOT keep over-the-counter meds in their backpacks or in their lockers--including cough drops, Advil, etc. This is an important safety concern! Please review the policy included in the registration process.
If your student requires an inhaler, Epi-Pen, or any oral medication, please obtain the medication form and appropriate health care plan from your physician when your child has their exam. Forms may also be obtained on the district website.
Excused Physical Education Class:
Please note that all PE excuses need to be sent to the Nurse's Office. A parent may excuse a student from PE for up to 3 days. (consecutively) Thereafter, a Doctor's note is required.
Calls home from the Nurse:
Phone calls home are warranted in the event of a head injury, minor or major
All in school sickness including fever of 100.4 (oral) or greater, vomiting and/or diarrhea
Please prepare to keep your child home until:
Fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Vomiting and diarrhea has ceased for a full 24 hours
Please refer to the General Health Guidelines which can be found on the district website
Send a note to school or email your students teacher and office if....
Your child/ren is walking home or being picked up instead of taking the bus
Your child/ren is being picked up by someone other than who is on the pick up list
Your child/ren is going to kids place instead of taking the bus or vice versa
Your child/ren is leaving school early
As always if your child/ren will be absent from school please call the office.
Office Staff Contact Information:
Attendance Email:(used to report absences)
Office Email:(used for changes to bus/arrival/dismissal)
Nurse's Office Contact Information:
Jessica Rosero- jrosero@sd13.org
Birthday Sign
Want a fun way to say “Happy Birthday” to your child or a staff member?
How about having your birthday wishes on the DuJardin school digital sign!
How: Print out this form, complete the correct information below and return it to DuJardin by the 20th of the month before their birthday month. (For example, a November birthday should return the form by October 20th)
Cost: a suggested $5 minimum donation to the DuJardin PTO
Why: Your child or staff member will be surprised and excited to see her/his birthday announced for one week in lights during their birthday month!
Virtual Backpack
The Bloomingdale School District has a Virtual Backpack that is filled with flyers and information from various organizations located throughout Bloomingdale. Please click on the backpack if you are interested in activities or information from outside organizations. Virtual Backpack