WCS Weekly Newsletter
June 14, 2024
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6/17 - Last Day of School for WCS K-8 Students (Dismissal at Noon)
8/28 - WCS Block Party (Save The Date!)
Great things are happening at WCS!
On Thursday, our 7th and 8th grade Boat Builders launched their dory at the Nequasset boat launch! This event was the culmination of a year-long program in woodworking, run by the Maine Maritime Museum. Students learned the history of shipbuilding, and using traditional techniques, were able to make their own wooden stool and toolbox and they collaborated on making the full sized boat. The launch was successful and the boat floats!
Ms. McCauley is entering retirement with a hoot and holler as she finished up an independent project she did with 5th graders this year. They are building bird houses and teaching our school about the birds on campus. This is one of many above and beyond opportunities Ms. McCauley has made happen due to her knowledge of the outdoors, as well as her passion and dedication to learning in all environments. We hope to keep the Outdoor Classroom going when she is off enjoying life with her family, especially the grandkids.
We need your help!
Please CLICK HERE to access our transportation survey for the fall. This survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and will tell us your student's "regular" dismissal plan (be it bus, parent pick up or YCARE.) The information gathered here will be used by the bus office over the summer to create the WCS bus schedules.
Many thanks to our PTA, Volunteers, teachers, 8th grade helpers, and to Mr. Hutchings for another (wildly) successful Field Day! Students enjoyed a day full of fun and energetic activities outside. The weather cooperated and a great time was had by all.
On Tuesday, the annual Science Olympiad took place for all 3rd through 5th graders on the 2nd floor of WCS. Students got to participate in all sorts of STEAM activities throughout the morning, which included everything from Reader's Theater, to building catapults, to creating creatures that can climb to the top of the food chain. It is always a great day that wraps up with 2 highlights: the "Readers Theater" presentation and the beloved, "Egg Drop." Please take the time to ask your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader what they learned and did during the event. It's a fun day that has turned into a great tradition on our 2nd floor.
6th grade hosted an ancient civilizations museum with visitors from all floors and family as well! Students worked hard to complete their projects and present. We look forward to this event every year.
The last day of school for WCS K-8 is Monday, 6/17. It is a half day with dismissal at noon. Buses should be dropping students off at home 3 hours earlier that day.
Report Cards were sent home in backpacks TODAY (Friday, 6/14.)
YCARE will only be offering AM care on the last day of school. All students need a dismissal plan for leaving the building on Monday afternoon.
Monday is the last day to check the Lost & Found! Any unclaimed items will be donated after the last day of school.
The WCS office will be open between 8am and 3pm on Wednesdays throughout the summer!
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.